Eyezonmii's forum posts
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Okay now your grasping for straws, I've come to the conclusion that your original post was to make the PS3 sound bad, i honestly think you don't own one. Just doesn't make much sense to me. Have a nice day/night. Truth_Hurts_U
My PSN ID is Morbid Gamer
Look it up.
Plus here is an old photo when I first bought my PS3.
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]You don't own a PS3 do you? And if you do, WOW....lay down that much cash for a system that has bored you for 1/2 years, you obviously don't care for bluray (since you would have mentioned it) and all the games suck, according to you... Sounds kinda fishy. Truth_Hurts_U
Only good use I found for my PS3 is to play PS2 and PS1 games. I never owned and PS2 or PS1 before.
Okay now your grasping for straws, I've come to the conclusion that your original post was to make the PS3 sound bad, i honestly think you don't own one and if you do, your probably some rich guy who got one out of curiousity. Just doesn't make much sense to me....but whatever, Have a nice day/night.FALSE. Those added Millions come from the the 360 debuting a YEAR earlier and RROD system's that people needed to rebuy. The PS3 has also outsold the 360 in the same time frames, when compared here and there, PS3 is a doing very well (not that you doubted that, but i'm just saying). Tons of great game and the only system to have a AAAAE title, among many great exclusives and titles. The price is also a bargain when you consider the bluray player. Its up to your tastes in software and if your a movie buff, etc.Well 360 is leading PS3 in global sales by 8 million.
Clearly the 360 is more popular in the real world.....Id say be a conformist and go with the majority.
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]So you watched videos of those games before a PS3 purchase and said OMFG....that is insane, look how cool that plays and looks, (lays down a lot of cash for a PS3) comes home, plays it and go'es....THIS SUCKS? gotcha. Truth_Hurts_U
I read reviews, seen videos and tested these games in stores. Playing, seeing and reading samples of games never gives you the full picture to you buy them.
I'm sorry, you can't undrestand. Fanboys will be fanboys.
Wait wait, you played the games in stores, i presume DEMO's..correct? you got a taste of the game, played it...LIKED it so much and bought it...then said wow, this game sucks? Now i get it.[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Then why did you buy the PS3, you didn't consider the games PS3 had and will have, before a purchase? Guess next time you should research the console's software and if they INTEREST you, before a purchase. Unless this is a PS3 hate thing. Truth_Hurts_U
I bought it for Resistance, Motorstorm, Heavenly sword, LBP, KZ2, GOW III and Lair.
To bad they all suck... Just hoping KZ2 and GOW III doesn't.
I did my research and heard the hype. To bad I got suckered in.
So you watched videos of those games before a PS3 purchase and said OMFG....that is insane, look how cool that plays and looks, (lays down a lot of cash for a PS3) comes home, plays it and go'es....THIS SUCKS? gotcha.[QUOTE="xchiefmegadethx"][QUOTE="Truth_Hurts_U"]Yeah true my mate had a ps3 for so long and never touched it...Yes, KZ2 is shaping up well... But I still have no love for my PS3. Had it for over 1 1/2 years and it has been nothing but boredom since.
I just hope Sony's 30-40 million dollar investment is good and it doesn't have me regretting buying another $60 coaster.
but killzone looks so good...so ill blow $800 onit,might regret it but who cares life goes on
yay for buying a PS3 for a linear ass shooter that looks good! post a pic of your retail K2 copy..please.
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