This is gonna be an all looks, little substance game if you ask me just like the first Killzone I smell A-AA...quote me. It'll be a system wars bet. If not I'll take a pic of me in my underwear or something stupid. Toriko42
People need to take think about the draw distrances, level size, textures and package as a whole....U2 might boost better textures, it also has less blur and things look more crisp and sharp, etc. Killzone 2 kills it in terms of ligthing and character models, etc...but there is more to it. Gotta wait untill both are out. You can't judge yet.
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]what immersion, screw miss out on so much, when its confined to just the players eyes, its just boring and repetitive. I do enough of that in the real world, THAT immersion is laughable. Its best told as a movie form, its much more interesting and more can be shown. AAllxxjjnn
Well ok, video games will never be taken seriously as an art form when it's storytelling and emotional moments come from emulation of movies. I mean isn't that what every gamer complains about? "Oh Roger Ebert is an idiot know nothing! games are art!" Not completely. It's like watching The Dark Knight and then the movie stops and makes you read about the chase scene. Or read dialog exchanged between Batman and The Joker. lol, did u forget about the GAMEPLAY?
[QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"] So,you'd rather be taken out of the game? Cutscenes really don't have the same effect as being in the moment, not outside it watching. That's kinda lame for video games to do. And, i don't have a problem with cliff hanger endings.AAllxxjjnn
Don't start with the in-game>cutscenes because from a storytelling point is not true. HL is one of my favorite but it's way of telling the story even though it feels kinda fresh, it's broken since you miss out so much. Also what's the difference between watching a cutscene and staying in a confined room while listening to a character explain things to you? Other than you can jump around in the later one.
What's the difference? You're taken out of the game, and thrown into a movie, that's the difference. It breaks immersion. That's way more effective than pulling you out of the action and showing that plane crash in a cut scene. You feel more like you are there. what immersion, screw miss out on so much, when its confined to just the players eyes, its just boring and repetitive. I do enough of that in the real world, THAT immersion is laughable. Its best told as a movie form, its much more interesting and more can be shown.
totally agree, its just stupid...same goes for the overall storys these days, i hate games like HL where your in the eyes of the player constantly, i want dramatic and action packed cutscenes and want to see the player progress and tell there story. Ending's are just as important, you want to feel rewarded after playing so much.
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