Slightly off subject, but when did she start going by "Caro"? I figured it was Petit, just curious....
I'm one of those people that doesn't mind the ending being spoiled. In fact, I'm installing on my 360 as I watch this vid. From the comments, it almost sounds like this game is one long ass "Fringe" episode.... Oh well, I've gone to work without sleeping before!
Wow.... And at the end of the day, the games I want to play on the Wii U are still coming, and the games I'll want to play on Sony or MS's next system will still be there as well.
Since I don't know what happened, or what the costumes looked like, I'm left with this article. What I want to know is if the girls DOING all of this felt like they were being objectified, or did they just take the money because it was A JOB THEY CHOSE TO DO? Also, did Romero and Kazemi resign because of how they felt about the party, or because they had something to do with the party.
@ghuiaai You do realize that all of theses "Age of Wushu" plugs are just going to make people hate a game they've never played, right? Or is that you're original intent?
@VarietyMage THANK YOU!!! When I heard about the "consumers might be confused with the TV series of the same name" fiasco, I almost flipped! Someone should have been there in the first place to say "Hey, we have a game totally unrelated in concept with the same name!" Don't know whether to blame that on MS or Rare, but you get my point.
The problem isn't the "big publishers", the problem is the "big publishers" that also bought all of the great development teams/companies and aren't doing anything with them. Prime example; MS buying Rare wasn't that bad, except for us Ninty fans, but not doing anything relevant with them was.
@mboettcher It was a discussion based on religion. That means that any changes made were based on ONE person's interpretation of their religion. I'm not saying that it's right or wrong, better or worse. But I'm a person that go tired of the church at an early age. My opinions are not going to line up with someone who has decided to live their life that way. We may both agree on many goals, but our paths to get there are not going to be the same. That's how I felt when Levine made his announcement.
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