@faizanhd It also makes people renting the game first judge it more harshly. If I hate certain aspects of a game I bought, I suck it up knowing I'd lose $20 in a trade-in. With rental games, I'll return it after less than 2 hours (RE6), and try again after I can borrow it, or it goes on sale USED.
As much as people say RE6 sucked, i found it tolerable after I had a chance to play it again on my own time, not Redbox's.
"its phenomenal final minutes, which are bound to be discussed and dissected for some time to come."
All I can say is that Levine scared me a few weeks ago when he admitted that the ending had been altered after speaking with the artist that almost quit. Going to go though this game with a fine toothed comb.....
@silvergol Actually, most other sites I've seen say SE didn't meet expectations, not just TR, or their title of the article focuses on Wada stepping down.
@Grenadeh But there are some of us 35 year olds that were never that impressed to get a PS when FF7 came out. My brother loved it, I hated it, and we both had been involved in a love affair with FF3/6. Even though I have no problem playing older games on even older systems, I'd give a FF7 remake a fresh start.
Personally, I think SE is afraid to release a FF7 remake because, if successful, it would prove they haven't done anything relevant with their best franchise in over 16 years. Seriously, it must hurt that people are asking you more for a remake of an old game than they are of your next project.
@tom_cat_01 I tried it for a few weeks, then bought a 15inch LCD from the pawnshop just for my older systems. The only thing better than that was a commodore monitor I used to use.
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