@charlieholmes Looking back at my gaming purchases, I've bought more new games for my Nintendo systems in the past few months than for my 360, but I've rented more for games for the 360. Now, I'm not saying that Nintendo has better games, but the ones I play do seem to have more replay value for SP. My 360 collection has a few shooters in it, but I never really play the MP aspect. I had Halo 3 for years before I even tried out the MP. Had a good weekend with it, haven't touched it again since.
But, MP/online play is the "in" thing right now. It's so popular, that companies will leave out features in pseudo sequels to improve it.
I play games like SFIV against others online, but still like to play through the SP portion with every character, just to see their ending. In the jump from SFIV to SSFIV, they improved the online, but felt the need to take out the feature that let you watch the intros and endings for characters you beat the game with. Thought they would bring it back with A.E., but no luck. Not a major problem for most, but sucks for me. It meant that after I finished the game with Zangief, and I felt confident enough to play online, I needed to switch games just to play against the newer characters. No knocking Capcom on this one, but it shows where the focus was concerning the future of the series.
@Humdinger80 NintendoLand, AC3, Trine 2, Neo Nano assault, Puddle, Darksiders II, Samuaria Warriors Orochi 3, and I'm I'm sure I'm missing something. I'm enjoying it as much as I can. Sure, there could be more games on the system, but I've had that problem from all launches except for the Dreamcast, and that didn't mean squat.
I may want to eat at Waffle House once a week (not really, more like 5x's) but since I live an hour and a half away from one, it's really not that great of any idea for me to do so. But when I do manage to get there once a month, I love it so much I tell everyone about it for a week. No real point here, just an observation....
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