@Deadly_Nemesis No one wants to admit that this is pretty much a "2.0" upgrade generation, because then they would also have to admit that Nintendo didn't have such a bad idea with the Wii U. All they did was clean up some mistakes from the Wii, made it a bit more powerful (in some ways) than current gen, and said, "Here you go".
" But the biggest and most controversial theory behind an always-on console is that it will block used game sales."
That may be a big issue, but I'm more afraid of those freak storms texas gets, where the power lines are fine, but my cable and phone are screwed up. Block used game sales all day long, I'll just buy less games, play my older systems longer, and/or start playing more games on PC.
@leviathanwing @PSBEATSALLDEAL @Alf Not really. As much as I loved the second movie, it ran a bit long near the end. Like Peter Griffin said of the first movie, " It insists upon itself.".
I never owned any of their previous games, mainly because my PS2 was used as an RPG work horse, but the ones I played were usually top notch. I'll go out on a limb and buy Fuse if the demo grabs my attention. As long as the DLC (they may no microtransactions, but I'm sure they'll offer something) they provide is meaningful, they'll have a fan for life.
Ok, just came back from Thurrot's site, and it's kinda sad......
It seems that the article itself, and many of the comments following, don't really have a clue as to why gamers are upset about this. In particular, they seem oblivious to the article (found at Kotaku, referenceb by Gamespot), that states "If the connection is interrupted then after a period of time--currently three minutes, if I remember correctly--the game/app is suspended and the network troubleshooter started.".
That means that either that feature is something only for the dev kits, or the information itself is false. The current Xbox is always on-line right now, as long as you have it connected. How else in the hell does it download games after I turn the system off? The Wii/Wii U is also "always on-line", but if I were to lose service for whatever reason, I can still use those systems. As I said in another comment, imagine the PSN blackout, but this time you can't use your system AT ALL. That's what gamers are afraid of. But if that isn't the case, then bring it the fudge on!!!!!!!!!!!
But, these are just the ramblings of an old gamer. I remember when "save states" were codes you had to write down that were three paragraphs long........
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