@andrew_ribbons I brought up laptops because, at the time of my post, the biggest reply to people that said "you might as well get a laptop" was "but it doesn't have a touch screen"
Trust me, I'd love to see more competition in the tablet arena, I just don't see this price point helping.
Your opinion if OO is acceptable though. Personally, I don't have a need for the entire Office suite, and OO does everything I need it to do, including use of office files.
And I'm from the US, I had to look up exactly what you meant by "saloon". I thought you just had a bad auto correct that replaced "saloon" for "sedan".
@hangman000 Hate to agree, but he almost had a slight point. It wasn't worth $600 at the time unless you really wanted a BR player. 7+ years later, we found out that $600 was the entry fee for keeping BC.
Other than the weight and screen rez, they had i5's and i7's. I haven't used Office since I tried out Open Office on Ubuntu. My point was to address the many comments only talking about the touch screen.
I'll put this in a way you can understand: Did you google touch screen laptop? I can tell you didn't, because you could only "somehow doubt it." It's my fault though, I didn't really say what point I was trying to make.
And if your family needs a saloon, you shouldn't be driving......
Some of you are either going to shut up, or try to come back with something witty.....
Simple Google search came back with 13 touch screen laptops from $499 to $999, all with at least 500gb HD, available at Best Buy alone. Yes, I'll take 6 more pounds, and less resolution for less than $900, Alex.
Nope, the Wii U isn't perfect. But right now, I'm having fun, so who gives a crap? I'll enjoy it the same way I enjoy owning a Sega Saturn and a Dreamcast(IE systems doomed from the start). I hoping even more so, especially since I still have both of them hooked up to a TV and play when my 360 just isn't doing anything for me at the moment.
FallenOneX's comments