@DrKill09 "needed to buy a $30 adapter to use an ethernet cable"
You needed to spend $30 or more to make the first FEW 360's wireless.......... Are you really in a place that doesn't have Wi-Fi? You must have cords all over the place then......
@BlueTurtz The Wii was amazing in its' own right, just like the 360 and the PS3 are excellent consoles. All three had their problems, some more noticeable than others. Yeah, the Wii U will be behind MS and Sony's next systems technically, but that's going to be a given considering the distance between release dates. Most of us aren't expecting a miracle with the Wii U, just some good games we can't find anywhere else.
So many people hate the Wii U so much that they took the time to express their feelings here. I wish I had nothing better to do than to complain all day about something I supposedly didn't plan to buy.....
@SavageEvil You had me until your opinion of Hulu. No, I get your point; It's kind of crazy to pay to watch network shows. But I can watch show "XYZ" at 3am on Saturday if I want, even when it originally airs on Thursdays at 7pm. Unless I have a DVR, the only other way to watch it when I want to is 6 months later after it hits DVD or BR. $8 a month is a small price to pay to either catch up on favorite shows, or find new ones I never would have watched.
@BabyD117 I love seeing games get a low score, then when the sequel is announced, game sites say gamers didn't give the first one a fair shake. Why in the hell would I rush out and buy a game you said was crap!
@IAMTYLERDURDEN Sorry about the double post (damn edit button....), but do you see what I'm saying? It's OK to hate certain parts of a game and still love the whole.
@IAMTYLERDURDEN Again, I hate having a tailing mission where I already know where the person I'm following is going to go. If I already know where something is happening, why do I need to follow someone to get there? That was my point, and people somehow figured I hated everything about a game I've never played.
I'll put it this way; Think of a food you hate to eat. If there was a function you had to attend that was only going to serve that food, would you be "dying" to go? Even if all your friends were going, and it was going to be the best event in the world, would you really be that excited about that aspect of it?
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