@Granpire ""One of the ways Sportsfriends moves beyond typical video games is by appealing to people who don't usually play games."
How is this approach different that what Nintendo tried to do? And BTW, I was talking more about the quote I used, hence the reason I started with it. I'm not bashing the company for going that route, I was just saying that it really isn't doing anything that hasn't been done before. Are they really moving "beyond typical video games"? No, because someone has already done that. I could have used the iPod/iPad/any other device or tablet that plays more casual games, but I used the Wii because they were talking about a game for a console.
I brought up the Wii U because obviously somebody was listening, that's why they're releasing a system that the world knows will be outdated (in comparison to competing consoles) in probably less than a year. If they truly didn't care about public opinion, we wouldn't be seeing a new console for another year.
We just seem to have different opinions about this article. I do enjoy this healthy debate that hasn't turned into a name calling cry baby fest though. Live long and prosper, Granpire.
@Kickable I laughed when I saw your comment! We lived on a military base, and she had no problem with us going to the arcade at the PX, even though the same kids that played in the arcade in town also played in the same damned arcade on base!
"one community member raised concerns about kids dealing drugs in the arcade,"
I had a Mom like that, she always heard "rumors" of the "bad kids doing bad things" at the arcade. Funny thing is, that never stopped her from making us go to school......
@Granpire Nothing at all, but look at how much crap they had to put up with while doing it. And I never said it didn't keep MY interest, I've never even played the game. I stick by my original analogy; It will probably do well (hopefully), but many people will be done with it quickly.
@VenkmanPHD Also agree with you totally. As an adult gamer, I still find that I enjoy having friends over and enjoying an all night gaming session. I have a friend that semi works with the gaming industry (game guides). As much fun as we have playing over XBL, I cherish the times we meet at someone's house and play Capcom fighting games online and pass the stick around even more.
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