They're already either porting older games or making new content for the system, but don't even know if FFXV could run on the system.....
Not a dig at SE (really, testing something like that takes considerable time and resources, they honestly might not know), but if this is how they are supposedly dealing with the system, it looks like 3rd party support (when it comes to ports) is really going to hinge on hardware sales or if they have the interest in the first place.
I had heard nothing good about chapter 13, and now that I am there i see why. Best way to sum it up are the tailing missions that pop up in GTA. Not really that hard, but annoying enough to piss you off if you just want to finish the stage.
@pointingmonkey: Just my HO, but I think it comes to having to write vs wanting to write. You can dream up ideas all day long on your own time, but when a studio wants a rough draft in two weeks..... I can see the fun being sucked out of your job.
@marticus: "President Obama repealed a long-standing executive order known as “Wet Foot/Dry Foot,” which allowed all Cubans legally touching U.S. soil to stay here illegally."
Not issuing a ban, repealing a long-standing order. With Trump in office you should be used to the semantics game. Not a dig at the POTUS, just a fact.
@doctor_mg: But how many people would be willing to play a 720p version of AAA game XYZ (assuming that scaling down the graphics could allow them to make the same game, not a gimped port)? I wouldn't care, but I've found that many people are too focused on what something can't do as opposed to what it can.
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