@noshotskill: Streaming boxes have been a huge success, that's why there's so many variants of them. Parents will buy these (if they haven't already bought one or given them the old one when they upgraded) because they do have Netflix and Hulu, and it's cheaper than getting another cable box for a room. Also, if my kid is going to watch movies, I'd rather a small box be on all day than a console. Just my opinion though, plenty of other parents choose other options.
It may keep the majority away, but not as many as you would think. At first I thought that this article would have nothing to offer me, until I remembered gaming in HS. Back then I had a job and a PC that could play games, but went to the Grandparents every weekend almost. Years later, I get married and spent many weekends with the in-laws. I gladly would have spent $25 to get a few hours in even if it wasn't on my system. Especially as a kid, our parents were the ones where you couldn't lay games during the week, and only until 6 on Sunday AFTER a day of church.
@wolfpup7: Then what are the specs of the Switch, and why did they say they would port it over if there was a huge demand? Can't port over something the system can't run.
@sellingthings: Sure SOMEONE could, but those films were a "bust" for Universal and they haven't wanted to touch the property again. The best we can hope for is that Sony makes a ton of money from their deal with Disney for the new Spider-Man film. Fox probably won't budge given the properties they have, but Universal could be convinced.
@dynamitecop:The technical reason aren't actually all that clear. Prime Example: ME3. ME3 ported to the Wii U, but not the other two games which had just been released at a reduced price on the 360 and PS3 months prior. Even if the Switch is capable of running ME:A, there's no install base to gauge how well it would sell. It could be the best game ever made, but everyone that buys a launch Switch isn't guaranteed to buy it, especially if they have a PS4 or XB1.
If they just don't have any plans to port the game, that's one thing. The system can't handle it and they can't say just yet is totally different. hoping for the former.
@sellingthings: Universal holds the rights to solo Hulk films, Marvel can only use the character in combination with others aka Avengers or a team up with other Marvel characters.
@BruceWayneJr: How so? Do you think that they would have let him just do whatever he wanted because he was Robin Williams? I think he would have given a good performance, but the really funny parts would have been put on disc as bonus features.
@kyelo: I think we're just in a British groove right now when it comes to our entertainers. Remember the "Latin Explosion" a few years ago? Half of the people they were hyping up were already famous (or at least in the industry), they just happened to release a song or film that we liked in the U.S. For awhile, Australians ruled the U.S. box office.
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