Seems like a good game that I'm just not into right now. Glad to hear they're making improvements. I'll probably give it a try the next time I have a few days off in a row.
"It looks particularly strange when compared to Microsoft's Sea of Thieves demo, which showed genuine reaction and gameplay clips from prominent YouTube personalities."
I haven't seen the Ubisoft presentation yet, but this quote does explain why I thought the MS demo mentioned seemed so fake/overdone.
I don't think Sony needed to mention Neo as much as MS needed to show off some part of Scorpio. At the end of the day, we now know the same amount of information for each system with no games to show for it. From this E3 on, they're on equal ground as far as public knowledge. No exact dates, no prices, only specs to debate about.
I was all set to rip someone a new one until I realized how many people just read the titles of articles and then repeat it as full facts. The XB1 S is capable of 4K VIDEO, the Scorpio will do 4K games as well. I can see people still being confused for the next 3 months.
Call me crazy, but I wouldn't mind replaying FFXIII with the gambit system. I don't think the system would work very well outside of that one area you do a lot of quests/hunts in, but I was not a real fan of parts of the Paradigm system.
And I get it, some of you hate micromanaging. Some of us enjoy the torture because of the control it gives, or at least fools us into believing we have.
@psn_m1nat3k: Importing, now there's something I didn't think about. I haven't done that since I got a BR player, because my last DVD (upscaling bought in 2005) player would play any region.
@Mogan: Great question! Would the extra years of no SW's films have boosted the sales, or is it the fact that so many people disliked the last Lucas films they jumped on the Disney one? Hell, would Disney have listened more to Lucas' story ideas if he hadn't made I-III?
FallenOneX's comments