@7tizz: Had they been at a bar and an argument started, I would say 40 years is too much. These idiots planned on at least robbing him in the first place, 40 years is just about right.
@Verenti: I would say these were some of the best questions asked by Gamespot. The only thing I know about Sweet is that she works with developers and developing their ecosystem, and provides funding to developers that are looking to jump into VR.
@nikolistary: Voice to text, and spell check won't catch it. Not saying that's the case here, but I'm willing to throw them a bone every once in a while.
@Faye_Tallity: Supposedly, MS had been wanting to get into the console business for some time, but had no luck until Sega came asking for an OS. Can't remember which book or interview I read, but some Sega guys said that MS was asking a lot of questions when helping with the DC, but they didn't think anything of it until the Xbox was announced.
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