@Lamesy: "Not even close unless you need new" is what I said, and I also found the game new for $49.99 as well.
Yep, my comment still makes sense even if you bring into account the original post. Especially when he responded to someone else, "No where in my post does it say I NEED my games to be new." Maybe you should have looked it up yourself before you took the time to try and say something to me that the original poster didn't....
The only thing they could have brought to the table was making a handheld that played Xbox console games on the go. I can't see them paying for more exclusives back then either.
@PS2fweak: Pretty much the only reason to look into the S. If you want 4K gaming, you're going to have to wait for the Scorpio or Neo, and if you already have an XB1, the only thing you're missing is the size of the unit, HDR, and the UHD.
I have the PS4, care more about 4K films than games, and this $400 player "comes" with an XB1 built in. With all that being said, I will agree that the amount of people focusing only on the UHD is probably small.
Would have rather bought the 1TB SKU, but release is so close to my B-day that I think I can swing it as a gift. I put up half and I know it's a done deal.
I know someone has already done the math or knows the site that has how much all the DLC has cost already. Might be one f my first purchases when I pick up an S.
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