"Aiming the weapon component of your multitool is finicky enough to make these encounters more of an annoyance than an enjoyable challenge."
Been playing this game since early Wednesday, haven't even tried using the weapon, I just blast the sentinels with the mining beam. The fact that I haven't even felt a need to play with it yet means that I'll probably get my $60 out of this game before I come close to finishing it. I bought a AAA game for about $20 on sale a month or so ago that will probably never live up to that $20.
When Overwatch and Battleborn both released in May, I figured there was going to be a winner and a loser. Not because either one was going to be "worse" than the other, but the fact that they were similar enough to each other that casual fans of the genre would just flip a coin. Glad to see that T2 still plans to stand behind their game, the longer it' out the better chance it has to attract more players.
Gamespot says "The exploit that allowed early players to complete the game in around 30 hours has also been removed."
Hello Games says "People using these cheats were ruining the game for themselves, but people are weird and can't stop themselves."
I say that someone from HG should secretly thank the guy that paid $1000 to play early and found those exploits. Had they not been found out until after release, we'd all be reading the article titled "No Man's Sky Broken" by this time next week. The only thing I can compare it to is Destiny bugs that people were using, and gaming sites were posting articles on how to do it while also warning you that Bungie would be fixing the problem soon so get it while you can.
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