@BrokutheMighty: The first few episodes were decent, but then I was late getting home from work one day and forgot to record the show and the game. Tried to go back after hearing MM was on it.... didn't work out.
And there's no apostrophe in the crossover title (worlds finest vs world's finest). IGN pointed that out in there coverage of the future episode. Supposedly it was done on purpose.
Sounds interesting, and as a person that didn't really enjoy the series enough to go out and buy every game as soon as it was released (but pick it up at a later date), it almost seems promising. But I hate DLC unless it's necessary, and Tell Tale not doing this episodic game falls into that category. As an OG gamer (that usually hates to stomp on progress), making a game like Hitman episodic irritates me enough to not even want to play, until companies wear down and it's either free or packaged as a full "game".
I'm not saying that this won't be a fun experience, I'm just explaining why I'm not on the train.
I just want it to be fun to play for an extended period of time. Give me a game that I can either spend 34+ hours playing the main game (some side quests), or spend just about twice that doing other stuff that has no real being on the story, but fun to do. Haven't had a chance to play through the demo after the update, guess I could do that until it starts.
I knew there was another FC game being made, but this is the first article I've actually read about it. The premise sounds a bit silly, but I grew up with a plumber that went down pipes to an underground world to jump on turtle/duck hybrids and walking mushrooms: Who am I to judge?
@brewskimi: I'd rather convince them that my 17 year old made a dumb mistake, and work out payment plan that he would be responsible for.
I don't know what it's like in Canada, but I know those companies can a bitch to deal with in the U.S. once you have a fraudulent charge removed. The worst ones have a message sent to the store to confirm a charge over the phone the next few times you make a significant purchase, and nothing pisses people off more than being embarrassed about their finances at a checkout. Call to complain, and they remind you that the card was once used improperly, and that they are in fact providing great customer service to make sure it didn't happen again.
@juboner: The CBC article states the father gave him the card for emergencies or to buy things for their convenience store. A lot of companies don't call about their customers business cards.
@Kungfu_Kenobi: "I'm saying few reading this need to know that stuff."
WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!!!! Many of the readers of this site are teenagers! It is of the utmost importance that they know that in 2016, you can still pretend to a total idiot (and not worry about it!!!), and with the right parents you'll never face consequences.
@dramaticlookguy: IMHO, EA and MS should agree to post his transaction history. If the father truly wants other parents to "learn this lesson" he should have no issues agreeing.
FallenOneX's comments