Maybe now, someone will listen. The Xbox One (so far) is an impressive machine. Are the motion controls and audio commands worth the extra $100 is the real question here. The Project Spark demo I've shown to friends is a hit, the pricing slows them down.
I didn't know that there was even a doubt about this. I know fans had something to say when Square merged with Enix, but I didn't worry about Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest being under the same roof.
I enjoy going down to Gamestop and arguing with the guy behind the counter, you get to see what new idiot they hired. Plus, physical games go on sale more frequently than digital releases. BTW, I'm talking about consoles, the PC gamers I know that still buy games from a store don't go to GS that often.
I've never completely agreed on that statement when it's about updated arcade games. I've been M.A.M.E. gaming for a few years now, and I abuse the hell out of the offering. Put the game on its' hardest setting, and then count how many continues I use. I'm happier when I take a "score" down to 14 from 20 than when I first beat the game at 32!
However, I do see the need for that to be a noted point in a review. People with rose colored glasses forget how short some games were back then, and how much money they were originally designed to take from you. Great review, waiting on the Wii U version to release....
FallenOneX's comments