Personal opinion of an Old School gamer following.....
Since the realm of exclusives has changed since I started gaming, they don't really a factor into my console decisions, aside from Nintendo (they're usually cheaper, and you really can't beat too many of their first party efforts). That leaves me with MS vs Sony, and who has more features that I will never use. As long as the price difference isn't too great, I'm buying the one with less crap to wade through.
So in other words, Take-Two's stance on used games i that as long as everyone is getting screwed, it's fine. It sounds a little harsh (or rather my interpretation of TT's word may sound harsh), but he's got a damned good point.
Here's the problem: Now I don't know what to believe. While I don't doubt that MS would at the very least entertain this (rumoured) business model, I HIGHLY doubt they would do so before coming to an agreement with third party publishers. That's precedent for a lawsuit so big it wouldn't even make it to court, the outcome would be Take TwoSoft; the result of MS owing Take Two so much money, they'd just sell themselves to the company, and Bill gates wakes up with "Oprah" money! There wouldn't be any other lawsuits, there wouldn't be anything left.
@Egg99 IGN??? Now I know you're crazy! I'll deal with ads if I don't have to wait 3+ years for someone to figure out that a top 10 list doesn't have to span 12 web pages.
@Uiltetwr @wouldYouKindly4 Do not, for one second, try and presume that I was comparing the YLOD to the RROD SIR! I have two dead 360's in a closet, and I used to think the YLOD was a myth, made up by MS zealots that were jealous!
@sagejonathan I bought the non-TE version, and switched out the stick and buttons. I would have left the buttons alone, but the person who gave me advice on the replacement stick said he had a few extra Sanwa's, and the original "B" button would activate if I did a movement too hard. I still wish I had gotten the TE when they first came out though.
@plaintomato Since they (XBL games) won't cross over, I won't be getting rid of my 360. There weren't that many games for the 360 that I own that I can't live without, so selling it and those games will help fund my next console purchase. I normally keep all of my systems, but I just don't feel the urge to this time. At least one of the sticks (a custom one) works perfectly with M.A.M.E., I'm just not sure about the Madcatz stick. That's the one that I actually took the time to mod myself, so I'm never getting rid of it!
@skiggy29 Console doesn't have to be shown to know it's coming out, and I'm not understanding your tea analogy, because in my example I already have a cup, OF TEA.
It could literally be a pile of shit, but as long as I slide the disc between the logs and play a game, I'll say "That's some cool shit!". I know that they said the focus wouldn't be on games, so that only left the kinect features and the box to look at to make me interested; It didn't work. I own a 360, and the new features alone don't impress me. I also don't own that many exclusive for my 360, so they could show Halo's 5-25 and GOW 10 as launch titles, and I still wouldn't care. Forza looked great, I'll leave it at that.
" Also the VERY small lineup Sony did show was NOT at all that appealing. They may as well just waited for E3 like Microsoft said they were doing."
You know when you were trying to be funny with your tea analogy in reference to my original comment? I already stated that I didn't think the games were that appealing. And why should Sony have waited until E3? To show us a box? NINTENDO gave more detailed specs of the Wii U, NINTENDO!!!!! If you're going to have an event that focuses on on the machine, but decide to show a few trailers to get us excited for E3, show us something worth looking at.
FallenOneX's comments