@forbiddenmow I was being serious. Property squatters are, like you said, generally scum.
Domain squatters are usually dreamers hoping that out of the 20 or so sites they register, one will eventually pay off. I like to think of them more as idiots that still like to remember stories from the late 90's when companies used to go out of their way to pay for those domain names. While it may be legal, and they should be compensated, they should also have to face the fact that they only did it to try and make money.
I'm not talking about the people that have their own site that they actually maintain, and then a company comes along and says, "hey, that domain name might confuse people with a new product we're releasing with a similar name". I'm talking about the people that (hypothetically) register names like "FF16/FFXVI.com or .net, knowing that there is more than likely a Square Enix game being made that will eventually make that domain name valuable. Those people know exactly what they're doing, and it's just as bad as living in a house you don't own or pay rent for, and then getting mad when the real owners show up.
@forbiddenmow er... it's also a term used for people have something and just hold on to it. Should I have said "domain hoarder" so you wouldn't be confused, or do you only know one use of the word?
Look, I understand why many of you hate "domain squatters", but why waste your time? They bought it, they own it, and if someone else wants to buy it, they should pay.
When gamers say it, we're crazy, delusional, and told by editors that we're overreacting to "what could happen". Someone involved in government says the same thing, and by the power of Grayskull, it's now a small, yet valid issue.
I think the deluxe bundle with either switch pack-ins or add an eShop game/credit before we receive a price cut. Too much money still being made from Wii sales to slash the prices just yet. Not their best system, but already better than their worst.
@Fernin-Ker We'll just have to agree to disagree. I'm commenting based on my experiences, and those of people I associate with that are into PC gaming. While an extra $350 is nothing to laugh off, neither is $650 in the first damned place, to ME. I just don't picture that many people buying a $650 card that aren't used to paying a high amount for what they consider a "premium" product.
"Further more this isn't a product aimed at gamers with smaller budgets, that's the market of the x60ti and x70 cards. The 780 and titan are for people with bigger budgets."
Maybe that's where we really disagree, and that's my fault. I'M that guy with a smaller budget, and for $650, I'd build the best damned $650 PC NewEGG, Tigerdirect, Amazon, and Ebay could buy, with free shipping! For me it's not a "well, it's only an extra $350" situation, its more of a "well if I'm going to spend $650, might as well save up a few more bucks" type of deal.
@Fernin-Ker What I was saying is that if you're willing to spend $650, then you're the type of person that would also spend the $1000. It's not that big of a price difference, especially if there is an upgrade in performance.
I'll admit, I hated on the Xbox One reveal. After watching this video, my stance has hardly changed. If the systems are this close in capability, I don't care about kinect, and the only real difference is exclusives, I'll give Sony a chance this gen. To be honest, the last few games I've bought for my 360 have been Live or third party games, and since the Live games won't carry over, I won't need to pay for Live anymore. Hell, if the Vita gets a price cut by then, I'm set!
I'm not ruling out the purchase of MS's next system, just saying which one I'm leaning towards trying first. Price is still a factor, and..... well, I guess I don't really have anything after that. Sony gets the price right and it's a date!
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