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FelisLeo1980 Blog

78 hours of CoD4 and still going strong

I've now played Call of Duty 4 online for 78 hours and still going strong. I hope that update comes soon, because especially the sniper bug is really starting to annoy me.

I have 16 games in my shelf just waiting to be played, but mostly I just spend my time either with Gears of War (co-op) or Call of Duty 4 (multiplayer). Gaming is at its best when playing with a group of friends.:)

I need a new copy of Assassin's Creed

I bought from a local Game Stop my copy of a shiny tin case of Assassin´s Creed and after the tutorial the game ended, because "game disc cannot be read".

This is the first that I have problems with Xbox360 games´ discs. I hope this will be the last time...:?

Call of Duty 4 is not better or worse than Halo 3

Now I´ve played through the Single Player Campaign in Call of Duty 4, which took around 5 to 7 hours and about 20 hours of Multiplayer.

Both games have their weaknesses and in the end I say that they are equally good, but each in their own way.

Stay tuned for my review of Call of Duty 4.

100 reviews online

My hundredth review is now online and the honor goes to Xbox360 game Lost Planet.

It took almost a year, but now I´ve done it.8)

Call of Duty 4 better than Halo 3?

Today I started to play multiplayer on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and so far I must say that maybe, just maybe, it´s better than Halo 3´s multiplayer.

Let´s see how this strange feeling will develop when I have the chance to play some more.:|

Waiting for Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 for the Wii

In January 2008 Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 for the Wii will be released in Europe and this is the first time since Medal of Honor: Rising Sun that I´m actually looking forward to play this new member in the Medal of Honor franchise. Why? For two reasons: The Wii´s unique controls and the 32-player multiplayer mode.

Call of Duty 3 and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption already showed that a first person shooter can work on Wii and this new MoH: Heroes 2 should have good controls in it. If so then it is a game worth playing unlike Far Cry Vengeance for example. You can read my review about that disaster if you wish.

I was so disappointed, when I noticed that there is no multiplayer what so ever in Call of Duty 3 or in Metroid Prime 3. I was so anxious to be able to play online against other people by using the Wii´s motion sensor controls that being able to do that in MoH: Heroes 2 is in itself enough reason to buy it. And with 32 players, when Halo 3 has only 16... I think it´s gonna be great, if there are 31 other players besides me who think the same way.

Finished the fight on Legendary

It took 5 hours, but me and 3 other people (namely Max Limitz, Dooodson and tomi9016) finally finished Halo 3 on Legendary difficulty. Of course I mean that we were playing co-op via Xbox Live. There were occasional lag issues, but nothing too serious.

Now I feel goood...8)

About my reviews

It should now become a little easier in my current job so expect to see game reviews more often. On it´s way are Halo 3, Need for Speed Carbon, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Gears of War, Saints Row and Metroid Prime 3 Corruption.