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Leg tattoo saga continues...

As some of you from back then (which is not all THAT long ago) might remember when I talked about my tattoo project on my leg, which is basdicaly the passage from life to death in a twisted sky of fire and blue sky. Alright, I must warn you guys that this ought to be a pretty long blog about my tattoos and what they stand for, some kind of long and boring blog about myself and my thoughts on life, so whoever makes it to the end, congrats :] and sorry if anywhere in there, I offend someone. I don't think there's something actually offending in terms of beliefs, but we never know.

I finally continued my project with my best friend, who is also my tattoo artist. Got two new tattoos on this leg of mine, though they are not filled with colors yet simply because we hardly ever have enough time in front of us to do them all one shot, so our plan is to do the basic lines and black parts of each figure and then we will jump in on the color filling.

So the project hasn't changed, the figures are those of the Joker Cards from Insane Clown Posse, which literally marked my teenage years and participated in making me who I am today, which I'll always picture as part of the best years of my life and an important part of it as well, so not only do the tattoo in itself means all about my teenage years, who I was and how things were, but it also stands for the whole thing we call life and death, with each figure representing different parts of life, to me anyway.

We got around, on saturday, as I was going to the theater with my ex-girlfriend (yep, once in a while I still see her, and it's really sad cause everything's fine and when I see her the only thing that pops in my head is like "damn.. damn she's beautiful" and right when I leave everything's back to normal.. just can't get rid of these old ghosts.) in which I went to see my friend at his job and we embarked on tattooing the 4th figure, and his favorite of the bunch: The Great Milenko.

The Great Milenko is basicaly the illusions people can create on their own or with the help of others in this world due to various reasons of our or their personalities. We all experience such things at least once in our life (more like everyday), be it as simply as not trusting your loved one, thinking they are cheating on you, simply because you are of a jealous nature, to the way people can appear as the nicest person ever yet he's the one who beats his family up whenever he can, etc. This spreads wide and is a really big topic and these types of illusions happens around us everyday, which is, unfortunately, one really bad part of life as it leads to all sorts of things, such as stereotypes, racism and many many more. Things aren't always as they seem. Put it simple, he's the master of illusions that revolves around this world.

Great Milenko 01

Great Milenko 02

So that was it for Saturday, which I then went to the theater to see Angels & Demons or something.. ya know that follow-up to Da Vinci Code. Wasn't a bad movie overall, but Da Vinci Code was MUCH better, even though I didn't really enjoy it to begin with, but hey, that's what miss wanted to see, so that's what we saw. Such a nice guy, uh?

Anyway, Sunday morning, towards maybe 9am, I receive a phone call from my friend who asks if he can come around. Sure, you can. And right away he asked if he brings his stuff so we can yet start another tattoo, to which I replied:"Depends.. only if we make the Riddle Box.". The Riddle Box is by far my favorite Joker Card of the bunch, and the 3rd one. It stands for what it is, as you never know just what will come out of the box. You come to a point in life where you start realizing that you're alive and that a future exist, just what is in store for you though? Nobody knows. We live inside a big riddle box, as we never know what will happen next, or where we will go. You can have plans, and know what you're doing, but do you really know how it could turn out? What could happen exactly? There's always little surprises waiting for us no matter where we go or what we do, and such is what the Riddle Box stands for: For the unexpected of life. Simple as me waking up this morning, getting to work and being told that the tests were canceled, for a second time along with last Friday, thus I came back home. Or it could be as complicated or sad as waking up one day and crossing the same street you cross everyday and get hit by a car. We never know what's in store for us.

riddle box 01

riddle box 02

So that's for my two new tattoos. For information, the hand I have tattooed is basicaly the controller of this whole piece we call life, which to me represents our own souls as I believe we are the sole controllers of our lives, merged with the unexpected. Before it gets started, I must say that I do not believe in God since my big leg piece might seem to reference towards it and I am happy if some people might find references to their beliefs in this piece, as it can mean many different things to many different people with many different beliefs, but to me it simply represents the way we live, in what we are embarked for the rest of our lives. I don't believe in hell or heaven, although my leg piece will be in a fire sky and a blue sky, it is merely references to the bad and good of this world (my ex hated me when I'd get started on how corrupted the world can be), which in my mind can't be seen as better representations than these, especially since the original Joker Cards were themed after it. I respect what people want to believe in and the important is there: to believe into something to keep us going on through life, people just have different ways to do so, and mine is in this tattoo. I say all of this because a meaning behind a tattoo is the most important part (to me at least) and I like if I can make people understand the meaning of mine clearly, without having them believe something that isn't true about myself.

So finally, that's about it. I know you are all (whoever made it this far) quite happy that it's finally over! lol. This sure was a long blog, but hey, all of this and what it stands for is important to me, and I wanted to share it with you guys. Here's a last picture so you can visualize where exactly the tattoos are, remember that my Hatchetman is on the back of the same leg, so it's getting pretty crowded on there, and it will be even more crowded as time goes, until the whole piece is finished. And I know, skeletal knees! Gotta love being a walking skeleton :]

riddle + milenko

New computer

Well I'm sort of back, as you guys who read this blog know that I'm not all that often on GameSpot.

But I got a new computer and right at this very moment I just received a new e-mail saying someone I don't know added me to FaceBook. Yeah, that's entirely out of the subject, but it surprises me lol. She's looking hot though.. anyway!

Yeah, as I was saying, I got a new computer. It's not the best computer ever, but it works for what I do on it. It's an HP Pavilion a6603w with a cheap nVidia GeForce 7100. I don't know the entire specs, as since I'm nothing near a PC gamer, I don't really care for PC specs. It might not be the most recent graphics card, but it allows me to play the few PC games I have, which I finally bought Aquaria off of Steam.

Yep, I got a Steam account now, and all of this because Aquaria was cheaper on Steam than on the official website for the game. There's many good games on there, but I'm totally broke and can't afford any other games at the moment on it.

Oh, also, I'm back on Linux. I lasted a big two weeks on Windows, which after buying my new computer, my first thoughts were "man do I miss Linux". Well.. I'm partially back on Linux, as I simply bought a second hard drive on which I installed Ubuntu as my primary Operating System, and I've kept Vista on the other hard drive in order to play PC games and serve as a media server for my X360.

I must say Vista is one of the crappiest Windows I've seen. Things can break on Vista with no apparent reason, and when you search on Microsoft Support for the solutions, they straight out admit it's a problem in Vista from their part. Good work, Microsoft. Not only that, but it's crazy the ammount of CPU usage it has. Sometimes Vista seems slow to respond if I do too many things at once, and some games I can't run at 1680x1050 which is my native resolution (great having a not recent graphic card..). Otherwise Vista isn't bad.. I really hate the whole "need to confirm before proceeding to the process" thing.. Man I had to confirm 3 times earlier just to install one single program, 3 times in a row did I have to confirm. LEAVE ME ALONE VISTA! One thing for sure is that I'll probably try out Windows 7 sooner or later, since the release candidate version is entirely free for one year before it releases. It apparently uses MUCH less CPU and well apparently is more stable, but ever since forever I doubt this as Windows has never been stable for me, ever since Windows 95.

On Ubuntu though, I can run for the first time ever, Ubuntu with the complete Compiz-Fusion effects enabled. If you don't know what are these, you can always check 'em out on YouTube. It's just plain crazy, and I can run all of this while doing 100 other things at the same time, just to show me that while you can't really game well on Ubuntu, the requirements to do the same stuff as on Vista are much less demanding and much cooler looking, but yeah, it's eye candy as they say.

In the end, Vista is cool cause I can finally run some games I had difficulties with on my old laptop, but that isn't really because of Vista in itself but because of a better computer than my old laptop, which I gave to my sister. But many more things are just bad.. well basically all the rest. Ubuntu sucks that you can't play games on it, well.. you can, if you use Cedega, unfortunately the Cedega software isn't free and not every games are compatible with it. But all the rest outweights this minor issue for a person like me.

Whoop I'm not even talking about my computer anymore lol. My future purchases for my computer: A capture card. I always wanted a capture card, and to top it off I play with capture cards all day at work. I love doing game's videos, and it's so much easier with a capture card than filming a screen with a cheap camera like I used to do lol.

Anyway I'll stop rambling now, I work overtime today and tomorrow, and I'm leaving quite soon for it actually. Yep, I work this Sunday and tomorrow, on Patriot's Day or whatever it is. Stupid holidays in my mind and useless ones since honestly nobody celebrates it over here. People celebrate the fact that it's paid day off since it's "holiday", not that it's a day for the Patriots who marked our history. But hey, since I work on what they consider a holiday, it's like if I was paid twice for one day. Whoop, more money to pay my computer and the new hard drive.

So I'm out now, I'm done for today, and this week ;p

Moving back to Windows?

I just might do that.. actually, I am moving back to Windows. After a long time of running with Linux, and although I still see it as better than Windows, I'm still going to change. Why? I'm not really sure.. Both have their advantages, but no matter how much I like Linux and despise Microsoft's Windows, I'm still in need for yet another change.

I'm currently backing up everything I want to keep on another computer, including every modification files I created for Linux (might switch back one day, knowing myself it'll probably happen eventually), so I can simply transfer back my stuff after formatting my laptop and restoring my old XP backup, which hopefully will also reinstall HP Quickplay as it was probably the best feature of my good ol' Linux free laptop.

Ya know, I'm probably one of the best person for doing impulsive things of the moment, such as the big 25 gallon aquarium I bought, fully equipped for freshwater fish, while 2 days later I wonder why the hell I bought that as I already don't feel like taking care of fish anymore, although I had yet to even have any fish in there, which I quickly remedy to this weekend by adding two Dwarf Gourami fish. Anyway, switching back to XP is sort of an impulse of the moment. "Hey, maybe I can connect better to the media center on my X360 if I have XP and use Windows Media Center instead of third party servers that are half working under Linux, yeah that'd be cool, and I could install the PC games I have but probably will never play too" BOOM I'm switching right there.

Compatibility sure was an issue with Linux, but so it is with Windows anyway. I use OGG as my primary, and only, file extension for my music. Now, OGG is probably the last extension used by Windows users or by Windows itself in terms of music.. great, gotta switch everything back to MP3 for better compatibility results which will take a while considering the thousands and thousands of songs I have on my laptop. But still, compatibility, game wise and application wise, is easier on Windows, especially now that I have an X360 although it doesn't read half of the AVI video files I have.

Guess I'm just sick of having 2 seperate partitions for each operating systems I use. I'm going to miss how customizable Linux was compared to Windows though.. and the terminal as well, with all the command lines and everything, it gave me the feeling I was actually controlling the computer and doing everything by myself, while in Windows, I can barely customize anything (legally, that is) and everything does what you want by itself, leaving you to do nothing but wait while it's being done.

Reading this makes me wonder even more why exactly I am switching lol. Guess I just need a change :]

Rocking it with Metallica!

I'm doing just that since I bought Guitar Hero Metallica! Took me a while to get it, but the damn thing was so expensive that I didn't want to buy it, until I talked with a guy at my job who has it and the way he had to tell me about the songs in the game and everything, I just HAD to get it. After the small disappointement that World Tour was due to the relatively very easy gameplay and lack of great guitar tracks compared to the previous GH titles, I'm glad I did this purchase. It literally brings me back to GH1, 2 and 3 with it's complicated solos, complex riffs and everything, only it's all about Metallica which isn't a bad thing since they have a lot of good songs. Of course, there is a lot of other bands in there as well such as Lynyrd Skynyrd, System of a Down, Alice in Chains, Motorhead, on and on since I don't remember most of them. Primarly though, there's a whole lot of Metallica and they were able to choose pretty good songs by them.

And in response to navigata's comment, I'll check if I can rent it or if it'll play on TV before buying it then, after all, it has to be pretty hard to top animated movies such as Ice Age.

My first.. or few Blu-Ray movies!

I finally, after all that time with my PS3 and since I got my HDTV and amplifier, bought Blu-Ray movies. I am now entirely in the HD erra with my PS3, not half in it like I used to. Expect this blog to be rather short since I won't describe much of the movies.

I'm in a Chronicles of Riddick state of mind lately, especially since I got the game Dark Athena, so I got my hands on a package that had both Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick on Blu-Ray. Due to the age of Pitch Black though, it isn't the prettiest movie ever in HD, but it's stll much better than the good ol' standard definition. Not only that, but now that I have the game, I even can play through Escape from Butcher Bay which is actually a prequel to Pitch Black. Where Dark Athena stands though, I have yet to know. Definitely two movies I've been wanting for a really long time, but never got around buying them. Good thing that I waited as I now have them in HD.

I also bought 2 other Blu-Ray movies today, which comes from my favorite collections, which simply said, are from Tim Burton. I bought The Nightmare Before Christmas and Sweeney Todd. Nightmare, to begin with, has always been my favorite movie ever since I was born.. or whenever around then that I can remember watching movies. I owned it on VHS, bought it back on DVD when it released in DVD, and now I buy it yet again in Blu-Ray, on and on until I die as I know that eventually, they'll come up with something better than Blu-Ray before I die. It looks amazingly beautiful. It's weird how animated movies are the ones that really shows the difference between standard and HD resolutions. I have yet to see Sweeney Todd, I've seen it before but not entirely and what better way to get a new movie than to get it on Blu-Ray?

I plan on buying just about every other Tim Burton movie I already own in Blu-Ray, simply because they are my favorites and the ones I watch the most often.. other movies I plan on rebuying are the Underworld movies.. but I'll wait for the third one to come out on BD so they release a trilogy pack so I can buy all 3 at once. I want to rebuy those simply because I love them and because they are, apparently, part of the best looking movies ever on Blu-Ray so far. Otherwise, I don't plan on rebuying old movies other than these ones.

So that sums it up pretty well. Now, I'll go watch some movie :]

Bunch of new games

Sup everyone? As with my regular video game addiction, I bought 3 more games :shock: when will I stop!?

I've got, by far, way too many games to complete, such as Devil May Cry 4 (I have a bad habit of rushing through DMC games when they announce the next one), Ninja Gaiden Black, Ninja Gaiden 2 (have yet to even start it, since I have yet to beat NGB), Dead Rising (I only played the "introduction" part, got to my first real fight and never continued), and to top it off, games I restarted on a higher difficulty but aven't completed again such as Uncharted on hard, Bioshock on survivor, Killzone 2 on elite, and probably many more in both situations as well as LIVE Arcade and PSN games. Oh well, at least I get a LOT of variety to choose from when playing.

So yup, let's begin my new games with Bullet Witch for the X360. Yup, the game with a mediocre rating on most of the critic websites you can find, even coming from most users, and I still bought it. One of the reasons is that this was the FIRST X360 exclusive to ever catch my eye back when I didn't have any. I found it used for a really cheap price and thought to myself: Why not? I mean.. it's cheap.. if I don't like it, it's not a big waste. It's basically a shooter, you play as Alicia who is a witch where you.. well.. shoot at things. You can also use some kind of magical powers, which are pretty cool too, but most of the time you just shoot at enemies, whoever they might be. That resumes the game in it's most basic ways and more. Pretty simple. It's still a game I enjoy to pass the time when I don't really know what to play. Sadly though, the game could have delivered so much more and had potential, it just didn't happen.


Next up, I also bought FLOCK! on PSN, which is a strategy game a la Sheep from PS1. I don't even expect people to know Sheep, so I don't even know why I compare it to this with everyone I talk to since none of them even know the existence of Sheep for PS1. You play as a UFO and your goal, in a top view perspective landscape, is to bring back animals to the mother flocker (the mother ship) for adbuction. The game has 50 single player levels as well as multiplayer. It doesn't stop there, as there is a stage creator, so you can create and share user made levels online which ends up giving us infinite possibilities of stages. It's a pretty fun game, I recommend downloading the demo to whoever likes small strategy games with a twist of humor.


And finally, I bought The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. Really, really sweet game. It's also very violent, as we could expect from Riddick. The game actually is two games in one, as it has Escape from Butcher Bay which used to be for the original XBOX, as well as Assault on Dark Athena. You can either rush through it like rambo (strongly discouraged if you want to live long enough) or you can use dark areas as an advantage for some neck breaking stealth kills, or you can simply equip your self with a knife or anything sharp enough to be stuck in somebody's eye. I recommend this game to anyone who's up for a small challenge and likes action/violent games. And there's a nice little story a la Riddick in there as well.


That's pretty much it. Seems like my blogs lately will mostly be about my gaming habits and new games, as I ain't got much to say. Hey, at least I'm still alive and blogging :]


I know this is a quick update in blogs, for those who didn't get to read my last blog it was basically saying that I've bought Worms from the PlayStation Store and The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai from XBOX Live Arcade.

I know that many of you knew about my Tarantula named Storm, and that many of you didn't especially like any type of spiders, but I came here to tell you all that Storm is now deceased, with the cause of death being what I believe a natural death from age. I bought her when she was already mature despite the fact that I didn't like buying an already mature Tarantula since I couldn't tell how old she was. During this winter, she had her second molt with me, which was an amazing experience as I couldn't stay to watch her first molt since I had to go see my (ex)girlfriend at the time.

Everything was going great until I started feeding her again. She simply wouldn't eat. She'd kill the crickets, but wouldn't eat any. She would drink a lot, but as the days went by she'd drink less and less. After a week or two I tried feeding her again, and still nothing. Kill the crickets but don't eat them which to me was a sign that she would eventually die, as if she didn't have the strength to eat anymore.

As I was going to change and clean the aquarium, I told myself I'd wait before doing so because I did feel like she just wouldn't go on, and I was right. I noticed two days ago that she was starting to bend her legs inwards a little bit, underneath her body, which most Tarantulas, when they die, they will have all 8 legs underneath their body. She was still alive though, and it's not the first time I saw her doing this for no reason at all, but this time I felt it was the last time she'd do so. And just as I thought, yesterday when I got back from work I looked at her and there she was, all 8 legs entirely underneath her body, some of them were even in weird positions that would bend back upwards: She was dead.

So yeah, I have taken care of Storm for 2 years maybe a bit more. I knew she was old at her second molt because she didn't molt as often as she should of been. I remember the way she'd have to threaten me, standing on her back legs and showing me the fangs when I'd try to take nice pictures lol. Damn was she not social at all. But she was, nonetheless, a beautiful creature and one that I've learned more about the Tarantulas while watching her do her stuff at night.

R.I.P. Storm.

Incoming samurai sheep!

Hey sup people? Came around to tell ya'll some small news! And from the title of this blog, you will soon know what I'm talking about.

First off, I've got a new game to play on PS3! See, told you that I didn't forget my PS3. The game in question is Worms, which I love Worms. I remember spending my time with my friend playing the original PS1 game, where you had practically no weapons and you didn't have these strange graphics that Worms games tend to have nowadays. Anyway, that one is pretty similar to the X360 Live Arcade one, which itself feels (I wouldn't be suprised if it was) like a port of Worms: Open Warfare that originally was for PSP. Graphics and gameplay feels the same, except the explosions are better and bigger, comparable to the original PS1 game I used to love so much, which is a plus for me since I found that the further we get into the series, the smaller the explosions are and the less damage they deal. Not only do the explosions say true to the original, but they also gave us the sweet Holy Hand Grenade and Super Sheep, and that weird Donkey made of stone which I have yet to use, which are not found in the X360 version. Man, with that one I was getting used to starting off the land mines and slowly walking away from the explosion without harming myself, thanks to the small and cheap explosion it was. This time around, on the PS3, I actually fear the land mines as since the explosion is bigger, I barely have enough time to escape it and most of the time I end up hurting myself instead of simply walking away. Anyway, I recommend this game to anyone who likes Worms.

Sad thing is I can't even add it to my collection, because yes, to the opposite of what I've said previously, I did update my collection. Anyway, the reason why I can't add it is something I've talked about before: According to GameSpot, Worms on PS3 simply does not exist. It isn't even "TBA" or something, it simply does not exist. Great to see that GS is, as always, up to date with PS3 games news. Weird, this never seems to happen with X360 games, maybe GS being biased since day 1 of this new generation has something to do with it.. oh well.

Oh I almost forgot, I also got a new game for X360 too. The game in question is The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai. This game is all about gore and slicing people up. You play as the Dishwasher, who is, as it says, a dishwasher. Only, he is dead and takes revenge with his special samourai ninja skills. You go from point A to point B, handling your meat cleavers and other weapons you find throughout the game spreading the blood of freaks that are on your path to stop you. It's that simple, but there is some sort of story behind it all, but I'm not far enough in the game to know anything about it. highly recommend it to anyone looking for some quick side scrolling bloody hatcher action.

So I was going to post a new video, which is Hotel California by The Eagles, played on expert guitar in Guitar Hero: World Tour. All of this was to try out my numeric camera filming capabilities with my new HDTV, see if it looks any better and what not. The black lines that used to go up and down my screen back on my old TV when I would upload videos are gone though, so it's already better. So why is the video missing? Simply because everytime I try to upload it, GameSpot ends up giving me some kind of "connection intterupted" error, although I used to have no difficulties uploading videos back then, when I had the same connection, same operating system, and same browser.

That's about it. 2 blogs relatively close to each other! I'm getting the hang of it lol.

BOO!!! ;p

I bet it scared all of you because it's been so long since I last came here, lol.

Seriously though, I haven't found much time between work and gaming to actually come on GameSpot, comment around, see what's happening, and all that stuff like I said, sorry for that. I'd like to take the time to come more often, but hey, I'm addicted lol.

Thing is I'm starting to work overtime pretty often now, and I've also aquired a new system and a whole damn big set up for my gaming, ending in making me sit on my couch like a lazy ass every evening after work and every morning and basically all day long during my weekends.

So get ready on this one cause I bet many of you thought I'd never go that far in video gaming.. but I got an X360. Yep, that's right. An Xbox 360. I actually did get one. Why? For the few Live Arcade games that PSN does not get that are entirely worth it (Ikaruga, Castle Crashers, etc.) and for Ninja Gaiden. Now, yeah, there's always Ninja Gaiden Sigma, but there's nothing like playing the originals in a series you love and especially there's nothing like not having to wait 1 year and a half everytime they release a new one to get it on the only system you have. So I now have both Ninja Gaiden games with me, woop.

I actually bought it off of a friend who, let's say, is the best person to know when it comes to buying brand new products at a reasonable price. That guy simply buys a system or a game.. and you know he'll sell it a couple of weeks later cause he doesn't play it. So I got it for a good price and it's still new. Plus, it came with two wireless controllers and Left 4 Dead, which I must say wasn't a game I expected much from, but I ended up loving it when playing in local co-op with my friend.

That's also probably why some of you might have not seen me all that often on PS3 lately.. cause I'm stuck in front of my TV trying to beat Ninja Gaiden as fast as I can so I can finally jump onto Ninja Gaiden II.

Anyway, in the end, I thought I'd drop by and tell you guys that, and also that if you own a x360, drop me a message, my Live ID is FetusZero. Complicated uh? Exact same as my PSN ID lol.

So yeah, that's pretty much it.. I kinda dropped the whole "games collection" thing on GameSpot because they are being extremly stupid and a lot of the PS3 games I own are still listed as "TBA" and so I can't add them, and I don't feel like checking every games I have gotten since the last time I actually did add one of my new games on here.

Anyway.. drop me a line if you feel like it, I'm still kinda around, but mostly around on either of my systems, at least now I'll be able to enjoy the exclusives on both sides, although there isn't really any 360 exclusives that actually interests me other than the ones I named :]

Skate 2

Small and quick update to let you all know that I've aquired Skate 2 yesterday and haven't stopped playing it since. Pretty cool game. If anyone has it or plans on having it, drop me a line, we could play online and do stuff and you could own my spot lol.

Oh and sorry for not commenting much on your blog people, I just don't take much time to visit GameSpot and am not on my laptop often, maybe only a few minutes a day, I spend most of my time watching movies and playing video games.

I'll drop by tonight or tomorrow to comment on those new blogs you guys made, I won't miss it!