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Recevied my new OST!

Yep! I had ordered and recently received the Original Soundtrack of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth! Quite a nice soundtrack for anyone who has enjoyed the game.


The soundtrack has two discs and counts a total of 75 tracks, which is alot and a good thing. The first disc has 34 tracks, the second 41 tracks. Have to say that the OST starts off rather smoothly, and the further you get in it, the more action paced the music gets.

I really enjoy listening to it so far. I plan on ordering the two soundtracks of Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria eventually, yes, two of 'em. The reason is that the soundtrack of VP2 has two volumes, both volumes with two discs and plentiful of songs.Man, I've got way too many soundtracks on my wishlist lol.

So anyway, so far it makes me two soundtracks: Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero which is the remastered OST of the game Rockman Zero, or Megaman Zero for those who didn't know that Megaman is Rockman in Japan. Along with Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Original Soundtrack obviously from the game with the same title for PSP.

Oh and, a little thing like this, I've got a review coming out soon enough, I just need to finish writting it. I'm not telling which game it is yet, but it probably won't surprise any of you. As usual, it'll most likely be a long, very long review lol.

Now that's a way to hype me up a little bit after all my troubles with PSN: Receiving a soundtrack and writting a review. Woop!

Oh yeah, and Navigata, sorry I haven't watched your video yet, I've started doing over time again at work so I didn't take much time to watch it just yet, be sure that I will by the end of the week though, and I'll get back to you on it when I do.

PSN vs Credit Card!

What a match we got! That is one hell of a fight! OK, not really lol. Thing is, like MANY people (which can easily be found all over the internet), I'm having issues with entering a Credit Card on the PlayStation Network in order to make purchases off of the PS Store. Yep, it just won't go through, although all of the information is accurate and perfect. So, after many attempts, I decided to write to Sony Computer Entertainment America to discuss the issue that myself and many others are experiencing. So far, I have yet to receive a response. I then decided to dig a bit further, and called up my CC company, as well as SCEA themselves.

First: the Credit Card company. Spent half an hour making choices given to me by a machine, pressing the numbers on the phone, up until I was able to get to a choice about "transactions refused" which isn't really a refused one, but more a non-valid one, but that doesn't really matter. Anyway, after talking with the CC girl, who had a nice and hot voice too (now that's what I'm talking about! I'm used to getting people that barely speaks french or english with these kind of companies usually, and that really doesn't sound hot), asking her why it was considered as non-valid although I entered all of my information accurately, if she could give me more details about these attempts, etc. In the end, she tells me the issue is about the CC not supporting the new security (AVS) required by PSN, which if I go to my CC company website, they say they are compatible with it and even recommend the commercants to use it for better and more secure transactions lol. That, right off the bat, doesn't make sense to me. Anyway, she gave me a phone number where SCEA could call to get informed and to validate the card manually, as if they really were going to accept doing that lol. We talking about Sony here, and one customer, is it worth it you think? Nah, probably not.

So I hung up with the hot voiced girl, and decided to give SCEA a call. I'm from Canada, so upon calling there, I get asked by a machine, of course, to press the number 1 for service in french. Being from Quebec and having french as my native language, hey, why not? So I press the number 1. I then get asked stuff here and there from the machine and I get where I want to. Anyway, they kick me in with some wait time that is not specified and make me listen to really, really boring songs. Eventually, maybe 10-20 minutes later, a Sony agent answers my call! Damn, that was pretty fast, faster than I expected at least. Anyway, as expected, the guy barely speaks french and it's harder for me to even understand what he's saying than anything else, so we start speaking english. I don't even think he understood me when I said "Bonjour", which quite simply puts me in the hands of a really bad, almost french non-speaking agent, but hey, I can speak english as well, I'll spare him the trouble, although I did ask for service in french.

So we speak, I tell him about my issue, I tell him what my company said, then he gently told me to wait a little and that he is going to check on this information for me. Back to the almost tolerable music they put while you wait. Mind you, this kind of waiting music isn't only at Sony, but it's in every company that makes you wait while listening music. Eventually he comes back, tells me that PSN supports every major Credit Cards and that there shouldn't be an issue with it, yet, there is an issue, I can assure you. The guy actually asks me what it is for that I want to enter this information on PSN.. um.. I'm not sure.. buy a new car? or a new pair of shoes? So I reply to him "um.. games and add-ons?" what else is there to buy on PSN anyway!? So anyway, that was about it, and he told me "Have a good day Sir" which was nice, although at my place it was 8:30 PM lol. But that's just a detail, he probably didn't know this. Oh, and I did took a chance at asking them to contact my CC company, but they never accepted, as expected.

So in the end, my CC company says PSN is the issue, and SCEA says my CC company is the issue. Great, now this took care of my issue for sure! So right now I'm not much more advance regarding the problem and I still can't buy off of the PlayStation Store. I still believe PSN is the issue, regardless of my company telling me AVS isn't supported while their website says the oposite, simply because there are way too many people on the internet sharing their stories of PSN not accepting their Credit Cards. All of this started when Sony gently updated PSN with new security, all the issues of everybody started then about the billing information. So I guess my best bet is to wait for Sony's reply to my e-mail, or an update eventually, or the PSN Cards release in North America, as they are still nowhere to be found.

I just had to share this story with you guys, cause it's kind of ironic. Everything went as I expected it: One another money making business saying the issue is one another. Although I received good service from both sides, well neither of them actually helped me with my problem and were more like "eh, you're doomed, boy". I'll keep in mind though, that when choosing all these options, at that specific time, I get a girl with a hot voice at my CC company, that's for sure lol.

By the way, I've got a new Video Game Soundtrack coming in probably this week, but I'll let you on in that one when I actually get it.

Gaming Progress

Well, since I haven't written a blog in a little while (something like 10 days) because I don't take the time for it, or rather, I don't have anything actually interesting and entertaining happening lol, I decided to let you all in on some of my gaming progress, while this headache starts to kick in as I start writting this for some odd reason. Oh yeah, where the hell does that headache comes from anyway.. I wonder. Anyway, on to the gaming!


Rock Band (PS2)

Yep, Rock Band. Haven't heard of this from me for a long time, uh? Well the whole point being is that my drums died. Yep, I'm one of these lucky fellas whose drums gave up on life and decided to cross to the other side.. at least my yellow pad and my pedal. My pedal still works, mind you, it's only cracked in half and stabs my foot every now and then whenever I play, but my yellow pad is a different story. This weekend, my yellow pad decided it had enough of me banging the drums so hard and it died, intentionally or not, it still died. Kinda sucks if you ask me

Also, I think I might end up buying Rock Band for PS3.. Hey, while having a useless drum set, why not buy the PS3 version of the game and be able to transfer the RB1 songs onto RB2 when it comes out and as well be able to buy the awesome DLC packs which are often better than the in-game songs themselves! But we'll look into that, I definately wouldn't buy the whole kit again, I'd rather wait for Rock Band 2 before buying a whole new set again.


Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)

Ah, the game of the year, or so I do believe. I'm not really far into this game yet, only beat Act 2 not long ago and haven't started the third act as of now. Although I'm not really far, I'm really enjoying the game, but it really feels more like a movie, even more than Metal Gear Solid 2 did. Play a couple of minutes and prepare yourself, uncap a beer and sit down for the hour long cutscene you will watch. Definately a must for any fans of the series. What's great with MGS4 is that you can play it however you fee like, be it stealth, action, crazy chaotic running through everybody shooting like a maniac, however you want to, I tell ya. Sure, you could do this with every titles in the series, but even more with MGS4. As always though, I'm much more of a stealthy guy than anything else, so don't count me in for the fastest playthrough ;p


Folklore (PS3)

Wow, despite all the rumors of this game being boring and what not, too linear, whatever else, it is so far one of my most enjoyable experience on my PlayStation 3 console. The game is visually stunning, mixed with an interesting and unique gameplay when incorporating the sixaxis motion. I'm not too far deep in this game either, recently beat Chapter 2 with Ellen, and next on the list I'll engage the Chapter 2 with Keats. I'm enjoying it enough that I actually plan on buying and downloading the add-on bundles for the game, and am quite decided in finishing it at 100% complete. The story is quite interesting too, keeps me hooked up to it I must say. Everything is just so mysterious.. and stunningly beautiful for the eyes. Unfortunately, it does look like quite a short game, but I won;t complain, especially with that many games on my currently playing list lol.


LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (PS3)

AMAZING! This has to be my favorite game (excluding MGS4) of all my current PS3 games. The game is just plain hilarious and feels nostalgic as well, without forgetting the tons of unlockables, something like 156 characters if I remember well, the bonus missions, the extras here and there, it's just plain amazing! I'm having one hell of a good time playing this game, and I only wish Trophies would get incorporated because Trophies in that game would literally kick ass. I'm currently in the third Chapter, so about half-way done through the game story-wise, but gameplay-wise I'm very far from being done. This will keep me hooked for weeks and months to come!


Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening (PS2)

Nothing much to say about this one other than it lives up to the hype of DMC1, and luckily isn't as easy and boring as DMC2. Quite a challenging game I must say, but not as much as the first title, that's for sure. I'm currently on the 15th missions, 3/4 done through the game! After that I'll finally be able to kick in DMC4 and sit and watch the painful, amazingly long Game Data install of the game lol. Awesome game, although the story seemed a bit complex at the beginning, everything is starting to make sense now towards the area that I'm at now. Can't wait to see this ending, as it's sure to kick some ass, but that's what DMC is for, right?

MMXtreme2 GBC

Megaman Xtreme 2 (GBC)

Yep, my Megaman own personal marathon is still going on. Got nothing particular to about this one, other than after this one, I'm kicking back on the Megaman Zero games, and then will have the Megaman ZX games left to beat. I have to hurry though, especially with the release of Megaman 9 coming out on PSN this september.. or novemeber, I forgot, and especially that December 17th is getting here quite quickly when you look at it my way.. The fact that every December 17th's I start from the ground up every single Megaman games! Yeah I know, shame on me, I took so long to finish them this year, ah well.

So, that's about my biggest gaming going lately. I haven't talked about Assassin's Creed (PS3), Silent Hill: Origins (PSP), Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP) because they're all games that I seem to forget at times. I really, but REALLY need to finish SH:O though, it's probably the game that's making me the saddest to not play, but damn.. I got so many games going right now that I don't know where I'm at anymore!

On this, I'll leave you on a new Guitar Hero II video of the song "Message In A Bottle" by The Police. Gotta love that song, I always enjoyed playing it alot. Sorry for "copying" you this week, uHero, but hey, I think we actually recorded the same day lol. Enjoy people!


Sup + New Games (yes, again)

So I've been building up my PS3 collection quite fast, can't deny this. I'll start at the beginning. And prepare yourself, as this will probably be one hell of a blog. I've probably done bigger in the past, but comparing this to myprevious blogs as of late, this one is a monster.

For some reason, we had a day off today. Yep, thing is, the client sent the project we were on in submission without telling us, so yesterday (which was Thursday, July 31st) basicaly was the last day on the project. Here's how it happened. The day starts, everything is fine, then maybe halfway through the day, we learn that there is a new check list, or new lkist of criterias if you want, to respect on the console. So hey, my PM (Project Manager) sends an e-mail to the client asking 'em if they want us to do start off new with the new list. What we got for an answer was "Nah, continue on with the old list, we've already sent the game in submission anyway." AWESOME! Thanks for letting us know in advance or at least taking the time to ask us our opinion, since we know the project will fail submission, awesome move guys.

All this led us to a day off today, four of us actually, since the fifth guy never does over time anyway and wasn't there when we planned the day off. It's all cool, I'm glad I got a day off cause I really need to relax as of late. Thing is I went crazy the other day at work right in my PM's face, all this caused by me being sick (I've got a cold that comes right from hell I tell ya), lack of time for myself, a hell lot of overtime which also leads to lack of rest for my mind and my body along with more personal stuff which I won't include in the blog, because well, it's stuff that I don't feel like talking about. So I can't say the day off, making it a 3 days weekend, wasn't welcomed. To the oposite, I greatly appreciate it.

Anyway, so my sister's birthday is right around the corner and I decided to buy her a Digital Camera. Yep, I'm that cool. I actually spend a lot of money whenever I buy presents for my sister, love her. So I went to FutureShop today, as well do it now, since I had a day off and it'll leave me the rest of the weekend to chill and relax comfortably at home. Thing is, me + FutureShop? How the hell am I supposed to come back with only my sister's gift for her birthday? Results: I came back with a brand new DualShock 3 controller for my PS3 along with two new PS3 games. Way to spend a few hundred bucks quickly! Especially with the price of games and that crazy, even insane price for a DualShock 3 controller that fails to even come with a USB cable to recharge it.

All in all, it was quite an expensive day. I'll let you in on the two games I bought today, I just couldn't resist. First game that caught my eye is Devil May Cry 4: Collector's Edition. HELL YEAH! I know, DMC4 will be around for a long time, plus I am only halfway through the third title so right now, the game is useless to me. Why did I buy it? Because the Collector's Edition is becoming rare lately and can hardly be found, over here anyway. The day I got my PS3 is the day that every single copies of the Collector's Edition version disappeared from the shelves. So, gotta say I simply could not resist the impulse this time around. Bought it. I was standing there, and I was telling myself "dude.. you're so going to be broke.. but damn.. I can't let this one slip through my hands!" True story.

DMC4 CE Old pic, but it's the best I could find and that's pretty much what the box actually looks like, minus the Rating Pending.

Anyway, the Collector's Edition of DMC4 comes in a cool, kick ass tin case and contains the game, a bonus DVD containing an art gallery, the game soundtrack, a making of video and some exclusive PC content. Not only that, but it also comes with a second, yes, second DVD which is the first Volume of the DMc Animated Series, containing 4 full length episodes,exclusive videos and trailers of the game DMC4, and whatever else that I forgot. So yep, for any fan of Devil May Cry, this Collector's Edition kicks ass. Here's a pic I found on the net of the tin case when it is opened, which shows the front and back covers. Know that the blue, stylish cover is only some kind of plastic sleeve in which you fit the tin case.

DMC4 CE Open Dante is the front, but they both fit in the small clear hole of the plastic sleeve, so you can half-customize the looks of the case when it is in the plastic sleeve lol.

Now to move onto the second game which I could not resist. he game in question is LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Hey, I just couldn't resist. I've been looking for that game ever since I got a PS3, and it's the first time I actually find it.Adding to the impulse of buying it, they only had ONE single copy of the game. Looks like LEGO Indiana Jones will have to wait, cause yeah, I do plan on buying LEGO Indiana Jones as well eventually lol. So yeah, why was this a must? Because it is a great game and on top of this, it is damn hilarious lol. This game definitely has way too many unlockable characters, it's to a point where it is ridiculous. It'll take me like what.. a life time to unlock all of these characters? Without forgetting all the extras and all these other unlockable stuff. Quite ridiculous, but awesome.


So, hope you enjoyed, because I rarely make such blogs anymore due to lack of time (too much work), and lack of.. happenings in my life. All I've been doing is wake up, take a coffee, chill around on the internet or the PS3, go to work, come back and open up a beer while playing a game for an hour or so, go to bed, and repeat almost everyday of the week. High season at work sure gives me alot of money, but it sure is hard to go through. Anyway, if anyone has Mortal Kombat II on PSN, holla at me, cause I'm going to receive my credit card next week, and MKII is number 1 in my downloads alongside Super Stardust HD, which I plan on buying the add-on for multiplayer Co-Op. So hey, Navigata, I don't know if you got the add-on for multiplayer in Super Stardust HD, but seeing how you love the game, you should consider it when I buy it! lol.

Thanks for reading this monster to anyone who reached the end.

Got a new CD

First off, let's start with the good news. After my first time using Paypal, I finally received a special CD (for me anyway) that ordered straight from Japan! Yep, Japan. Why did I go so far? Because it is the soundtrack to the game Megaman Zero, the "remixed" soundtrack, which is remastered for a better sound since the games Rockman Zero came out on GameBoy Advance. Woo! The Cd is called Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero and sounds awesome. Now that I trust this website where I got the soundtrack (it's quite hard to find TRUE originals of soundtracks, making fakes of these seems to be a widely done and amusing passtime for people) I'll be able to get several more Japan exclusive soundtracks of the games Megaman, Devil May Cry, Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid eventually. Woop woop!


That's the art cover of the OST.

You might see a bit of a slow down in blog writting on my side, which is because I've been quite demoralized as of late for some reasons (which I am aware of) which doesn't really makes me want to blog around like I used to. But no worries! I am still here.

Yet another PS3 game!

After downloading the demo of the game Foklore off of PSN, I needed the game to fully enjoy it. I've heard a lot of mixed reactions about this game, but you know me, I'm not one to get that much affected by such lol.

Anyway, turns out one of my co-workers was selling the game and he let me buy it for 15 dollars. Yep, pretty cheap since the game still is 60 in stores.

So yep, pretty short blog, but it was just to let you guys know this. Oh, and girls, two girls watch my profiles, let's not forget them!

One thing for sure, I'll have plenty of gaming to do, even more than I ever had to before counting all the PSP, PS2 and NOW PS3 games that I have yet to finish. Let's hope I won't work like a crazy mad scientist for too long at my job, which I doubt the end is coming soon lol.

New PS3 games.. first time I actually buy some PS3 games!

So I bought Assassin's Creed and Warhawk for PS3.

Despite the bad comments I heard from um.. both games, I didn't really mind. I had to get Assassin's Creed nonetheless and so far I've been enjoying alot. Plus, it was rather cheap in price!

As for Warhawk, the same story does NOT apply. I bought the game used and plus, it came with the BlueTooth headset that would come in the bundle back then, so hey, one game plus a bluetooth headset for cheap? Gimme that! The reason the same story does not apply though, is because I pretty much am a complete newb in the game, while everyone else playing it are **** masters. It goes like this so far "hey, I am spawning..hey, I'm already dead..will I get to fly in the sky sometime 0.o" so yep, that's what happens right now lol.

If any of you have Warhawk, and wouldn't mind doing a small Death Match with 2 players only simply to let me get the hang of things in the game and let myself familiarize with it while you kick my ass, drop me a message on PSN.

Really good news!

Pictures will talk for themselves!

PS3 1

PS3 2

Yes! I finally got my PS3! Although I spend all day long testing on the PS3 lately, I feel all amazed and excited lol.

Anyway, that's my really good news! So, although I don't have a really good connection (for some reason the PS Network's connection keeps dropping randomly, but everything else having to do with the internet on it never drops out), you can still add me as a friend. My Online ID is FetusZero, but you probably could have guessed this already lol. It's probably gonna end up somewhere on my profile too, since I know we can add gamertags and stuff.

By the way, the bundle not only did come with the 80GB PS3, Metal Gear Solid 4 and a DualShock 3,but it also came with a free download of the downlaodable game PAIN which can be found on the PS Store. Yep, free downloadable game! Quite a funny game, too. Although I would of preferred to have a free download of games like Flow, or Blast Factor, or even a choice of whichever games at that price to download, whichever one you want, I'm not going to complain. A free download is a free download!


I will, soon enough, buy the game Aquaria. Aquaria, for those who haven't heard of it, is an indie game created like.. last year. What have I been waiting for? Well first of all, I can now make transactions and buy stuff off of the net which allows me to pay for Aquaria, and second of all, I've been waiting for a Linux version of the game. Througout the blog I provide you with 2 screenshots and one long gameplay video showing every sides of Aquaria. A demo is also avaible on their website, which you can go to by clicking the first "Aquaria" word that I say in the blog up there.

aquaria 1

See, the game works only on Windows so far, they said a MAC port has been confirmed and will be released eventually and that a Linux versions was in the works.. boom.. that's it. Never did hear about any other news ever since then and that's from way back when it was released. I didn't even hear from the MAC port which was confirmed with no release date. So I sent the guys an e-mail, with no response yet.

aquaria 2

In the end, I'll probably have to buy the Windows version, which I heard runs quite smoothly on Wine emulator, which is an emu that runs Windows programs under Linux, as well as some games. Whichever way I'll go, I just need to play that game eventually. It's just such a beautiful environment, and such a peaceful game.. if you want. Go Aquaria! So yep, but that might be in two weeks only since I plan on buying my PS3 first, of course ;p


I'm still alive

I am. I know it hasn't been THAT long, but those of you who know me probably saw that I seemed rather inactive for quite a couple of days. Thing is I've been working like mad crazy this week. I've worked overtime every damn day of the week, 12 hours shift every day, sometimes more, without forgetting the extra time I've been doing on the weekends on both Saturday and Sunday. I sure as hell have the work implented in my body, following me close being like "DUDE you gotta work tonight.. and tomorrow.. and do over time again then.. and not only that.. BUT YOU WORK ALL WEEKEND MUAHAHAHAH!" I tell ya, work is evil.

But, all of this will give me my PlayStation 3! Next Thursday, which is pay day for me, I'll count down how much I need to pay my car, etc. and if it goes well, I might be able to buy my PS3 right then. For the worst, I'll buy it on the next pay. So yes, my PS3 purchase is finally taking form and becoming reality.

I'll definitely buy the 80GB bundled with Metal Gear Solid 4, which I played a little bit at a work friend's house. The game looks awesome, although I was disapointed with the controls. The reason is that every MGS game always had the same control scheme, and they changed it in MGS4, but in a weird manner. Since when does the Square button do absolutly nothing in a MGS game? I know it's to turn the auto-aiming on/off but still.. Anyway, I'll get used to it.

Depending on how much my pay will give me, I'll also buy the game Devil May Cry 4, which is why tonight, right now actually, I am drinking a beer and playing DMC3. Taking tonight pretty relaxing and chilling since FINALLY I have a day off of work tomorrow. They asked me to come in though, they sure did, but I was like "ya know where you can put your Sunday boy, cause there is NO WAY I'm coming in, give me a break buddy" it was already enough to work this morning when I went and got drunk at a party yesterday, which I plan on doing again next Friday lol.

Oh and also, anyone knows computers enough to tell me some info about AlienWare? I'm planning on buying a desktop PC in the future, and although AlienWare doesn't support Linux, I still want to install it on there. Thing is this time around, I'll dual boot again to keep a gaming side on the desktop PC, but also I want to have full graphical effects in Linux which require one hell of a good computer to run full graphical effects in Linux. I'd like something not too expensive, but in the range of AlienWare because it's always been my dream PC and so yeah, I'm checking out a way to get an effective, yet cheap AlienWare customization. Anyone who wants to help me can go to AlienWare.com and check the desktop PC's out, because I don't know anything about all the stuff you can put on it and have no idea what most of them are used for, I sure need A LOT of space on the hard drive though. Also, anyone can look up on YouTube for Vista vs Ubuntu Beryl or something along those lines, for anyone interested in seeing Ubuntu with fully activated graphical effects.

By the way, I know that right out of the box without customization, AlienWare is already expensive, but I could deal with something around 1500 or 2000 bucks.. but everytime I do it myself, I end up with something like 4000 even 10 000 bucks deals lol. So basicaly it needs to be good for gaming (not extreme, I don't plan on ever buying Crysis) and graphically amazing, all while having a HELL LOT of space on the hard drive.

You can always send me a message or e-mail if you have my e-mail if you want to help me out on this, but you really don't have to! Don't worry, I won't be mad if you don't lol.