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FetusZero Blog

Killzone 2 pre-ordered!

Just a short blog to mention that I have made my reservation for Killzone 2 on the PS3, hell yeah! The guy also gave me a nice big paper, printed with a Helghast on the front for the exclusive demo to those who pre-order/reserve the game (in North America only, as Europe gets it on the store at the same time the registry of the code takes place, which is February 5th).

Here, I'll try to take a picture or a scan of the image for ya'll, and yes, it is written both in french and in english, thanks to living in Quebec, everything we have needs to be in both languages or in french only, doesn't it suck? Even me, who is french, gets annoyed with this stupid law, but hey, I can't do anything about it. Anyway, here's the picture:

KZ2 demo voucher

Of course I did not put the back of the big card because I removed the sticker which shows the promotional code for the download.. and ain't nobody gonna steal my code! Also because I don't feel like putting a black box around it because I am lazy, anyway it doesn't show anything great,

Oh yeah, as a side note, I bought the albums Far Beyond Driven by Pantera and Pablo Honey by Radiohead.

New Game, Platinum and Tattoo

Three new things in one blog! How's that? First, I've gotten a new game yesterday on the PS Store as it was updated, second (but really got it before the new game) I've gotten a new tattoo, which is only the beginning and third, I've gotten a new Platinum trophy (which again, happened before the new game lol).

The new game I've got is Magic Ball.What's that you ask? Everybody should remember the good ol' arcade game Ball Breaker, in which you had to bounce a ball on a small platform at the bottom of the screen so the balls bounces back up and breaks bricks, or walls. Remember that? Well, Magic Ball is the same, but in a whole new world. In it, instead of regular bricks and walls, you break environments such as beaches and pirate ships, trees, etc. Which can all be found in the first world of the game. Pretty cool uh? The game has something like 50 levels, maybe a bit less or a bit more, not sure of this, but I believe there are three different worlds (then again, not sure, maybe only two, but I do see in the level select screen that there is a third bubble after the second world which I have yet to finish). That's basically what the game is. It's pretty cool and addictive.You also can get a bunch of destructive powerups for short periods of time such as guns, meteors falling from the sky, etc. If you want to see the trailer, click here!

Now, talking of games, I also got a new Platinum trophy! This be my third Platinum (and hopefully not the last) as I was speed running through the rest of Mirror's Edge.It was pretty sweet if you ask me, anyone with that game should definitely get and do the speed runs, as it forces you to find and take every possible shortcut of the level, which is just purely amazing as you end up never stopping the run and jumping, sliding, zip lining everywhere. Plus, it has it's challenges, especially in hapter 2 and 9. But Chapter 2 is the real thing there between the two, it's the longest and most prone to errors chapter out of them all, which cost precious time. Anyway, I'll add a little thing out here:


Yep, my PSN trophy card. Sweet, clicking on it brings you to all of my trophies, where you could always sign up too and compared trophies with whoever, whenever, and etc. Though you have to mark off all of your trophies by hand, it's still pretty fun to have a site on which you can keep track of your trophies. Of course, if you don't care about trophies than this isn't for you, but BPoole should have a look at it lol. They also have a lot of different genre for the cards, I just took the basic one for some reason.

Next up is my new Tattoo, which is the Wraith's Hand. For those who wonder what the Wraith is, it's basically death. Here's a picture.

Wraith Hand

Oh the sight, you seeing my thigh! But yeah, we have yet to put color in it, and plus, it's only the beginning of a full leg tattoo, as I've mentioned before. The reason as to why it is the Wraith's hand (death's hand) is a whole thing of a path from life to death in a tormented and twisted sky of fire and blue clouds, spread by cards and bla bla bla, so I'll let you up on the whole thing once it's done as it'll be easier to explain then. Next up we'll probably fill the hand with color and get a Joker Card done, which the Joker Cards are what represents the path from life to death in this world. Anyway!

That's about for today people, not I'm pretty much 15 minutes away from having to go get prepared for work and I still have to cream my tattoo and drink my coffee, maybe smoke a cig while being at it. Oh by the way, I went to the doctor to check on my blood test and urine test results, turns out I'm in excellent health, so hey, it was worth thinking I wasn't, I'll keep thinking it since it seems to work. So.. In the face of people who think they are healthy and aren't in the end! As information, my next Platinum hopes are for Bioshock, which I'm currently doing a Survivor run through with Vita Chambers (checkpoints for those who do not know) disabled, which if I can do it, will give 4 trophies: Completing Hard, completing Hard without Vita-hambers, completing Survivor, completing Survivor without Vita-Chambers. I'm like at the third level right now, which is Neptune's Bounty, which feels more like the second level, but damn I hate this place because it's the first place you meet the Spider Splicers, and those wall/ceiling crawlers are kind of annoying early in the game, although they aren't much of a threat later in the title, at the beginning they are lol.

That's it, for real! See ya'll people.

Again, new games.. lol

Yep! Man, I sure do spend a lot of money on games. Anyway, here's my recent list of new games, which by the way, GameSpot still believes that PowerUp Forever has not been released on PS3, which is truly a shame and it sucks. in your face! IT SUCKS! The game is good though, don't misunderstand me ;p

Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One & Episode Two
Quite a nice, though short, RPG-Adventure game. I actually got both Episodes one after the other, because the first Episode took me like 2 hours to complete, and despite it's really short time of gameplay, I entirely loved it and needed Episode Two. Be warned though that the game contains vulgar and absurd humour of robots trying to um.. **** fruits, and a mime god, etc. Quite strange, but you should of expected that if you know Penny Arcade to begin with. Sad thing though, Episode Two has a MAJOR bug with save files, which at some point in the game, it doesn't load your save file anymore. So you either have to wait for the patch they are suposed to release, or restart entirely and play it in one sitting. I'm waiting for the patch.

A really short puzzle game in which you need to move a rectangular prism (or whatever it is) into a square on a grid. Sounds simple, and it is. Didn't expect that kind of answer uh? Well it took me 15 minutes to get through all 30 levels on Beginner and 1 hour to get through all 30 levels on Expert, so yes, it is simple, if you have some kind of logic that is. Nonetheless, it was a fun little game which I probably will never play again.

I only got this game for one reason: Why would I let go a game which is the only game I have my name in the credits? I just needed a copy of it for this purpose of showing my name in the booklet to people lol. Enough said.

I don't actually remember if got anything else.. But I don't think so. Next thing I'll do is probably pre-order Killzone 2 or buy a Fruit F***** t-shirt on penny-arcade.com, only time will tell.

And yeah, I noticed that my blog is bad.. really bad actually. I don't really know why though.. guess I felt in a bad writing mood 0.o

Storm's Molt

As promised, I'm here to show you some pictures of Storm's molting process. I don't have many pictures though, only 4 decent ones, but it's better than none, isn't it?

First step, Storm lays on her back. People tend to believe a tarantul has died when they are in this position, but nope.. they are simply getting ready to molt. I guess it makes things easier for them to get out of that exoskeleton of theirs, but still is strange, but funny lol.

Storm molt 01

2nd step, which is what my 3 other pictures are from, is when she starts getting out of the exoskeletion. I couldn't take any pictures of her Prosoma cracking open (her carapace, or her head if you prefer), so you'll have to deal with her taking her legs out of the old skin.

Storm molting 02

Little by little, she pushes once in a while to get the legs out. You can see her white, clear fangs on the second picture. These turn to black when they harden and can be a sign that she is ready to eat again (which i definitely should feed her now, I haven't in a while). It is a REALLY long process.

Storm molting 03

She's almost done. Still have a couple of legs in there. This whole process is extremly tiring to her and although it does not seem like it, she's basicaly fighting to live, as if she doesn't succeed in getting out of the exoskeletion, it'll dry up and she'll be stuck in it, leaving her to die or having me remove it extremly carefully to save her which, honestly, I don't feel like doing lol.

Storm molting 4

She's going to stay in that position for a little while as she doesn't have enough strenght to get back on her legs right now. So yep, it ends up with 2 identical looking tarantulas, one alive and the other is just a dried up shell. They tend to be extremly protective of their old skin for some reason, and will often roam around it or stay right on top of it for a certain period of time, a few days maybe, but Storm didn't look protective of it, so I was able to remove it from the aquarium 1 or 2 days later.

nd no, I don't keep the old skins.. as much as I'd like to, it requires stuff and what not to keep it in good shape and keep it from desintegrating or something, so I don't feel like keeping them.

brand new Storm

And we have a brand new Storm right here. See the magnificent blue color? Amazing :]

New games acquired

Hey sup people? I'll talk about the new games I got during the holidays, that includes the two games I got for Christmas. I wanted to put videos up as well, but ran into a problem: GameSpot apprently does not want us to post embed YouTube videos as it never worked when I tried doing it. You hear this? It sucks doesn't it? Yes, it does. If anyone knows how to do it other than posting a simple link on which people have to click, let me know, but for now I just put the names of the games as a link to their trailers or videos on YouTube, if you want to see the video simply click on it. Sorry as some of them trailers are in japanese lol. Anyway.. You ready? Here we go! Oh and just for it to look cleaner, I've actually listed them in alphabetical order. How sweet is that?

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)
I'm totally hooked to this game so far. While the game plays basically the same as the other titles in the series (excluding the goold ol' formula of the very first Castlevania games), it feels quite different. You go through the game as two characters and you can change between the two whenever you want. I personally prefer the girl, but mostly because the guy annoys me and because it isn't everyday that a girl gets the spotlight as a main character in Castlevania. I like the way the "master" of the castle drains his power through different paintings, in which you enter and fight a boss in each of the paintings to weaken his power. It makes the whole thing feel different and unique and brings a lot of different ares and atmospheres to the game. Oh and for the video of this game, I had to put the trailer simply because I love using Charlotte as my main character and apparently people on YouTube hate her or something because they are ALWAYS using the guy, which is an annoying dude and anyway the girl could kick his ass anytime.

Jeanne D'arc (PSP)
This is all about the story of Jeanne D'Arc, as most of us will know what story that is, but in a world of fantasy with magic and such. Pretty cool game so far, which is a strategy game, much like Final Fantasy Tactics, Disgaea, Shining Force, etc. But with a better story, excluding FFT of this remark, that game was cool (Disgaea sucked, who the hell likes playing a strategy rpg that's about kids going to school is beyond me). What like a lot of it so far is that the parts with story aren't actually long, so unlike in FFT where you would spend 30 minutes watching text scroll on the screen while you actually have no idea what is happening, you do know what is happening and you always feel as if you were in the action. Of course, this may change further down the line, but that's how it is right now.

Lumines Supernova (PS3)
Lumines! Damn do I love Lumines. Ever since I got my PSP along with Lumines back then, Tetris ceased to exist in my mind as the best falling blocks puzzle. Supernova is the same as every other Lumines games, where you have to make squares and what not depending on the mode. Even a handful of the game is recycled from previous titles that appeared before, but it doesn't stop me from loving every single second of this game. The video is kinda cheap, butit seems like nobody with a capture card felt like making a gameplay video showing several different skins in the game and several other modes in one video. They felt like they had to seperate skin by skin and mode by mode. If you want to see more of it, you'll have to check em out yourself. Oh and, the guy doesn't even seem to know what he's doing half of the time lol.

PowerUp Forever (PS3)
In PowerUp Forever, you do as it says: You power up forever.. until you die that is. Pretty cool shooter that consist of destroying bacterias or something that looks like bacterias. You just roam around in there and shoot at everything until the guardian of the system is alerted, which then comes for you and you need to destroy him. After that, what happens? You power up and become bigger, making the bacterias smaller, but watch out, cause at the beginning you see these big rock like things that aren't moving. As you grow bigger, you realize that these were merely other bacterias that were too big for you to even notice they are moving. Repeat the process until you die. Of course, the game gets harder and harder and bacterias start shooting back at ya. I played once so far and I couldn't make it past the second level lol.

R-Types (PS1)
PS1 game that is downloadable for either PSP or PS3 (as with every PS1 titles on PSN). An old shooter game which is totally.. challenging to the least. R-Types actually is two games in one: R-Type and R-Type II. Both being as challenging as the other. In both games I have yet to beat the first level lol. As a lot of you knows, 'm a big fan of challenging, arcade like shooters, so I just couldn't resist and had to buy this one.The video is of R-Type II, so if you want to see more you'll easily find more of them videos in the related section on YouTube.

Alright, so that's all my new games. Eventually I'll get more, I definitely need to get my hands on some other titles out there.

Christmas? or Xmas?

Yup, Christmas or Xmas, either way, Christmas is my topic for today! Hey, that actually rhymed. Sweet. Anyway, I'm not here to debate which term to use, I just couldn't find a better topic title lol.

I'll tell ya'll what I've got this year for the holidays and give a few things here and there as to what is to come. One thing I can say for sure: Lumines rocks! I actually bought this myself, but I just had to say it before going on with the rest of the blog lol.

Alright, here are the things I've got this year:

From my sister:

- Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for Nintendo DS (hell yeah! how the hell she even managed to find that game is beyond me)

- Jeanne D'Arc for the Sony PSP (hell yea once again! quite a nice game so far)

- Some kind of horror add made by one of her boyfriend's friends, which happens to make tons of small horror films and stuff like this. I'll definitely be on the lookout for his website.

- Some kind of artwork done by some chick, which seems to be a Transformer, and I'd go even further saying it is Prime Optimus, or something like that. It looks really nice and is extremly well drawn.

From my sister's boyfriend:

- Amityville collection box set (has The Amityville Horror from 1979, Amityville 2: The Possession and Amityville 3D AKA Amityville 3: The Demons, along with some kind of documentary on the actual events that took place bacj in the days in Amityville, such as the murders and the paranormal phenomenon that happened to the Lutz, whether it is a hoax or a true horror)

- Amityville: A New Generation (as you can see, I'm a fan of horror movies, especially the old classics, and when I start a series, I want it all. I now only miss 5 Amityville movies ;p)

From my parents:

- 3 electric racing tracks. Why 3? Because I asked for 3 of them so I could put them all up together and make a massive racing track. Yes, I actually love this kind of stuff. I always loved it. I remember when I was younger and I'd put up bridges and tunnels made of paper and everything. Now I'm older, I can make more amazing stuff with this thing. Just imagine this: A big racing track going all around your room, in every corners and in every ways. Now that's pure childish fun!

That's pretty much it. Quite a nice Christmas I've had this year! My friend says he bought me something, but I have yet to know what it is as I'll most likely see him only for new years. I was like "uh, what the hell.. you actually bought me something?" but anyway.

I'll be back in a few days too, just to let you people know the new games I've bought and of course, Storms pictures! I also feel like making a rundown of the girls I like the most in video games. Why? I don't know, I felt like it lol.

What's been goin' on

Sup people? Right now, I don't know where this blog is going. I have no idea what to write about, what to talk about, and I actually have nothing to talk about lol. Just thought I'd make a blog to try and keep my comeback as real as it can. This ought to be long, or not. Don't know yet.

So.. What to talk about.. Oh yeah, I could start by saying what's been up after all that time. So I now have a status of permanent at work. Yep, Permanent Pre-Certification tester, how cool is that? I'll have all kinds of insurances and what not (thank you for making my pay smaller because of these) but it's still cool. It's also cool to now know that I'll have dental insurances while I finished my never ending stay at the dentist 2 days before being told that I was now permanent and would have dental insurances in 3 months lol. It seems to be going very well at work for me, I even got two "meritas" at my xmas job party, which were for "Productivity" and "Disponibility". Hell yeah, I produce and I'm always there. I even do a lot of the work I'm not suposed to do, such as end of day reports for my manager (small ones, I don't do the while big ass one he has to do), compile all the documents needed for that end of day, I'm always one of the firsts people asks for information whenever they don't know how to do something related to Sony. Go Fetus! Work is going extremly well for me.

'm still single though, now that kinda disappoints me, as I miss being with someone, but it sure does give me more time for gaming. Talking of gaming, I forgot to mention that I also bought Final Fantasy II on PSP from one of my friends at work. I don't play it really often though, but it's still pretty cool. Despite what most people say (that FFII is bad) I highly prefer the level up system of FFII than any other FF games I've played so far. Instead of "levels" which your character is attached to, everything levels up on it's own such as weapons, magics, etc. Pretty cool if you ask, since then instead of always ending up with "average" characters, you will always have characters that are really good and specialised in a type of weapon, magic, and all that. It is pretty easy though.. equip one weapon in each hands of your character (f*** the shield, two weapons does incredible damage!), fight and level up that weapon's level for that character, and you bust ass. Hell yeah, now that's what I'm talking about. Anyway.

mm.. Christmas is soon, days off are soon too, can't wait for the 24th at 4pm since that's when my days off start. Man I need a break -_- the 24th has been my reason to get up in the morning and go to work lately.

Anywayyyyyy that has nothing to do with the time I was away lol. Shows how much all I did was work and game. OH YEAH remember Storm? My tarantula? I'll set up something for ya'll as she molted! I took nice pictures of it, I would of taken a video but a numeric camera doesn't have any kind of light so it was dark and all when trying to film, but I sure did take a few pictures. I'll put them up eventually.

During this time I've also made plans for new tattoos. Remember my Hatchet Man on the back of my right leg? Well there's a whole big design going on that leg, it'll literally take the entire leg, from the top of my thigh to the ankle. Is it an ankle? I forgot if that's the right word. an I always mess up body parts lol. Anyway it's gonna take the whole leg. It's all about the hand of the Wraith (grim reaper) dropping 6 Joker cards that spiral around my leg and the hatchet man in a sky of fire merging in a clear blue sky raining diamonds. This whole thing is a big scheme of life through death. Each cards represent something in life, while the last ones represent death. The fire and clear blue sky mean that you decide what you do: good or bad. It's up to you. I personally don't believe in hell or heaven, but you could put it like this if you want and if it makes it easier for you to understand.

I've also got a few ideas for my left leg, which will also take up the entire leg. I'll probably do something related to every video games that marked my childhood. Something like having a part of a stage from a game, fading into another stage of another game, etc. This first came by wanting a tattoo of the original, 8bit Megaman, then I thought I could do an entire leg based on video games since I'm such into them and some of them can't be forgotten. Plus I chose the legs because it gives me more space elsewhere for more tattoos lol.

That's pretty much what has been going on during this long time of being away. I'll stop here for now, stay put for when I'll post new pictures of Storm molting and fpor whenever I get this damn, neverending tattoo. 'll explain it in details as I get it done, such as the meaning behind every Joker Cards. etc.

Aight, see ya dudes! and dudettes (Roll!)!

New (and old) games: Part II

Welcome to the second part of my new and old games! This time around I'll write about the blu-ray games I got during my long time of inactivity on GameSpot. Let's start right away, and as expected, they are all on PS3 to the exception of one title which is on PS2 and PS1. Yes, PS2 AND PS1, you'll see.

Now that's quite a good game. One of the few games I would of wanted to try out and was only for X360 (forget PC, I just can't game on PC), and luckily for me, they released it on PS3. Bioshock, to me, is an horror first-person shooter, with a touch of adventure coming from the environment in which it takes place. Also, I really like how everything is so futuristic, but seems to happen in the past with the 50's music and what not. It's a great mix between the two. The storyline seems to be there, but since I recently just started the game, I can't tell much about it, but so far I'm loving it.

Guitar Hero: World Tour
Remember when I used to post videos of songs in GH1, 2 and 3? I could do the same with WT now! I only got the guitar+game bundle, as I know they had a lot of problems with the drums and I didn't want my drums to break so quickly like my Rock Band 1 drums did last year. The game has a great setlist to choose from, and the DLC is pretty good as well. They still lack a little bit on the DLC, but when I see bands such as Oasis, Jimi Hendrix, Smashing Pumpkins, etc in the DLc, I'm thinking to myself "SWEET!". I still play it, but rarely since I already finished the game on Expert difficulty. Problem is, it is MUCH easier than any previous games in the series, especially GHIII, which is the only one I never finished entirely (gotta love Slayer, Iron Maiden and Metallica on Expert).Anyway, the setlist has a good mix of metal, punk and rock, even pop at times (Micheal Jackson's Beat It! I laughed when I saw this but it's amazing). A must in my opinion for fans of the previous games. Oh and, Tool is the sh**.

Mirror's Edge
Many told me not to buy it due to it's lenght. Was I the only person being happy that the game is short? I'm sick of games needing 50+ hours of gameplay to be done. I want short games, damnit! I loved Mirror's Edge because of it's lenght, gameplay, everything, xept maybe the story which is rather.. normal. Otherwise, I really love it. And to people who say the game isn't long enough and doesn't have enough stuff to do, then why don't you simply do the Speedruns? the Timetrials? It adds more replay value and with the way the game is, wouldn't your goal be to have the best time and do the coolest moves to get someplace faster than you did the first time around? I guess people don't see this game the same way as I do, because to me, ME is entirely worth the money. I'm currently on my second playthrough which I'm doing on Hard difficulty. I also plan on getting the Platinum trophy eventually, but I have to admit that the Speedruns and getting 50 stars skill-rating in Time Trials are quite hard.

I know that I mentioned before that I had gotten LBP, but I just wanted to tlel you people that I've finished it at 100% in-game and trophy wise. My first Platinum trophy :] woo!

Dead Space
Same with Dead Space, I believe I mentioned it before, but I now finished it 100%, including Trophies. My second Platinum! It took me 3 playthroughs: 2 on Medium difficulty and one on Impossible difficulty in order to get the Epic Tier 3 Engineer trophy, which is to beat the game on the hardest difficulty setting. Honestly.. I loved the game so much that I feel like doing a 4th playthrough just for fun, but hey, I've got other games to finish.

Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection
Here comes my PS2 and PS1 game! The collection has Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance and Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. MGS1 is actually on two PS1 discs, they didn't even port it to PS2 for the collection, they kept it intact on PS1 discs. I mainly bought it for this, although the director's cut editions of MGS2 and MGS3 is a great addition since I had both normal releases of the games, not the director's cuts. I now finally have completed my MGS collection, and plan on playing them all again, including MGS4. There's no need to really talk about the series here, cause who doesn't know Metal gear Solid? Honestly?

So that's it for my new games on discs, and that's basically it for my new games in general. I have no idea what my next blog will be like though.. but good news, I actually posted 3 blogs so far in my 2nd comeback, which is a good sign. Oh yeah and I am now Level 33: Goombella on GS. Congratulations to myself for moving up one level on my 2nd comeback! Oh yeah, stay tuned, I might talk about my job's xmas party we had last friday on my blog because I've gotten two special things..

New (and old) games! Part I

Hey! So here I am, did as I said and updated my list, though I still have to rate several games and finish this big review I talked about way back then (remember it? I talked about writing a big review back then.. I still haven't finished with it, only because I never took the time to check out the online functions which I probable don't even remember my username and password for it). Anyway, as I first planned for my 2nd blog of my 2nd comeback, I'll write up about the games I got while I was out of GS and what not.

I'll start off with the PSN games I got and the way I'll do it will be simple. Sort of like a list, and I'll tell about each of them. All of them are on PS3, of course, unless I state otherwise.. anyway they are all on PS3 lol.

flOw (expansiOn)
Yep, I actually got flOw. I don't really know why I got this game, but I still did. It's a nice, relaxing and enjoyable game.. for a limited time. For those who haven't played it, you play as a sort of organism, flowing through the depths of the water, eating other small organisms. As you eat more of them, you grow larger, prettier and longer. Of course, you have predators, which will eat your cells (which are composed of your organisms). You can't actually die, you only get pushed back up one depth when all of your "cells" have been eaten, and then you can dive back down to continue your way. You don't even have to eat anything.. simply reaching the bottom where lies another species egg will grant you another organism, and you're done. That simple. Sounds boring, but sure is relaxing when you really don't know what to do.

I got Rayman, which is the cla**ic game from PS1. I never actually played it much on my PS3, but is still a nice game to have around. Wandering around several levels, saving them little.. things.. whatever they are, and fighting against enemies by throwing your fist is always something funny to do.

Now that's one hell of a good puzzle game if you're into the genre. Everything is defined in black lines on a white background, and it's all about perspective. There is a hole you need to cross? Hide it with a piece of the landscape by moving the camera around and the hole no longer exists. Connect pieces by moving them around to give the impression they are connected together, and a bunch of other things like that. Another thing that's pretty cool is that they announced Trophy support, I'm just waiting for the patch to be released to enjoy the game some more ;p

Blast Factor (add-ons bundle)
This is another great arcade shooter released for PS3. You take control of a little ship, or something of the sort, and find yourself inside a small cell with enemies spawning around you. There are 3 different modes: Basic Research, Advance Research and Hybrid Mode. All 3 plays differently and I believe that Hybrid mode is a mix between the two other modes, I just haven't played Advanced Research yet, so I couldn't tell. As you clear more cells, you eventually get to a boss, and destroying the boss results in the Specimen being cleared. There are a total of 7 Specimens in Basic Research and 13 in Hybrid Mode, and if my theory is accurate, this makes a total of 6 Specimens in Advanced Research. If you like Super Stardust HD and other similar games, you definitely should give it a try.

Soldner-X Himmelssturmer
Stay far from this.. Unless you are an hardcore gamer who LOVES challenges. I, myself, who have always loved challenges and hard games (Ghosts 'N Goblins is a good reference as being one of my favorite games out there) can't even get past the second world on Very Easy difficulty. Soldner-X is a side-scrolling shoot 'em up. You take board on your tiny ship and go against a wild, crazy crowd of enemies which shoot in every directions and come in hundreds when it isn't more. Definitely not a game for people who aren't looking for a challenge. If you are a Trophy hunter (such as myself), definitely stay away from this game as they all seem impossible to get, such as finishing World 2 with an S Rank, while I can't even beat it to begin with. Still is an awesome game to my eyes, and with enough persistence I'll eventually beat Very Easy mode lol.

Alright, I'll stop this right here otherwise this blog will get WAY too long. I'll make a part 2 with disc games that I got whenever I feel like it.. so in a few days probably. Until then, that's the new games I've got on my PS3. I sure have my hands full!!

2nd Comeback?

Heyyyyyy 0.o

I'm alive.. tired since it is 6:11 AM and I hardly slept last night, but I'm alive.

This blog is to say my first comeback wasn't successful at all, I just posted 1 or 2 blogs and stopped coming once again for a long time! So I'm now trying a second comeback, but that also means I need to update my gaming collection as well as my currently playing list.

Why? Because, I don't really know actually. I just feel like trying to make a second comeback lol. And It's always nice to keep track of my gaming collection, which is something I haven't done in a while.

And while being at it I'll try to comment on your blogs as well.

Who knows if this one will be successful or not o.o

I'll post another blog eventually when my update is done and I'll tell about my new games over the time and what I've been up to, this blog is only to announce that I'll try, once again, to make a comeback on here!