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FetusZero Blog

It's Official

I'm moving. Yep, we have yet to know the exact date, but it shall be around in October. We've started packing a few stuff, te stuff in the basement to be more precise, I will start packing a few things from my room myself. Of course my laptop will remain here, on my desk 'till the very end. So I'll be sure to tell ya'll when we are leaving cause then I might not come on the net for a few days, the time to unpack stuff at the new home and all that ya know.

Once we get there I definately will have to find a new job... hurray? Well the good side of finding a job over there, is I've never been there! Therefore, all the nice places to work over there I've never been to nor ever applied to, giving me more choices than over here since I've already went everywhere that seemed to have potential.

Oh yeah, I also bought two new music CDs. Twistid's Independents Day and Kindspade's PTB. Two albums I've wanted for a while and I now have em. I'll join pics of the CD covers and give you their MySpace links on which they both have songs from them two albums in questions.

Kingspade's MySpace

Twiztid's MySpace

(I will provide the links to the album covers only since I'm too lazy to resize the scans to make em smaller and visible on my gamespot profile.)

Kindspabe's PTB

Twiztid's Independents Day

Fet's R & R!

Welcome to Fet's Random Rambling! Yes! You got it right! Random Rambling people! R&R stood up for Random Rambling! *lil' elevator like music starts* Raaaandom Rambling with Feeeeeeetus, Yaaaaaaaaa'll come to see Feeeeeeeetus, lalalala

Pretty random uh? That's my point. I didn't know what to write, but hell I wanted to write a **** blog! So what can I say..let's see.

I have gone up one level *cheers* Whoop whoop! Level 24.

That's bout it. What else? Well I could say that my little Storm (my Cobalt Blue tarantula, also know as H. Lividium) is on the verge of molting. Well anyway, I hope she is. Thing is she haven't ate in a while, which can be a sign of a molt. She also starting silking the ground of her little apartment which is also a sign of a molt. So she's either sick, or getting ready to molt. I know I haven't got the right substrate for a Cobalt Blue, which I'm constantly trying to find the right substrate and which obviously, I can't find it anywhere. I want to mix some potting soil (easy to find) with some Vermiculite as her substrate. Of course, the vermiculite is what I can't find. If only I could find it, she could finally dig her own burrow and be comfortable. I know she ain't uncomfortable though, as uncomfortable tarantulas that don't like their housing will find the habit of climbing the walls of the aquarium, or whatever you put em in. Mine doesn't do that. Storm wanders around and stay still in a corner for the whole day, then changes corner at night all while silking her ground path. I wish she had urticating hair cause then it would be rather easy to tell wether or not she'd be molting as the area with these particular hair goes bald when they getting ready to molt. But I recently did someresearch and came to the conclusion the H. Lividium does not have any of those urticating hair. Those hairs are situated on the abdomen of the tarantula. To learn more about the exterior anatomy of a tarantula, you can click here.

Other than that, what could I say? I'll give some info on my current video gaming time.

I've made alot of progress in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. I know I've been playing this game forever, and I often said I sucked at it. Well I was wrong, I was only trying to go faster than I should of. Lately, I've taken my time and am getting really good at it. I am all stealthy and stuff, I never get noticed, and I have absolutly no problems going through most missions. So hopefully, I will eventually beat that game before 08 which would be cool.

I've started Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria a while ago like you probably all know. I am at the third Chapter of the game (out of like..13 I think) and I have a current play time of 10 hours. Why is it taking me so long when each chapter could be cleared in 1-2 hours? Well, to know that you need to know a bit of the story...but I will make it quick. Basicaly, you can collect Einherjars through the game. By leveling them up to a specific level for each of them, you can free their souls and thus, depending on which level they are, their stats and their equipment, freeing them earns you different items. You don't have to do this in the game, you really don't have to. But I decided to free each and every single Einherjar joining my party. It takes me alot of time, but at the same time, it makes my primary characters (which I chose as my primary characters) stronger, cause it'll level them up too and on top of that, I get cool items to boost my stats. So because of this, alot of the hours I spent playing so far is time I spend leveling up and freeing my Einherjars.

I recently bought the Hitman trilogy which I simply couldn't stop myself from buying it. I started Hitman 2: Silent Assassin and I must say...that game is the **** ! With every game I am currently playing, this one is probably the one I play the most, closely followed by Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria. I ain't got much to say about it though, but it's definately my ****of game. Using stealth, but stealth alone won't do. You need ALOT of strategy and need to elaborate a clear path of what you will do before even doing anything. You might do something first, doesn't work, mission failed, start over again just because one guard got alerted making your targets escape the hell out of there. I know there's probably people playing that game who simply try to run in a shoot out and kill everything that moves, like always, there are always people like this..but can't do that with Hitman, specially with that mission where you gotta kill ONE person, without killing the other generals around him. Fun, isn't it? Anyway you'd probably end up dead before killing the entirety of the people in the level.

what else am I playing..Metal Gear Ac!d! I totally love this game and god forgive me for not buying it when it came out. I'm not really far in this game, I really started playing it because I wasn't getting much further in Portable Ops, but now that I am getting good at PO, I kinda dropped MGA and decided to keep it for when I'm done with PO. Probably a good idea, cause the story in MGA seems somewhat confusing and I wouldn't wanna miss anything out of it. Especially with the time that I took to get so far in PO, meaning I forgot alot of it's story, but it is slowly coming back as I play it. So basicaly, once I'm done with MGS: PO I'll most likely start Metal Gear Ac!d all over again.

Killzone. Ah, Killzone. My favorite FPS to date. I've reached the 7th mission. As I can recall you, my readers, basicaly, Curtis and Simon, Each mission is seperated in many parts. One mission can have 5 parts, another can have only 3, but anyway, I'm at Mission 7 on 11. Soon enough I will finish Killzone though I must admit, through mission 6 it really started getting hellish. The first part of mission 6 was alright. Second part I kept dieing then it was alright. Third part took forever. Anyway you get the idea. I can't wait to finish it so I can start playing Killzone: Liberation on PSP.

As for Killzone: Liberation, as I just said, I have tried it out just to check it out a bit, but haven't started it. Gotta finish Killzone on PS2 in the first place!

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening. I know it's been on my list for a while, but I haven't even started playing it. Why? Many reasons. Actually..3 reasons lol. My first, I have yet to find DMC2. I know that DMC3 is a prequel to DMC1 and that DMC2 suposedly suck, but I don't care. I just have a hard time playing the third if I haven't played the second. That's just wrong for me. My second reason, I have so many games started right now..especially Valkyrie Profile 2. I had plans to start Devil May Cry 3 after Valkyrie Profile 2 and I believe that is still my plans. Meanwhile, who knows, I might even get my hands on DMC2 by the time I beat VP2, so it's all good. My third reason is kinda dumb. Alot of people complain about the controls in DMC1, but I got used to them and loved it. I know I could configure the controls in DMC3 to be alike those in DMC1, but that's not my **** I ALWAYS take the default controls and gameplay and stuff in games xept for stuff such as the sound (since none of em have surround for default), remove the subtitles (since most have it on by default), and stuff like that. So I'm just taking the time to forget the controls of DMC1 before starting DMC3, that way it won't confuse me in any way. Muahahaha, that's smart isn't it?

SO...My game ranting has gone by, that's one hell of a blog, and if any of you reaches this part, known that it is official..almost..I am moving out to a new home, far from my girlfriend (well far..not that much but just enough so we won't be able to see each other as much). It kinda sucks ya know..yeah I can't wait to be over there..new experiences, meeting new people (maybe, I'm not the one who goes out the most lol I doubt I'll meet anyone), but at the same time man does it ever saddens. I have difficulties sleeping at night because of it. So many things goes through my head especially about my girlfriend. Yeah some things have changed, but really we won't see as much, we will hardly see each other, and to top it off she goes to college which over there there's a hell lot of people so she will meet a hell lot of people ya know while I'll be far out over there wondering what's happening it just scares me ya know. But hey, gotta try and keep it positive, nothing happens without a reason.

Buncha stuff happenin'

First of all, I bought the Hitman Trilogy. Whoop whoop! Anyway, after my friend introduced me to Hitman, I totally loved it and needed it. I've been checking around for a while for this Trilogy which seems rather..inexistent nowadays. I came around a single copy of the collection at Best Buy for $30 canadian. Hell yeah! Still stuck with so many games!

Second, turns out this tuesday I have a job interview at Wal-Mart. Ya herd me: Wal-Mart. I applied for the night shift like last thursday and already saturday they had call me. Sure ain't as exciting as working at EBGames, but hey, a job is a job. Especially that this is a temporary job. Why? You will know in the next paragraph but anyway, working at the night shift at Wal-Mart will bring bigger pays my way which doesn't bother me at all and honestly..I sort of miss working at night. Weird, isn't it?

Ok so for the third happenin': My parents made an offer on a house and it got accepted. Turns out it's kinda easy getting to sell our present house. Basicaly, it's for my dad to live closer to hise job. It's about 45 minutes away from here by driving, also giving a nice extra 25 minutes to go see my girlfriend. Now instead of taking me 20 minutes to go see her, it'll take me a full of entertainment 45 minutes total to go see her. So I probably won't keep my job here and simply find a new one over there. But yeah, the day I'll finally go back to school and find a more a decent job, I'll live where I want to. If everythinggoes well we should move towards the end of October or something.

That's bout it folks!

Emblem Update!

Ya know that little butterfly emblem we all have? (well, most of us), I finally reached a new level and am now Convivial. Basicaly means my friend's list got bigger and well, I now have not one, but two butterflies! How fun :]

Tooth gone!

Yep, I just got back from the dentist and she extracted it. Man that was some hard work, the tooth was so big with big ass roots she had to saw that little pain bringer into 3 parts. That ain't the first time it happens to me but ya know..at least now it's gone. Finally free! No more pain! Well, when I start feeling something again..can't feel **** in my mouth right now lol.


Those who know me knows how much problems my teeth can bring me...and how much pain as well. Some may know that lately, a tooth of mine been hurting. Well my apointment turns out to be next monday only, and starting from today, I've came to reach my pain endurance limits. Through the following I will try to go at a dentist as an emergency to get the tooth in question extracted and hopefully this will be tomorrow (I'm writting this tonight, monday). I have yet to know if I'll even be able to sleep with such an excruciating feeling in my mouth. I ain't crazy yet but it shouldn't be too long before I actually go crazy from the pain. Wish me good luck for finding someplace that'll extract this tooth without hesitation!

(Also, I have finally managed to gather 999 999 points in Lumines, meaning I finally unlocked the skin which required such an ammount of points. woop woop!)

News on the job+Two new games!

First things first, the interview at EBGames went pretty well. The one where I went for the job needs someone around the 15th of August, yet one of them dudes leaves for another EBGames (close to that one) and will too need people by the end of the month. So basicaly, I've got 2 chances. I won't stop searching for another job though, as we never know, they might not call me back, but overall I think I did good and everything went well. So that's for the news on the job!

Yep, I bought two more games. I bought them at a different EBGames, used, since they have that special thing which is 2 games for 20$ on selected used titles. So at first I was going to buy Killzone: Liberation for PSP brand new, but then the dude told me they had it in that special 2 for 20$ used games. So hey,why not check out the other titles included in that special? I then found Metal gear Ac!d, which I never bought when it was released due to the whole battle card system and wasn't sure with the purchase, but for 5$ more, I don't really give a **** if the game sucks! Both games are in great condition and I didn't miss out on taking my additional 1 year coverage if anything goes wrong with them. I usually don't buy used games, but hell, this was worth it. Plus, the more I hear about MGA the more I actually hear good things and how people wouldn't try it out simply because of the card system thing, so I supose I won't be disapointed! So many games to play! What did I do!?

By the way, I also beat Crush tonight, go me!

The Simpsons+Job Interview

So I went see The Simpsons Movie. I was skeptic about it at first, mostly because I wasn't sure about the transfer from a 30 minutes show to a 1 hour and a half movie format. I proved myself wrong though, just by going to see it. Being a long time fan of The Simpsons, I just had to see it. I gotta say it's pretty good. It's as funny and dumb as we can expect from The Simpsons, yet has a movie touch. All I can say is that it's like watching 3 episodes one after the other on a huge ass screen. Yes, there is in fact a story. I didn't think about it but after 10 minutes of the beginning, I thought to myself "Dude, I wonder what kind of story it'll have or if it'll simply be stupid stuff happening all the time" but fortunately, there is a story and it doesn't make sense much at all, much like we would expect from them! I would give the movie a 9/10 personally, though it's up to you to see it!

On a second note, I have been called to have an interview for a job! If some of ya'll didn't know, I dropped my summer job as a landscape gardener. I stayed there at part time (working on Wednesdays and Fridays) in the meantime that I find a new job. My reason? I have near none endurance with the heat nowadays, even less with a sun staring at you with his death eyes right over your head. He's like "Burn mother **** ! Burn!" if you know what I mean. I endured the whole process for 7 years, thought about building my career around it, while I was only hiding it all from my own self. I hate that job and I can't stand it. When I quit marijuana, it somehow opened my eyes on alot of things, made me want to go back to school to be able to go further and have a worthy career that I'll love. For this, I need money, to get money, I need a new job. Well that's how it all happened, today EBGames called me to say I had an interview for the job. Woop woop! If everything goes well Thursday over there, I'm gonna sell video games! Which is a good thing considering I plan a career around video gaming. Man I can't wait to put my foot in the ass of young 9 year old kids tryna buy GTA lol. Anyway, point of it all, that's only if I get the job. Hope everything goes well cause I need the cheddar **** !

Lost an emblem? Hell no! **** you!

What's with my blog title? I came up this morning and had lost my precious Tagger King emblem, yes, lost. Nobody had theoir damn Tagger **** emblems so I was written a blog about it when BOOM!!!!!!! My Tagger King emblem is back. So I'm here to say what I said: Ya'll a bunch of ****s . Why? Cause ya'll stopped commenting me. If I was uninteresting as of these days, least tell me instead of being one hell of a silent **** .

Simon, you cool, cause you still comment buddy, you are THE commenting dude as of these days. I don't blame you for not commenting on "The Storms Awakens" cause I know how much hatred you can have towards spiders. You cool buddy.

Curtis, although you did quit commenting me, you still cool buddy cause we talk regularly on MSN, anyway when I'm online which I rarely am these days. Anyway just as Simon, you two are my great GS buddies which you once were part of my tripple threat when Reilly was on here as well. Sadly one of the trio has fallen and now things are crazy. Wether you guys comment or not I don't care much.

But for everyone else, why the **** you dead ****s are on my ****ing list? I ****ing comment on your blogs, I do it because you're on my list and the worst of all that **** is that for the most you were the ones to add me first! I know this cause the only people I added first myself have either put their profile out of my reach or something like that..MUAHAHAHA Ain't I evil?

By the way I finally beat Kingdom Hearts II and Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Collection. I have now enagaged Valkyrie Profile 2, am continuing Killzone and Crush which Crush is almost done. Woop, go me! **** you!

P.S.: I'm just kidding ya'll! It's true that it sucks that nobody comments, but I am sadly unable to go crazy insane psycho killa like this for real on people. Well it depends, I do it for fun for pure amusement in a sarcastic way, meaning I don't truely think ya'll are **** Why do I write this right now? To avoid hate mail! Of course! Love ya'll.

The Storm Awakens!

What's the Storm? Who's the Storm? It is my new pet! I have bought a new Tarantula the other day, a Cobalt Blue Tarantula more precisely, a H. Lividium (I don't remember the H word, scientifically). You can see a picture of a Cobalt Blue right here, though this isn't my little Storm, it gives you an idea of what it looks like. I have yet to take a picture of her.

A little info on Cobalt Blue's: They are one of the most nervous, aggressive and fast species of Tarantulas. They really aren't reccomended for beginners and only professionals should handle this kind of species. They usually come for the Tropical Forest, therefore require good heat and humidity. In captivity as a pet, they eat crickets or pinkies (baby mice) and mine so far eats about 2-3 crickets a day. I have yet to know if Storm eats pinkies, but I will know tonight since I'm going to buy one and give it to her. Usually, for a Tarantula to eat a prey, the prey has to be half the size of the Tarantula or smaller. Males are brown and it's the females who has the colors. They can appear black, but with the right lighting you will see the beautiful shades of electric blue on their legs and they're body. They are ground Tarantulas, meaning they don't climb very much and spend most of their time wandering around on the ground, or more likely in their burrow. They like to dig burrows and tunnels as their home and usually spend most of their time there, though from time to time they will spend some days out of their burrows. Mine as yet to dig a burrow, but it's probably because I didn't put thick enough of stuff in the bottom of the cage or because I have yet to get a perfect climate for my little friend, Storm. I called her Storm because of her temper, being violent, aggressive, unpredictable and beautiful, just like a storm.

On a second note, I have finally gained the Tagger King emblem. Woo!

I also am ready for the final fight in Kingdom Hearts 2, I am just going through the different worlds finishing every single mission and minigames avaible to me, that way I'll have every world completed at 100% before ending the game.

I also am almost finished with Final Fantasy on PSP, I have only the last dungeon to complete, but before that I'm taking the time to beat the 4 extra dungeons in the PSP version so I have my bestiary completed and every dungeons with no exeption completed.