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So yesterday (which was Monday, July 23) I went to the Biodome of Montreal, tagged alongside with the Insectarium and the Botanical Garden with sister, my girlfriend and my parents. Let's start with the first place we did: The Insectarium.

Insectarium of Montreal

So we started the day by leaving home towards 9AM, which honestly I was up at 6:30AM. We went over to my sister's appartment in Montreal which is about 20-30 minutes away by driving, drank my second coffee of the day then we left. We walked up to the Botanical Garden, but just beside it was the Insectarium entrance which is where we started. So yep, we saw insects and arachnids, etc. My favrotie part was of course: Arachnids. Sadly, to my disapointement, there wasn't many type of tarantulas and scorpions, but at least, they had my favorite tarantula species which is the Mexican Fire Leg as known by it's scientific name? I have no idea. Thing is, that trantula is just..beautiful. Other than that there wasn't much that I need to specify here, though the place was small, they still had alot of species of different kinds. Ya know, bees are fun to watch do their thing in their nest, but they always flew everywhere in the Botanical Garden lol. We saw some arrangment made to see ants travel food from one place to another and I mean..yeah I can see ants in my backyard and I've seen them work on Discovery Channel, but seeing them work that way, all following one after the other, seeing millions of em at a time bring back food and leaves and stuff for their hideout with my own eyes was something quite amazing. I also seen for the first time of my life the queen, which I must say, that's a fat ass! Mmm they also had that machine which calculated your weight in ants..like how many ants do you weight and turns out I weight something like 275 000 000 ants lol. Now that's pretty funny. Anyway, they had alot of different bugs, sure can 't remember all of em and I'm only saying bout the ones that quite impressed me, but with as much as I know from bugs, nothing was too great to really quite impress me other than seeing them in action in front of my eyes. They also had Black Widow spiders, which I hadn't seen in a while. It's funny to see one of the deadliest spiders alive being so tiny. I never would hold one in my hand, unlike a tarantula. Ya know what sucks? I didn't get to see any Brown Recluse, though that spider is mostly found throughout Europe, I know North America (some places in North America, mostly to the south) have variations of the Brown Recluse which is one evil spider. For those in Europe who has yet to know about that specific little fiend, the Brown Recluse is small, has a violon like shape on their back (as you can see from the picture) and are often found in dark and comfortable areas. They can be anywhere in your house! (sorry for all this Simon) They aren't aggressive in nature, but of course if you step on it or accidentally put your hand over it while searching for something it might bite you which you wouldn't want that to happen. It's venom sorta desintegrate your skin. It isn't deadly, of course unless you let the venom react for several days or weeks, but if any of you out there think they mioght have been bit by one, find the spider, capture it in a bottle and go to the hopsital. A Brown Recluse bite ressembles a mosquito sting, xept there's two tiny bumps instead of one and often will have a tiny white circle around the bumps. I don't wanna scare anyone and it doesn't have anything to do with the Insectarium I went to, but hey, now you're informed and you will be aware of it! Definately sorry Simon, you'll freak out over this lol. Sadly, I do not know in which regions of the UK the spider resides, just remember that it is in abso;lutly no way an aggressive spider and usually won't bite you, unless you're definately out of luck. Enough with the Insectarium, let's jump to the Botanical Garden, our second stop.

Botanical Garden of Montreal

So yep, now that is a place which is consisting of 10 different exhibition gardens, from all around the world. It's quite a beautiful place, though it is huge. You walk in there, admiring the different plants and stuff, you really need to be a nature lover to go see this. There's really nothing to say about it other than walking through trees and plants and flowers from all around the world. I visited the Chinese and Japanese garden and that's bout it. We didn't visit much more because well yeah, it would of taken the entire day to see everything and we were all eager to see the Biodome itself. So instead of talking about the plants and tress, just go visit the link to the Botanical Garden and let me be! lol. On to the Biodome.

Biodome of Montreal

The biodome was quite fun. Basicaly, the Biodome is made of 4 ecosystems: The Tropical Forest (dude..it was hot as **** in there), The Laurentian Forest (that's basicaly what we have over here so it was quite boring), The Saint-Lawrence Marine Ecosystem (again, it's what we have here, but hey since when do we go underwater? There wasn't much to be seen anyway, was still kinda nice to see it in action though they missed a couple species underwater) and the Artic/Antarctic (my girlfriend's favorite place, she just loves pinguins, it's her favorite animal).

So to start off, we went through the Tropical Forest where we saw different sorts of monkeys (dude they were awesome!), perrots, we saw turtles, we saw alligators, sadly I never got to see the green iguanas since the forest is obviously green. You would walk in a pathway made throughout the ecosystem, was beautiful but man is theTropical Forest filled with moist and heat. Let's say I wouldn't live in there lol. That's bout all I've got to say, it isn't a big biodome after all and the Tropical Forest is the biggest ecosystem there was. But it's still fun to visit and see different kind of animals. And anyway, there isn't much to say about them other than what I saw. Oh yeah, I also saw alot of bats. Bats are cool.

Then the second area was the Laurentian Forest, which is what we have here. We saw some fishes, beavers, lynx, anyway, I honestly don't know what to say about that place since it's a forest type I can see anytime whenever I want since that's what's over here. Just go see the pictures on the site.

Third area, the Saint-Lawrence Marine Ecosystem, which was..not bad. We saw a bunch of fish stuck together in a huge water area, and the usual birds who lives on the sea. We also saw starfish and stuff like that which lives at the bottom of the sea. Bla bla bla, this in my opinion was the most boring of em all. So I won't spend a minute longer here.

And finally, the most awaited place by my girlfriend, Arctic/Antarctic. Whwta were there? Some birds, and most of all, Pinguins. Man she loves Pinguins. We spent over 30 minutes sitting there watching at Pinguins. Ya know what I found sad though? They didn't have much space. One of the pinguins was standing there against the white wall and stared at it for the whiole time we were there and it really saddened me. They should have made that place much bigger, with more snow and bigger fake mountains for them to slide on their belly and have alot of place to wander and swim but that wasn't the case. It really saddened me. We saw penguins hug each other and all it was kinda cute. My girlfriend was even tryna pet the pinguins right through the window lol. So that's bout it.

I'm closing my blog right now, ending it on this: I found the ecosystems to be particularly small, specially for the penguins, and wish they could of had much more place to wander around. Though I am not disapointed with my journey, it was quite fun and quite amusing to see all of this, I liked it alot. Some things left me unpleased, most particularly the lack of arachnids knoqwing arachnids count a really big number of species, and most specificaly, the lack of place to wander for the animals. Did dI say it enough that I was disapoin ted for the lack of place the animals had to wander around? But ya know, that's how it is everywhere for every place with animals in captivity. I was well aware of this problem our world has, and seeing it again with my own eyes made me realise it even more. I wish animals in captivity, though I am directly agreeing to the fact that they are in captivity and far from their homelands, should at least have much bigger places and areas that actually would feel for them as the immensity of their homelands. What is it for an animal to try and go further when you hit a wall? I wonder. Some say they don't realise it, but them people don't realise that animals too, have a brain and are intelligent. Sure, fishes don't have much recongnition and active memory, meaning no matter how small an aquarium is, by the time they reach one side, they already forgot what was on the other side, or that there actually was an another side, but for intelligent animals other than fish, it must suck, just like that pinguin who was staring at the wall, saddened he couldn't go further. But hey, I know many people don't care bout this, but what ya want, I've got a big heart about these things. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed my day alot. Alright, peace out!

cooooooooool duuuude

Why so cool? Because I have bought the movie Cool World! Wal-Mart has them 2 movies for 10$ ya know and I came seeing Cool World and totally wanted it. So I took it, but then I needed a second movie and turns out they had Wayne's World 2! I have the first movie, but never had the second one so why not grab that opportunity to make 2 great movies at one time! Go Wal-Mart!

Oh yeah, while having the Microsoft and Sony emblems for watching their press conference, I also got an emblem for watching one of the GS days at E3 which honestly, I watched 30 secondes. Go me!

Cool World trailer

Wayne's World 2 trailer

Is war at my hands?

Why would war be at my hands? Because I have bought Killzone for PS2. Now, there's ALOT of bad reviews about this game, but for the hell of it (and fortunately a low price) I bought the game anyway. For those who know my gaming habits, I ain't a big FPS player. I enjoy the genre alot and it always have impressed me, but I simply suck at them. Only FPS in my entire game library or any FPS I ever even tried that I was good at is Medal of Honor: Frontline which I own on GameCube. I'm really looking forward to getting much more into the FPS genre, I will definately try to get better at it so I can finally pass the third mission of Call of Duty: The Finest Hour (yeah, that's how bad I suck..the worst being that my favorite part of these games is to be a sniper and that this same third mission requires you to be a sniper).

So knowing how I love to go against the crowd, the bad critics didn't stop me from buying Killzone. And anyway, Killzone 2 for PS3 quite impressed and since I plan on owning a PS3 someday, I might as well begin by the first game. I also own the Killzone: Liberation UMD demo for PSP which I had in a Official U.S. Playstation magazine (which is sadly now inexistent as a magazine itself) which I enjoyed pretty much, although I kept dieing. I have now added Liberation to my Wish List, added Killzone 2 to my Tracked List and included Killzone in my Collection as well as my Now Playing list.

For a side note, I am almost through Kingdom Hearts II. Once I am done with it, (give me a week or 2 I guess) I will engage Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria.

On PSP I have started Final Fantasy which I enjoy very much, but do not fear, I haven't given up on Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, it's just that this MGS title takes me more time to play as I gotta admit, although the controls are extremly well done, I still have difficulties getting used to them. I rock much asses in the PS2 titles yet I have much difficulties being all stealthy in the PSP game. Another thing is the rations. I don't like the way the guys works with Stamina and how Snake can't be cured or anything the same way as the other guys are, and I kinda get disapointed on this point. I liked it alot in MGS3 cause it really felt like survival stuff, where you had to kill animals or gather different plants and fruits to restore your stamina, not go around searching for a ration floating around or waiting for your medics to create some more. I do play it often..but to be honest, all I've been doing is capture enemy soldiers cause man..is it ever funny to capture enemy soldiers!

I'm almost done with Crush, not a perfect game, but done through most of the stages.

Once I'm done with Valkyrie Profile 2, I'll most likely jump on Devil May Cry 3, though I am still waiting to try and get my hands on DMC2 before engaging it.

So that pretty much sums up my gaming news, thought I could give ya'll a little update. So yep, my PSP games particularly don't go further quickly because of Final Fantasy. I never played the first title before and picking it up to play by curiosity got me totally addicted and got me to forget my other PSP games.

In the end, check (or not if you don't want to, I don't really mind it) for upcoming reviews of Kingdom hearts II and Crush. I predict these will be my next 2 reviews and I'll finally be able to lay them down and concentrate on other games. One day, maybe one day I'll be able to go back to my older games, if only I could stop myself from buying so many!

News news news!

mm..I know I said I'd give my opinion about the press conferences..but in fear of offending anyone or being called a fanboy (although I have complaints for all 3 companies right now) I won't I'll just say a qucikm thing for each.

Microsoft think they are god and everyother company should bow to their feet.

Nintendo Wii Fit is the sign of the decline.

Sony PSP re-design is a bit too early despite the great video output.

There ya go. Those were basicaly my thoughts. On with my own news!

I have bought a new movie as well as a new CD. I have bought Halloween: Resurection, respectively Halloween 8. My collection is now completed!

I have bought the CD "Only Inhuman" by the band called "Sonic Syndicate". You can find them on MySpace if you want to hear the ENTIRE album. Just search for them. They sound like In Flames, Soilwork and whatever else. Metal if you want.

Lately I've been really deep into Final Fantasy on PSP. Awesome game, it's taken me off my other games that I really should finish. Ah well, that's life when you try to play too many games at once x.x

E3 Live Coverage ***UPDATED***

I will be watching the E3 Microsoft Press Conference, which is definately the conference I care the less about. Sadly, tomorrow I work making it impossible for me to watch Nintendo's and most specificaly, Sony's press conference. BUT they do say it's going to rain tomorrow over here, hopefully it will so I can watch both Nintendo and Sony at E3!


Well I came around to be able to watch Nintendo's and Sony's conferences too. Unfortunately I missed most of Nintendo's conference and saw only like the 20 last minutes, so I doubt I'll have any emblem for it and anyway, Nintendo's side didn't seem all that passionating..anyway it just wasn't in the last part. I am ready to watch Sony's conference now, just need to get dressed, go get me some cigarettes and some food and I'll be all set. It'll be the only conference I'll have watched from begining to the end since I didn't entirely watch Microsoft since yeah..wasn't that much interesting. Microsoft more looked like..ah nevermind I'll make a blog to post along my thoughts about the conferences maybe tomorrow night or something, although I haven't seen everything.


I bought the PSP game Crush. I came around finding it at Toys R Us and just couldn't hold myself back, I had to buy it. he game so far is pretty cool. I love the kind of puzzle this game gives and I reccommend it to anyone owning a PSP searching for a good and different puzzle game. I ain't that far in it yet but I can definately tell this game was worth it!

Unfinished Tasks

Yesterday night, I was talking with Simon over MSN and at some point I told him which games I had never finished. Therefore I decided to write a blog about it, sort of make a list of my unfinished tasks within video gaming and give my reasons why wether be it that I hated the game or simply gave up. Fun isn't it? Probably not, but I'm still doing it cause everybody out there has unfinished games.


  • Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles I haven't finished this game yet. I play it along with my best friend and since we hardly get the chance to sit down and play video games together, we hardly play it. We are near the end though, we just need to level up a bit and once we're leveled up enough we can go on and finish the game.
  • Super Mario Sunshine Basicaly I simply got bored of that game. Within the first minutes the game totally rocked, but after a couple time, damn did it get boring as **** .
  • Medal of Honor: Frontline Well I did beat that game at least once, why do I consider it as unfinished? Because I haven't got the gold medals in each mission. I gave up on getting those gold medals in one stage where I'd kill absolutly everybody I ever seen yet I would always miss 5 enemies. After trying it again and again over 30 times I gave up.
  • MegaMan Network Transmission Yes, in fact, I own a MegaMan game that I never finished. Impossible you say? But it is happening. That's my first discovery of the Battle Network series genre. Network Transmission itself was kinda cool but damn I didn't like it. My first thoughts were "that ain't MegaMan" but I was enjoying it..after 20 minutes I took it up and never played it again.
  • MegaMan Anniversary Collection Now, I own both the GC and PS2 versions ONLY cause both had a different bonus at the end for beating the game. Thing is, I did beat the PS2 one, but the awkward buttons in the GC collection had me to give up on the Inafune interview at the end.
  • Metroid: Prime My first try at the Metroid games. I didn't like it, I put it back in the shelf and never touched it again.


  • Brain Age Well how can it be unfinished? I have only 50% of the Sudoku puzzles cleared. I do one puzzle each week usually so eventually it'll be done.
  • StarFox Command I just totally suck at this game so I never was able to get past the third missiuon or so (if I even got that far in the beginning). gave up on it.


  • MegaMan Battle Network 2 I thought I could get in the NT series by trying early titles. Nope, not at all. I dislike it even more now.
  • MegaMan Battle Chip Challenge That game was cool! at first anyway. Got bored of it, I'm definately not meant for the NT series. So if anyone ever tells me again that I hate on the MegaMan NT series without having tried em, ya'll know it's not true. I did try them, I also used to have Battle Network 3 but it sucked just as much as the second and all the others did.


  • BloodRayne 2 Man I totally love that game! I just never really took the time to go further than where I got first without dieing. Once I died I just didn't feel it and was like " **** it" and put it back on the shelf. I dunno why. I do find it absurd to play a second title without having the first title, but I never liked the first BloodRayne. BloodRayne 2 is a title I will most likely engage sometime again since it is an amazing game, I just wasn't feeling it when I bought it. Ya know how that feels? It's like watching a movie you didn't feel like watching, but 1 year later you feel like watching it and you think the movie totally kicks ass.
  • Call of Duty: Finest Hour Man do I ever suck at war games. I got up to the third mission and then it's death over and over even today after all that time of having bought it. I just plain suck at it. Worst than StarFox Command.
  • Dark Cloud Now that's an amazing game that I am ashamed of having never finished it. I think It's because I was stuck somewhere and just forgot about it over the time. Dark Cloud is a game I regularly think about restarting over from the beginning.
  • Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition I know this is in my "currently playing" list, but since I try to play games one at a time nowadays I simply put new games I bought in my list that way I won't forget that I have yet to start those games once I'm done with the current games. I am currently truely playing Kingdom Hearts II and Metal Gear Solid PO. One game for each console, no further else 'll get lost in my storylines.
  • Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories The game is extremly well done, I love the battle aspect and how it was made, but damn do I hate the story. Story is uninteresting and makes the game boring. Period.
  • Final Fantasy X-2 Simply said, I hate that game. I just NEEDED to know what happens after FFX, but turned out I hate the game and don't wanna go further than a big 20 minutes of playthrough.
  • Final Fantasy XII The FF game that got me minded to never buy any other FF title that will come out in the future apart from remakes of old titles. Uninteresting story to me, can't stand uninteresting stories.
  • Kingdom Hearts II I am currently playing KHII and am almost done with it.
  • Manhunt Alright, I love Manhunt, I love the game, I have to admit it got way too hard for me. I don't know why, I usually love challenges, but at some point in the game I wasn't able to get any further so after a month of trying the same stage again and again, I gave up. I admit it.
  • Rule of Rose I loved that game, but the really extremly poorly done gameplay controls got me to give up and put the game back in my shelf. That's truely the only reason I gave up. See, well done controls are important to me else it weakens the game to my eyes.
  • Siren That game just truely suck. It looked cool, the box art was nice and creepy. But damn do the actual game suck. Sorry to Sirens fans, but that game truely sucks.
  • Star Ocean: Till the End of Time That game rocks, but unfortunately I got bored with it..it was too eays and then far in the game BAM you keep dieing. I don't know what led to this but it had me to give up. The fact that I never played the first 2 titles before this one too made me wanna give up. I'm truely looking forward to the release of them 2 titles on the PSP that way I'll be able to start from the begining and finally finish the game.
  • Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria This game is my next engagement once I finish KHII, and after VP2 it is DMC3. Just want to take the time and finish KHII before engaging it.


  • Death Jr. Pretty unique game, had good hopes but sadly was badly executed. I got pretty far in it until I got bored with it and especially because of the controls. You can get used to them but ya know, could EASILY be improved.
  • Final Fantasy I have yet to start it. I will start playing it once I'm done with Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops.
  • Gunpey That's a pretty wicked game. Reason I put it as unfinished is I never ever was able to get as far as gathering every single different skins. Much too hard to do so..WAY too hard to do so. Still is an amazing game though.
  • Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Well, GTA was an awesome game but sadly it always comes back to the same so I eventually got bored with it. Though I managed to get pretty far, once I got a new game it didn't take me long to abandon GTA: LCS for the new game since GTA is pretty..for the least, repeatitive ever since GTA3.
  • Lemmings Yep, I'm still stuck in that game. I can't manage to clear the final puzzles!
  • Loco Roco Much like Gunpey, Lemmings and Lumines, Loco Roco is a game I pick up once in a while and try to continue playing. Only difference is that in Loco Roco it's easy to go further, while for the other titles I named I am unable to get further. I put Loco Roco in there cause I hardly play it anymore. Was one hell of an addictive game and was worth the money, but when you get a new game you easily jump from it to another. I feel like them puzzle games don't belong in an "unfinished tasks" list because well..they are games you pick up once ina while to play, but hey, I still put em in.
  • Lumines I lack ONLY the final skin which requires you to score 999 999 points in challenge mode. I reached something like 850 000 points and ****ed up and well..I was so near and so pissed that I actually never tried it again. It seems like alot of my PSP games arr unfinished, but notice how most are puzzle games that don't really belong into the category "unfinished".
  • MegaMan: Powered Up Only reason I put this one in is because I haven't cleared the game on all 3 difficulties using Oilman. I cleared the game with every single other characters on every single difficulty settings, but Oilman just plain suck as a character. So why hold back, I put this one in too.
  • Metal gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel I put this one in cause I haven't found everything. I've been through the entire novel, but for those who have the "game" will know about that 3D space graph thing with info on characters and a bunch of bla bla, well I haven't cleared that. Pretty useless but hey why not put it in.
  • Metal gear Solid: Portable Ops I am currently playing it, I guess I'm near the end but I don't play it all that often. It's a wicked game though, I just often forget about playing it cause I'm that much stuck into Kingdom Hearts II lol.
  • Mortal Kombat: Unchained I haven't entirely finished Konquest Mode though it doesn't bother me much. 've played through it before on Deception. All I really want from a MK game is pure fighting..not Konquest stuff.
  • Ultimate Ghosts N Goblins I totally love that game, was much easier than the previous titles but unforutnately I didn't bother searching for the 22 rings or something you need to unlock the door to the final boss.
  • WipeOut Pure Now that's some crazy game and it was one of my first PSP games. I put it in because I am totally unable to unlock the fastest modes of all. The mode I'm in right now (which I forgot which one it is) already makes my head dizzy and I am unable to see the walls coming or see whatever's coming because it's already too fast. I gave up.
So that bout makes it. I didn't include my PS1 nor SNES games. You can see alot of my PSP games seems unfinished but taking into consideration of what type of games they are, it's pretty understandable. I like my handheld games to be the kind that you pick up once in a while when you've got nothing to do. So don't go thinkin my PSP is useless! Cause I use it almost everyday meanwhile I use my DS once a week or so..I haven't used it for about 4 months lately and yesterday I did a Sudoku Puzzle. Yep..Sudoku truely is the only thing keeping my DS alive right now. How's that? I bet many of you too have unfinished games, wether be it because they were boring or plain sucked or because they were too hard or too easy therefore boring. Peace out!

New game + New software!

So to start things off, I bought the Final Fantasy game on PSP. The re-make of the first FF title released for PSP with new dungeons and new what not for the 20th anniversary of the series. Now, for those who remember my post about me not buying any more FF games, know that I meant new additions to the series. Like for example, I won't buy FFXIII whenever I can get my hands on a PS3, but the good ol' Final Fantasy games still rocks. Plus, the only FF games I actually miss are FF1, FF2 and FF3 which I'll probably end up getting the re-make of FF3 on the DS and the re-make of FF2 on the PSP in July. That's bout it for the game!

So I've bought WebRoot SpySweeper w/ Anti-Virus. I know SpySweeper is a very good Anti-Spyware/Adware software, but I don't know much about its Anti-Virus. Anyway, when you play alot around with comp settings, internet and what not, you know that an Anti-Spyware is by far MUCH more important than an Anti-Virus. So far it works great and I am proud of my purchase. Hopefully it'll keep on working well and who knows, maybe they've won me on getting a brand new subscription in 1 year. It's very easy to use, the interface is simple, it works as a 2 programs in one and what not. It doesn't slow your comp at all either. So far so good! Only down point I could give it is the lack of a FireWall, though we can easily get free FireWalls on the internet that works extremly good. Never trust Windows own FireWall, that's all I can say!

***UPDATE*** I remember we could tag games before, but ever since the site got enhanced or what not, I can't seem to find any way of tagging games so if anybody can tell me what's up with that or how we can tag the games now or if we simply can't tag the games anymore, that'd be cool. Man it would suck to not be able to tag games anymore! I was so near getting my King Tagger Emblem!

New Movies + New Book...?

Yep, you heard me. A new book. What the hell is the mighty Fetus doing with a book? Well turns out I actually do like some mangas, specific ones to say. I Have bought the first title of the manga called Priest and I'm looking forward to buying the other titles. I don't have much to say about it...It's some dude called Ivan, he was a priest, but he sold half his soul to the devil himself. Now it's like if the devil had given him a second chance, Ivan is out there, destroying and defeating in a very violent and gory manner a bunch of zombies and stuff..anyway it's one hell of a weird story cause like, Ivan, the dude who sold his soul to the devil is the good guy, but the other dude that is in the church and with the church is the bad guy. Anyway, ìt's some pretty wicked story, and I've got a link right HERE so you can see a couple screens. If you manage to read the pages, know that it is in french.

Now, I've also bought 3 movies. Yep, not one, not two, but three movies! Two of em were some sort of special at Wal-Mart ya know the 2 movies for 10$ ****of thing? Anyway, I check down in the rack and I find the movie Lost Souls which I remember seeing way back then and was like "if I remember well..that movie kicked ass!!" so I took it, but now, I had to get a second movie..mm..I look around in there, check every movies and I stumble accross Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. Totally stunned, I grab it. I have the first MK movie, but never could find the other despite the fact that it is less good than the first, but now I have both. The third movie is Halloween 20 Years Later. Yep! I finally miss only 2 Halloween movies which are Halloween III and Halloween Resurection. Halloween is the **** .
ClickHERE and choose one of the sites (whichever fits your media preferences) for a trailer of Lost Souls
Click HERE for the MK Annihilation trailer (windows media player)
and as stupid as it seems...I cant find any trailers for »H20 that actually works. The pages always end up being broken links, having errors, or the players simply don't play **** so I guess you can`t trailerise H20 for your pleasure, anyway who haven't seen H20?

uh...new emblems again?

I've got two new emblems out of nowhere (not that I'll complain, I love emblems). I've got the hella old school one and that outlier emblem which is supsoedly hard to get or something. Gotta admit that a fish in a bowl is a cool emblem. GO FETUS! AND **** YA'LL! LONG LIVE FETUS ONLY!

lol ya'll know I love you.

Reilly's Blog

Go Cancer! Use Slash attack!
Current mood: cheerful

Ok, so. I was on the Gamefaqs Pokemon Diamond forum and people are always asking, "Rate my team!" and "I my team any good?" so I got to thinking. By thinking I mean creating a devius plan. This plan was to create my own Pokemon and ask them to rate it. My Pokemon was my cancer. Yup. I made a topic on my cancer. The topic was thusly dubbed, " Rate my Cancer!1!!!" I put this in as the first post:

"Ok, my Cancer is of Naughty nature.
Move set is:
What do you think? Deadly or what?"

Yup, at this point the topic is canceled but it was amazing. I talked of humor, love, crab battles and the existance of God. It was truly an amazing topic. God himself smiled upon it and the cookies it bared.

Also, someone made a topic about how angry they were that my topic was deteted! Amazing! They are yelling that all I was doing was cheering myself up and making a point of not taking life too serious. I feel honored. People are contributing their feelings about it too. Wow...

Holy crap, another topic based on it. And another? Crap, another. I started a riot of sorts.A revolution?