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FetusZero Blog

New emblem and movies!

So yep, already another blog for some interesting news, probably less interesting than my last blog, but still interesting for myself.

 First of all, I've got a new emblem. That Scavenator (or something) emblem. Nothing much to say about it but hey, it's a new emblem added to my collection!

This evening I bought myself some movies I've been wanting for a while. I start off with the movie They. I've been on the search for They for a LONG time and I finally came around finding it for $12 canadian which is pretty good. The movie is by Wes Craven and was probably his last good horror movie (since the latest movies he did weren't terrific, let's admit it). On to the next movie.

I bought the special Uncut Edition of Saw. I like Saw, it was a pretty good movie. I like the psychology behind the "games" as Jigsaw calls em. I've been  wanting to buy it for a while but always bought other stuff instead. What got me to buy it this time was the cover. The cover is like a blood pocket and the blood moves around on top of the art and in there there's also a saw moving in with the blood. It's pretty special and amusing. Just that got me to finally say "this time, I just can't not buy it". Oh yes, there will be blood. 

Fetus Born Anew

It's a new beginning for the mystical, magical Fetus. What's going on? Well I'm only getting a grip onto my life and pulling it back inside me. It left me, I went for my only left options, but now that I pulled it back in, I will open new paths, new roads to walk on bringing up new adventures and most possibly a better life. What am I saying? Simple: I'm going back to school.

As some of you may know, I never graduated from High School. Next summer I was suposed to associate with my boss in landscaping, maybe, but do I really wanna do that job for the rest of my life? I'm not sure. Instead, I will open a new path in my life, give myself more options and use them. I'll go back to school, no matter how long it takes me, I will finish my High School. After that, I'll do what I always wanted to do back then. Back in High School, I tried getting into a college in Photography. Obviously, I was refused. So I want to go there..My only mistake was to give up instead of working harder. So yep, Ima go finish that **** and graduate, then if the finances allow it, I want to go study in photography. My teenage time dream and still is today. Who knows where will this leads me? I had a nice future awaiting me for owning a company by next summer, but I go and risk it all. In the end, I might lose everything, I might win everything, it's a risk to take, but it's about time I opened up my eyes and realised I had nowhere to go really.

So yep that's bout it..Fetus wants the life he lost over the years and he'll go get it. Now going back to school means money. I gotta pay for that **** ... meaning I probably won't be able to afford any new console this year. It has yet to be seen if will afford one (anyway the only one worth paying for in my opinion is a PS3) but yep..we'll see. If I don't buy it why does it matter? I'll kick with my PS2 for a while longer that's it.

New Game+One Beaten

Sorry for the quick blog update, I know my latest blog hasn't been up for too long (like if my blog posting ever lacked anyway). But I've got some gaming news to announce.

This very morning, towards 11am (we didn't work since it was raining), I've beaten Devil May Cry. Yep, I've beat that game, finally. Well..when I say finally, it is only because I didn't find much time to play games lately since the game took me an overall of 5 hours and a half - 6 hours to beat or something. Despite it being short, the game offered me great challenges and brung upon me pride for beating it. Since I have yet to find DMC2 and from all that I've heard, is far from necessary for me to play it,  will sooner or later jump into Devil May Cry 3. I gotta say the game was great and some specific points storywise quite took me by surprise as much as gameplay wise, the final missions took me by surprise as well. Can't wait till I start with DMC3, but it might take me a while to begin playing it and you'll understand in the next paragraph.

If any of you keeps up to date with my "Now Playing" list, you'll realise that I've added a new game I haven't announced yet: Kingdom Hearts II. Yep, I bought this game yesterday (which was sunday) at Wal-Mart for 20 bucks (and it ain't even the Greatest Hits title). It's been a very long time since I've played the first title and I loved every single moment of it and I hope KH2 will bring me as much souvenir from my younger days and enjoyement. I'm a good couple hours now in the game, and I am happy to see that the comedy side of the characters is still alive!  I started playing it right after beating DMC and I haven't stoped playing it since. Man does this game makes me addicted. I don't know why it does..I like the way that it is a RPG but with Action themed combats, not a combat scheme turn after turn. Maybe that's why it's part of the only RPG style of game I still enjoy playing. Along with it bringing back good ol' Disney memories from back in the days, this game simply makes my heart remains young and pure as it was before it got stained growing up. Any of you enjoying Kingdom Hearts will understand how that feels. I can't wait to come back home from work tomorrow to keep on playing it!

Behind the Fetus

So yep, alot have been going on in my life lately. I just felt like runnin down a couple subjects for all ya'll who have been following my recent doings.

First thing I want to say: I am clean! Yep, I succeeded in quiting marijuana. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, but it didn't come without its problems. Ya'll know I also would like to quit cigs, problem is whenever I'd try, I'd want a joint REAL bad. I realised I didn't leave enough time in between quiting marijuana and quiting cigs, so I'll keep my cigs a for a lil' longer and only then will I try to quit them. At least, I am now totally clean concerning pot. It feels good, the inside of my body feels better, my mind feels better and my paranoia dimished. Yes, marijuana brung paranoia up on my ass. I was paranoid all the time. but it's gone!

As I said, I soon plan on quiting cigs. Now I know they sell alot but ALOT of different products to help with this but I think (and know for the most part) that it's all **** I need to find my reasons to quit cigs and build a strenght for it. I need to want to quit. The more it goes the bigger the strenght is getting as I'm getting sick of cigs at times. Ya'll wish me good luck.

I said in a comment for my latest blog that I was trying to revive my music inspiration and I think I'm having it. I've now got my hands on a professional music workstation which looks good (Acid Pro). I worked a lil' demo just to see what I could do with it and I can say this: I'll be able to make some wicked songs right from hell. Now, I don't plan on getting anywhere with my music. Marijuana has been a way for me to escape the world as we know it and see above it all, music in the past was one of my ways to do it as well. Then one day I got happy (thanks to my girlfriend) and my problem was that I drain my inspiration from depression. With marijuana out of the way, music becomes my ultimate way of seeing the world under different point of views and to put down my problems elsewhere than in a bag of herbs. Little by little my inspiration is coming back, with new tools to work my beats and all it couldn't get any better. Woo!

As most know, I recently started working. My wrist hurts as hell. It is swollen, can hardly move it and well yep..I applied some cream for muscular pain and wrapped my wrist in bandages to imobilise it. If by the end of the weekend nothing has changed and no progress is made, I will eventually have to consult a clinic for my wrist in case it is something else. Out of this, work has been really rough for me. I haven't worked in near 2 months and my summer job is very physical and my body has a hard time. Plus, with the temperature drastically changing, our bodies doesn't have the time to adjust to the heat that comes our way and it only makes it harder to deal with, but eventually I will. My skin has become far more sensible to sun than it was the years before, I need to apply sunscreen the morning, spray some more (with some sunscreen spray bottle) every hour or something, apply more sunscreen at noon and keep the spray thing going till the day ends. I've already caught several sun burns on my arms, nose, neck and ears. I shall be very careful if I don't wanna end up with a skin cancer, especially in my case.

On a video game subject, with work, girlfriend and friends, video gaming has been the last of my occupations. I hardly find the time to play video games and I gotta admit it sucks. My girlfriend said I said the same exact thing last summer when we started working. What ya want, life is made so we find less time to ourselves and more time to work and contributing to the governments hellish plans of taking over our brains. We all do it cause we have to, else we can hardly live. Simply said..work makes me lack the time to play video games, but without work and the money I gain from it, I wouldn't even have any video games. Go the way of life!

My dad finally decided to go buy a new car, he is now waiting for the price the guy will ask for the new car. He wants a Hyunday Elantra 2007 fully equiped. Our other car is a Hyunday too and I gotta admit they are affordable, drives great and have near no problems. If it wouldn't been of myself driving into that wall when first got my licenses, our old car would still be entirely like new, but now it has a wrecked bumper and a **** up air bag cause of me. But like they care, since that car will be mine soon (if my dad buys the new car, which I hope he will). This means a car and gas to pay. Money!

With that, I decided to pay a rent at home. Being 21 years old, still at my parents home, I decided I should pay a rent and help with the house. After all, they fed me my whole life, gave me a warm place to stay, always supported me in my everyday life be it with quiting marijuana or for the first guitar I've ever had given to me by my dad way back then when I started in my music, they've always been there. I consider it is nothing but fair that I share and help them with all of this. Nothing will ever equal all they've done for me, but the least I can do is help them around the house with payments and stuff for keeping me here for free all those 21 years.

And just for the record, everything is perfect between me and my girlfriend. We have some rough times lately, I usually will work 6 days a week, she goes to school and work on weekends, we have much less time to spend together but we work it out. Whether we want it or not, it is normal that we find it hard. It's a whole change of pace compared to last year, it does feel good to see some changements and it feels good to see we can get together and go through this. I hope we will last a long time still together and wouldn't want it to change. Our binds are stronger than they ever were and it can be felt a million miles away that love is in the air. Now I say this now, it would suck if we'd break next week! lol. But nah, I wouldn't wanna let this happen.

So that's bout it. hat's whats going on in my life lately. I felt like writting it down. I've always talked about it but never really came to an end with these. Now it's done, everything is clear. Thanks to those who took the time to read this and if you didn't..well it's your choice. Go write blogs yourself.

Wrok starts this morning!

Hell yeah. I woke up at 6:40am and I'm sitting here writting a blog, drinking my coffee, listening some music. Man today is sure to be relax since it's the first day of the season we finally start, but it sure will be rough for my body. I've had a biiiiiiiiig 5 hours of sleep. Woo! I'm kinda tired a bit. Ah, my lil dog just gave me a visit in my room. He's what now..4 months old? mm. Nice doggy. So yep, I'm happy we finally start out this season. This'll make me some money to pay my rent at home (which I decided paying myself) I believe at 21 years old still being here, I should pay my share for the place and the food and **** . Plus then I'll be able to buy a car and since my dad wants a new car, I'll probably end up buying his car which is new of last year and goes very well. So it's all good. Then I'll have to pay the whole **** gas which is becoming pretty expensive. Need to save alot of money for next summer to buy a pick-up truck and equipement to associate with my boss in landscaping, so hopefully this'll work out good and everything will be perfect. With all this I'll try to save a bit for my PS3 which hopefully I should get by the end of this summer. .;yawns;. **** , work starts in 30 minutes people. Ya know, all good and **** , but I don't feel like working lol. I'm a pretty good worker, but hell do I not feel like working. Now times will become harder with my girlfriend as we won't have much time to see each other, I'll have to deal things out to spend some time with my friend as well. I'll be spending much less time with my video games as well. I need to start playing Devil May Cry again sometime..I'm at what..Mission 9? no..10 I think. Then I'll jump to DMC3. Eventually I'll be able to buy Valkyrie Profile 2 along with Okami and eventually one day I'll get my hands on Twilight Princess for the GameCube, but if I go too fast with all that I'll end up with no money. The good thing about this is those 3 games are really the only 3 games of this summer that I want so it's all good cause every **** game I'm tracking comes out at the same **** time at the end of the year. It'll do like last winter and for a few weeks I'll be buying games here and there all the time cause them ****ers decided to release their good games all at the same time. Man this blog is going far away from my work subject, but not so much, since buying games also means checking out for my money since I can't buy games out of nowhere like I did before. mm.. **** that! Nah but seriously. If ya'll see me buying games like every 3 days this summer, **** slap me or do something. ight I'm sick of writting big ass blogs in the morning lol but that's all I've got to do before work. Peace out!

Reservoir Dogs!

Yo Reilly! I bought Reservoir Dogs yesterday. The 15th Anniversary one. The Box is a gas tank and the DVD thing inside the gas tank is a huge match box haha. I'll be sure to watch it this week!

On a side note, I also bought Static-X new album: Cannibal. It's quite weird..first time I ever hear a guitar solo in Static-X. Yet weird, it is also a very good album. Better than their last one anyway.

Simon, I didn't comment on your comment about my last blog, GS seems to have alot of.. **** up reviews the least to say. Ah well, oh yeah I still don't get why the **** they reveiw VC games on the Wii while they've been reviewed in the past. **** up aren't they?

Twilight Princess

Just out of nowhere..I've checked the reviews for both the Wii and GC versions of the gane The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, to know wether it would really bother to get the GC instead of paying for a Wii (which to my eyes is now a pretty useless console). So what? I came upon something interesting..In the GC review, they SPECIFY that the Wii version is a bit better..YET..Wii's TP got 8.8 and GC's TP got 8.9.

I've got one thing to say..WHAT THE **** !?!?

If the Wii version is better, as they did specify in the GC review, then why did the GC version got a higher rating? UH? UH? Explain me that.

(I admit this blog is useless and leads to nowhere, but still..to me, this is something weird and something that makes no sense anyway, so why should my blog make any sense to start with?)


So lately I've had a blog in which my buddy Reily commented something about Quentin Tarantino's movie "Reservoir Dogs". Knowing I am soon (next weekend) going to see "Grind House" (for those who do not know, it is 2 movies one after the other, Planet Terror by Rodriguez and Death Proof by tarantino), I considered getting a bit of a Tarantino feeling. Today I watched Kill Bill and tomorrow or sometime will watch Kill Bill 2. I must admit it..I had never before watched Kill Bill entirely (yes, I admit it). That movie was the **** Anyway, I'll also watch From Dusk Till Dawn sometime soon and I'd love to follow the advise of Reilly and will probably go rent Reservoir Dogs. I hope I have the time to go rent it and watch it before making my way to Grind House. Basicaly, this blog was to tlel that I finally did watch Kill Bill entirely. Go Tarantino!

At the same time, it gives me something to Tag on gameSpot allowing me to hit more tags and get closer to my Tagger King emblem.

New game!

Yep, I got my hands on Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition. Now I've learned of the differences between the original and the special edition and well..nothing much is different. Added stuff, supsoedly less hard (for the worst I'll just play it twice to play it through hard mode). Thing is, even if I wanted, where the **** can I get the original? Nowhere. The answer is as simple as that. used or new, wherever it is, it's always the special edition. I got mine new at Toys R Us. So yep, all I miss is DMC2, but from all I've heard (both gameplay and story wise), It doesn't really matter if I miss DMC2 in my collection. Nontheless, I'll still buy it despite all the negative vibes revolving around the title. For now I'll concentrate on beating the first title and if by then I still have yet to get my hands on DMC2, I'll literally jump to DMC3. All this might take a while as I personally find DMC to be pretty hard, but I'm starting to master a bit of the technics and what not. So yep, one more great game added to my collection!

Global Domination of a Fetus

Just to let ya`ll know I bought the board game Risk. I`ve been craving for this game for a loooooooooong time and I now bought it this weekend! I played twice since I bought it and dominated the world once meaning I`ve got a 50% win on my overall plays. That`s a cheap count when you played only twice, but hey! I can feel proud! I started by taking control of Australia (the number 1 most important continent to entirely dominate at this game since it can be attacked only from ONE territory, while other continents can be attacked from several territories), QUICKLY as hell worked my way on dominating the entirety of Asia, slowly worked my way to the North America, but I then got kicked out of NA, so decided instead to slowly, but surely, take complete domination of Europe, worked my way down to Africa, and came rushing through the entirity of America from both the South and the North at the same time kickin everyone`s ass. I`m looking forward to the next person kickin me out of my global domination so I can try to claim back my crown and rule once again on the world. THOU SHALL PERISH BEFORE MY ARMY!

(oh and Reilly, if you want to keep the comments of my older blog about Tarantino, please do so within this blog`s comments. Be sure to read my answer to your question in my precedent blog`s comments though)