Yep! It doesn't even require a dentist! Well, of course over time it does so you get the tooth fixed, but while waiting for the appointment (we all know how long it is to get a dentist appointment) I've found a neat little trick that removes the pain entirely. So let's start off with the beginning of all things; how I came to actually think about a home, free, trick for toothaches.
It begins with my stupid trick to get rid of hick-ups, which alot of people still don't believe me until they do it right. Just for the information, I'll let you in on it: pressure points above the eyebrows. Yes, these can remove hick-ups within seconds or less. I saw this on "Untol Stories of the E.R." back in the days, where a girl had hick-ups for months and every trick in the book would fail, when the doc randomly came one day and was like "Ok I know this will sound stupid and probably will not work, but I've read about this somewhere yesterday, as well try it out". He put two fingers above each eyebrows of the girl and pushed, making pressure points above the eyebrows. Tada! The hick-ups were gone. Ever since that day, whenever I have hick-ups, that's what I do and it works like a charm. Now for those of you who will try, be aware that the first time you do it, it's all a matter of hitting the right spot above the eyebrows. After one time, you'll get used to the whereabouts of the right spot and you'll simply do it all the time whenever you have hick-ups.
Anyway, I told myself that if such a stupid looking trick for hick-ups existed, there was probably a stupid trick for toothaches as well, and I was right. It isn't as stupid though, but it sure works. So we all know about cold or heat helping diminish the pain of toothaches, or using meds such as Aspirin, Tylenol or even Codeine for the extreme pain (such as the toothaches I experience every year or so). I'm usually a Codeine user, but even that fails sometimes and it does take around 30 minutes to even start being effective, and these are 30 minutes that I don't want to experience, but have no choice to.
Water and salt. That's the trick. See, we all know that a mixture of water and salt is good for wounds inside the mouth (such as when you get a tooth extracted) and infections, but I didn't know that it could actually take away the pain (entirely) of toothaches themselves. It does work! I just did it, and it works perfectly and let me tell ya, it's no little wussy pain I've been feeling. I find myself hardy sleeping at night, waking up in the middle of the night, and today I even came back home instead of doing over time at work, as I planned, because it hurt too much and I wasn't able to concentrate, therefore couldn't deliver a good job well done. Now, for small pain, a couple of rinses with water and salt mixture will do the trick, but bigger toothaches might require several rinses throughout the days to completely remove the pain. For my part, after 3 rinses tonight, I didn't feel the pain anymore, but not at all. Once in a while now I still feel a small pressure, that's about it. One thing for sure is that I'll keep rinsing my mouth with the mixture every now and then, especially before going to bed, and a couple times throughout the day. That's sure to help :]
Try it out if you ever experience toothaches and didn't know that trick, it's worth trying. Anyway, anybody experiencing toothaches like mad crazy will try it out, whether they believe or not, because if they're like me, they can't support the pain of toothaches after a while and will know that they've got nothing to lose since nothing else works.
NOTE: As with other products and solutions, be it they are meds prescribed by doctors/dentist or home solutions, over using it will eventually stop working (this does not apply to the pressure points for hick ups). Also would like to point out that some people's teeth might be more sensible to others to the salt, which could, in case of over use, become the source of irritation,since after all what it does is kinda fight the bacteria and dislodge food bits that might be stuck in the cavity, so over using it will only result in too much salt inside the cavity itself. Maybe you should find more tricks that are practically free and at hands and alternate between them once in a while for better results.
NOTE ABOUT CODEINE: So that more people don't think ti is pure codeine, It's actually acemitophen with codeine as a considerable part of its ingredients, it doesn't require a prescription, but isn't at the hands of the public on shelves. You need to talk to a pharmacist to have it and they ask you stuff too, it isn't like buying simple aspirins where you just grab the bottle off of the shelves at wal-mart and pay out of nowhere and leave lol.Tell ya, that works pretty well bu take a good 20 to 30 minutes to have any effect and over use of it quickly ake it's effects useless, you can believe me on this because last big toothache I had I'd take 2 pills every 4 hours, since that was the minimum delay between each consommation allowed from the directives.
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