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Toothache? I've got your solution!

Yep! It doesn't even require a dentist! Well, of course over time it does so you get the tooth fixed, but while waiting for the appointment (we all know how long it is to get a dentist appointment) I've found a neat little trick that removes the pain entirely. So let's start off with the beginning of all things; how I came to actually think about a home, free, trick for toothaches.

It begins with my stupid trick to get rid of hick-ups, which alot of people still don't believe me until they do it right. Just for the information, I'll let you in on it: pressure points above the eyebrows. Yes, these can remove hick-ups within seconds or less. I saw this on "Untol Stories of the E.R." back in the days, where a girl had hick-ups for months and every trick in the book would fail, when the doc randomly came one day and was like "Ok I know this will sound stupid and probably will not work, but I've read about this somewhere yesterday, as well try it out". He put two fingers above each eyebrows of the girl and pushed, making pressure points above the eyebrows. Tada! The hick-ups were gone. Ever since that day, whenever I have hick-ups, that's what I do and it works like a charm. Now for those of you who will try, be aware that the first time you do it, it's all a matter of hitting the right spot above the eyebrows. After one time, you'll get used to the whereabouts of the right spot and you'll simply do it all the time whenever you have hick-ups.

Anyway, I told myself that if such a stupid looking trick for hick-ups existed, there was probably a stupid trick for toothaches as well, and I was right. It isn't as stupid though, but it sure works. So we all know about cold or heat helping diminish the pain of toothaches, or using meds such as Aspirin, Tylenol or even Codeine for the extreme pain (such as the toothaches I experience every year or so). I'm usually a Codeine user, but even that fails sometimes and it does take around 30 minutes to even start being effective, and these are 30 minutes that I don't want to experience, but have no choice to.

Water and salt. That's the trick. See, we all know that a mixture of water and salt is good for wounds inside the mouth (such as when you get a tooth extracted) and infections, but I didn't know that it could actually take away the pain (entirely) of toothaches themselves. It does work! I just did it, and it works perfectly and let me tell ya, it's no little wussy pain I've been feeling. I find myself hardy sleeping at night, waking up in the middle of the night, and today I even came back home instead of doing over time at work, as I planned, because it hurt too much and I wasn't able to concentrate, therefore couldn't deliver a good job well done. Now, for small pain, a couple of rinses with water and salt mixture will do the trick, but bigger toothaches might require several rinses throughout the days to completely remove the pain. For my part, after 3 rinses tonight, I didn't feel the pain anymore, but not at all. Once in a while now I still feel a small pressure, that's about it. One thing for sure is that I'll keep rinsing my mouth with the mixture every now and then, especially before going to bed, and a couple times throughout the day. That's sure to help :]

Try it out if you ever experience toothaches and didn't know that trick, it's worth trying. Anyway, anybody experiencing toothaches like mad crazy will try it out, whether they believe or not, because if they're like me, they can't support the pain of toothaches after a while and will know that they've got nothing to lose since nothing else works.

NOTE: As with other products and solutions, be it they are meds prescribed by doctors/dentist or home solutions, over using it will eventually stop working (this does not apply to the pressure points for hick ups). Also would like to point out that some people's teeth might be more sensible to others to the salt, which could, in case of over use, become the source of irritation,since after all what it does is kinda fight the bacteria and dislodge food bits that might be stuck in the cavity, so over using it will only result in too much salt inside the cavity itself. Maybe you should find more tricks that are practically free and at hands and alternate between them once in a while for better results.

NOTE ABOUT CODEINE: So that more people don't think ti is pure codeine, It's actually acemitophen with codeine as a considerable part of its ingredients, it doesn't require a prescription, but isn't at the hands of the public on shelves. You need to talk to a pharmacist to have it and they ask you stuff too, it isn't like buying simple aspirins where you just grab the bottle off of the shelves at wal-mart and pay out of nowhere and leave lol.Tell ya, that works pretty well bu take a good 20 to 30 minutes to have any effect and over use of it quickly ake it's effects useless, you can believe me on this because last big toothache I had I'd take 2 pills every 4 hours, since that was the minimum delay between each consommation allowed from the directives.

Bugs #1

First of all, Simon, yep, I'll do overtime and stuff at work to afford my PS3/MGS4 bundle lol. Unfortunately overtime for today (Saturday) has been canceled because there weren't enough people that accepted to come in..we were like only 3-4 people who accepted lol. I'm still working Monday though, which is a holiday.

Now, why the blog is named Bugs is because lately, as some of you know, when playing games at home, finding bugs has become one of my goal. Yep, it's true. Whenever I play a game I just try to find bugs at the same time. I don't do it the same as I do at work since at work my primary goal is to find bugs without any other goals, while at home, my primary goal is to play the game with finding bugs coming in second. It's just stronger than me, I can't play a game without at least finding one bug lol.

I'll list a bug I found for each game I am currently playing, which are Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Silent Hill: Origins, Rock Band and just for the hell of it, I'll add a major bug I have found (and already told you guys I think) in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Some of these may have been told elsewhere or something, I don't know, but I didn't check for this. Sure thing that I know is that the one for Crisis Core doesn't appear in the "Hints & Cheats" section of the game on GameSpot, although it would be to the advantage of people if they knew it (if they don't know it already). I just love finding them lol. To say I used to resort to websites to know the glitches/bugs of a game, not anymore!

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Those of you who have played Crisis Core probably found this bug, if you haven't, you'll probably use it to your advantage lol. In the game, in the menu when you are at a save point, you can choose what are called "Missions", which are basicaly small missions where you proceed through a path to fight an enemy at the end and collect an item, materia, equipment, etc. But before getting there, there are these "rooms" which are basicaly larger than the hallways and you pick up a fight at each of these rooms. Basicaly the bug is that if you walk along/against the walls instead of walking straight through, the fights do no trigger and you can just get to the end of the path without triggering any of the fights making it easier to reach the enemy that you have to defeat to accomplish the mission. It's actually very useful when you get hard missions against powerful/tricky enemies.

Oh yeah, stupid and obvious, but at some point Zack is searching for a little boy and when he describes the boy to people he says "bla bla yea tall" (the bla bla is because I don't remember what he says). Yea tall? What is that even suposed to mean? Wouldn't it make sense if you said "that tall" or something? So obvious to your eyes that I even wonder why it is still in the game.

Silent Hill: Origins

That ones a little bit harder to reproduce, but hell. Sometimes when you'll walk through a door which leads to a hallway with a restrain area for the camera to move, the camera will be right inside your character's head and it'll look weird, very weird. Actually, the first time it happened to me, I actually got really REALLY f****** scared because I thought it was some kind of ghostly monster and that I would die, but nope, it was just the camera being right inside the character's head.

Rock Band

Not hard to do, anyone who has played the game in multiplayer be it online or with friends at home has probably seen it happened, but the "start power" thing in Rock Band, when playing in multiplayer, will take some time to take off. Like, you hit all the glowing notes, and the last glowing note won't give you the power, you'll get the power only 5 to 10 notes further down the line instead. Honestly it really sucks because it usually happens where there are alot of notes which pays off good for your score..if you had the power right where you should. Otherwise, lifting the Rock Band guitar in the air doesn't always activates the power, but that's more like a defect, and yes, it does happen on other consoles, not PS2 only, which tends to get annoying cause you have to resort to pressing select to activate it and you also tend to miss notes when doing so.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Probably the biggest bug out of every games I just named..probably? Nah, it is the biggest one. If only I could remember the name of the area, but anyway. If I remember well it's when you need to find Sokolov in some sort of building and there's alot of guards all around the building. You know it's that building where you can crawl underneath it and kill rats for food down there lol. Well there's an exit underneath the building (near the trap in the floor) that if you crawl there, put half your body outside and half your body underneath the building and stand up, sometimes you'll get stuck in the wall and unfortunately, there's no way out of the wall. You'll get stuck there forever whatever you do. Whether you crouch again, stand, run, turn in circles, throw grenades, fire bullets, you'll still be stuck. The only way out is to try and kill yourself or simply to reboot the game. That one was found entirely by accident though, and I was pissed all while laughing at it.I actually haven't continued the game after this so far, but at least I beat it once already so it isn't a big lost.

So now you got a pretty good idea of what I do at work, xept that I can't say the ones that I do find at work. One thing for sure is I'll go crazy whenever I get to play Assassin's Creed because apparently it's filled with bugs. Mm.. Blogs like this are fun to write I think I'll make more of these eventually.

MGS4, why next month already?

I barely have enough money to pay my stuff lately! Why you coming out next month, damnit!?

So yep, next month will see the day of what I consider THE biggest project to have ever existed in the video game industry: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. With this will also come the MGS4/80GB PS3/DualShock 3 bundle pack selling for $499 in the U.S. (apparently), and since Canadian money has been mostly equal in value with the American money, technically I should see that bundle pop out for the same price here as well.

That's not as expensive as I expected though, but still is alot of money considering I've got a car to pay, my new glasses to pay, along with my dentist when I go see her again June 19th (yep, had to be the same month). But it could be worst, I could be living in my own appartment and have bills to pay on top of all this, which might be the case next year, so when it comes out, it's going to be my chance to get a PS3 along with the most awaited game of all times.

How do I plan to do? Well, I'm starting to consider alot more the overtime done at work. For example, monday is a holiday (strangely enough it's something like "patriots day" or whatever lol) and well yeah we get paid a lilttle although we don't work, but with the project I'm currently on, they need people to work on monday. mm..I'm actually considering working on monday although I could have a day off and do nothing at home playing Crisis Core or Silent Hill Origins (yep I've been lazy for a while, I haven't touched either game in a long time). Our project is also getting 2 different shifts now, which are day shift (8am - 4pm) and the night shift (4:30pm - 12am). Currently, I chose to be on the day shift because everyone I get well with are on the day shift, but it's not to forget that the night shift gives you a bit more money simply because it's at night. It isn't alot..but still it crossed my mind..but think I'll remain on the day shift and simply accept some overtime (there most likely will be overtime on weekends or at the end of the day).

All of this for what? a PS3. Well, more like a MGS4/PS3/DS3 bundle along with other games on the console such as Devil May Cry 4 and others that right now I don't remember because they aren't my focus, since you could have guessed it, my focus is the bundle.

I really don't feel like working on monday, but I'll get informed. Technically we're suposed to be paid double-time or something if we work since it's a holiday, but they are perfectly able not to do so. After a while I've learned to know them lol. Every jobs, no matter what it is, will try to save a few bucks by any means however they can.

All of this to say "damn you MGS4! Be delayed again!" yep, everyone will hate me for saying this lol. Guess the desktop-PC I wanted to buy will be in another life time as well lol.

Now you're aware of my plans!

The Adventure of a Thirsty Tarantula

Alright so to start it off, read and watch the pictures/vids as they come. This thing really happened, xept for some reason I feel like telling it like a story lol. Here it goes. It looks long, but only because of the pictures/videos, else there isn't much text at all lol. I don't think I've ever posted something that stupid and useless.

The Adventure of a Thirsty Tarantula

Once upon a time, there was a tarantula called Storm who already lived a happy life, spending her time hiding behind the bucket that used to serve as a hideout. You see, Storm never was happy inside the hideout, it wasn't small enough, not dark enough, and she was too lazy to cover it up with dirt as a normal tarantula would, because Storm was not normal. Storm was unique, she needed to be different, and from this day on she decided to live behind the bucket instead of living inside of it.

Storm behind the bucket

Nonetheless, Storm was a happy tarantula. One day she was feeling thirsty and decided to go out hunt for the water bowl which is always at the same place, always filled by the owner of the habitat, except for this one day.

Storm reached the bowl and climbed on top of it to check for the water availability.

Storm climbing

This was the first day of an unhappy tarantula: The water bowl was empty. What was she to do!? She had no more water to live, continue being happy, there was nothing left she could do. Knowing that this was her only resource for water, Storm felt lost, she thought her time was going to come. She had eaten crickets the day before, which got her really thirsty. She didn't know what to do. Thinking her last days were coming, she decided to do something that would scare more than one: Storm used the water bowl as her coffin for the time she would die out of thirst.

Storm's coffin

Storm spent a long time laying, motionless, inside the water bowl until something really special happened. Storm looked upon the sky while the time passed by, so little left before her death, she wanted to see the sky one last time. What she saw was expected by the small, unhappy, dieing tarantula.

Comign of the Gods

It was the coming of the Gods! They were coming to take her away as she suddenly was surprised by a giant hand coming her way! It was the owner, coming to the rescue with another bowl of water. She was saved, or so did the owner think. Storm found the coming of a new water bowl quite suspicious. She remained in her coffin for as long as she could last before the thirst forced her to go out and walk in direction of the second, completly filled with water, bowl.


Um..yeah..walking. Anyway! Storm looked down the new bowl to find plenty of water. She didn't care anymore if it was poisonous, water from the dead, grass juice or cranberry juice (ew), she just wanted to drink. She slowly climbed up on the side of the bowl, and happy as ever, started to drink, to live happily forever after, once again.

Storm drinking


New movie + Some other news.

Hey what up ya'll? I haven't been posting blogs like a crazy ****er lately, as I used to back then, but hey, I still do post some blogs ;p

First of all, I finally bought it. Bought what? The Alien Quadrilogy box set! Yep, after all these years of looking at it in stores, bowing to it, being like "one day you will be mine..one day you WILL be mine..", I decided to finally buy it because it was cheaper than what it used to be. The amazing Alien collection contains not 4, not 5, sit tightly: 9 discs! Hell yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about. I've never seen such a collection before. Man, 9 discs, what the ****? When I open up the box it makes the lenght of my bed, that's crazy, for sure. Now, what's on these 9 discs when it's a quadrilogy? Well first of all, each of the 4 movies have 2 discs, one for the theathrical release ALONG with the extended/special/whatever release and each of the 4 movies also have a second disc filled with bonus features. That makes 8 discs, the 9th disc is a bonus disc with some Alien Documentary or what not, not sure what it is about yet, but it also has other stuff such as DVD-ROM for the computer and stuff. There ya go, now that's a collection. Here's a couple of pictures I took to show you guys the beauty and the lenght of that box. Of course, you can click on them for the original, big ass, picture that came out of my cam (something like 3000x something).

Isn't this amazing? Alright, on to other news.

I've went to the dentist yesterday night. Some of you might know of my dental problems, as I have no protection on my teeth (whatever that thin sheet of protection is called, I don't remember) and I gather cavities the same way you people gather dead skin on your bodies. I have this one tooth that's broken, only the contour of the tooth remains, there's nothing inside it, and I wanted to get it pulled out. Problem is, it's my last tooth in the back on the left side allowing me to chew along with the upper tooth, therefore, getting it removed would prevent me from chewing on that side and would **** up my um..gum! Sorry, I had forgotten the word lol. Also, if my gum get's too strange and deformed, it would mean I'd need to get it rebuild or something if I ever wanted dentures one day in my life, which would be pretty expensive and a pain in the you know. So we decided to try and save it, I now have medication filling my tooth, which is suposed to calm my nerve and make it lower a bit, out of the cativity area, therefore saving my tooth and allowing the dentist to fill it up. If it works, then that's cool. I don't feel like needing fake teeth, as the dentist already is expensive, but hey, isn't my fault if my teeth are evil.

I also been trying today to install OpenOffice.org 3.0 Beta, to test it and be able to provide the community with a better software by submitting bugs. It's crazy, uh? Ever since I work as a tester, I actually like filling up bug reports and I try to find beta softwares of the ones I regularly use just to fill in bug reports, but also to help out a community that's helped me alot in understanding open-source softwares and free stuff. They provide us with professional tools for free, as well give something in return right? Problem is, I installed OpenOffice.org 3.0 and it won't start, the Beta is new, I got the e-mail during the night, so I'll try again and see if the issue still occurs. But for any of you still using Microsoft Office, I wonder what you're doing ;p lol. Get OpenOffice.org damnit!

That's all, I shown you guys my new collection, told you about my broken tooth (woo) and talked about my new Beta testing (if it works) all while trying to convert you to OpenOffice.org, far from Microsoft's products lol. Yep, I'm still on a run about changing people! By the way, OpenOffice.org is multi-console so it works on Windows/MAC/Linux and whatever else people might have.. Ok, ok, I'll stop trying to convert you to it lol.

Sam's an Anarchist

Yep! I got your request up and running Sam! Time to get over the ban of Dev (we'll miss ya buddy) and to get back onto the last request I have left to post (for now anyway).

So, Sam requested the song Anarchy in the UK by the Sex Pistols, which can be found in Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. You know, when Sam requested this, the first thing I told him is "I hate you" lol. Of course, it was a joke, it's just that I like never play that song unless I'm doing a full fledge career which is rare since I have already beaten the game on every difficulties xept on Expert, where I find myself unable to beat 3 of the last songs.

Anyway, hope you will enjoy it Sam (and everyone else), here comes Anarchy in the UK!


R.I.P. Vednor

No request this time around, a simple blog to say goodbye to our friend Vednor, as he has been banned yet once again.

Yep, once again. Apparently someone told on him, but this was bond to happen eventually. Makes one less good friend to hang with on GameSpot.

Looks like he'll have a hard time staying here, so I hope he can find some website that will fit his needs where he'll meet plenty of people like us.

Don't worry Sam, I have Anarchy in the UK recorded and compressed on my laptop, but since Ved wasn't a big fan of music, I'm keeping this blog clean for him and I'll post your request on the next blog.

R.I.P. Dev.

New Request + OS Changes again?

I'll start off with the request, of course, since as usual I expect the rest to be complete gibberish as usual lol, shouldn't be as bad as usual though! Anyway, this time around I'm posting the video of the song Stricken by Disturbed which can be found in Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, requested by Donut (I think, correct me if I'm wrong lol). Definately a good song to play, but definately not one of my favorite song by Disturbed. If would of been the creator of the game I would of tried getting a song like Down with the Sickness or something, but that falls in the personal taste area ;p Anyway I played the song on Expert, messed up the last part of the solo in the song (as usual for this song), otherwise I've had some difficulties with the ending part too, but not too bad. Anyway, here's the vid and enjoy :]


Now, as far as the Operating System changes goes, know that I am currently triple booting my laptop since yesterday. Yep, triple booting. I currently have Ubuntu 8.04 as my main OS, Windows XP SP2 Home as a secondary OS or rather a non-existent one lol, and now have Ubuntu Studio 8.04 installed on a 5GB partition, just to test it out. All of this is simply an attempt at replacing the multimedia production functionality that I find in XP.

Ubuntu Studio was created to be one of the first, truely complete, full fledge, multimedia production based Operating System in the Linux world. Before that, there was Dream Linux which honestly kinda sucks.U-Studio, as I call it, was created based off of Ubuntu, but at first was not an official release bu the Ubuntu team until recently, apparently, well as far as I can tell, it is now an official part of the Ubuntu community.

The distribution contains alot of Graphical software to create palettes, create 2D and 3D images, create animations, create drawings, stuff for photo editing.

It also has some Video editing tools, which are rarely seen on a Linux distro, but even more rarely seen are Audio production tools. The distro, from what I could see yesterday night, has TONS of Audio production tools. Even more than I expected. Enough that it even starts being confusing.

Anyway all of this to say that in the following days, I'll see whether I keep XP longer or not, depending on when I decide whether the instrumental album I been working on feels finished or not, and whether I keep Ubuntu studio or not, keep it as main, keep it as a dual-boot or simply get rid of it. I don't think I'd keep it as my main due to it's weird layout, I'll most likely keep it as a secondary Operating System. Keep my Ubuntu as my main, and U-Studio on a different partition which will be meant exclusively to multimedia production/editing, mainly for audio though, since all I need for video so far is an encoder/compressor for the videos I take with my cam, which I already have on my normal Ubuntu. We'll see.

Definately, you can see that lately I have been rather busy on the computer side. But I'm still there! Just less active a little bit in terms of blogs writting, otherwise be assure that I still comment everyday on your blogs!

Already done? + New game

I say what up to all of you from my newly, freshly installed Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron release! Yep, everything is installed and most of my softwares are configured already. I'm testing out Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 5 at the same time, since that's what came pre-installed on Hardy as a browser. Looks pretty good and I can tell ya'll, Firefox users, that you most likely won't be disapointed by the new Firefox once it officialy gets released.

Anyway, everything is going well, I love the new Ubuntu as well. It hasn't changed alot, but it does feel more stable than Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon and also has a prettier look. OK, the look hasn't changed much, but enough to make a difference. Also came with new kind of software which unfortunately is software that I change to others that I prefer. Only thing I really have left to do is to change their version of OpenOffice to OpenOffice 2.4, and I'm good to go. I'll do this, eventually.

As other news, I have bought a new game! Believe it or not, I paid myself a present and bought Rock Band for PS2! Man it took me forever to actually find it for PS2. So now in my living room I've got a drum, guitar and mic all chilling together. Well yeah, the mic isn't really chilling since I don't think I'll use it much lol. The drums are really fun though, although I really suck at it. But hey, I'll do like I did with the guitar and work my way up starting on easy or medium, until I get good enough and kick in some Expert songs on the drums.

That means if any of you got requests for Rock Band songs on the guitar (maybe drums later lol), drop me a line ;p keep in mind that I haven't completed the game yet so I still don't have every song, but it should be a matter of a few days lol.

Nope, not another requets but rather a new OS.

This time around I am not posting about a new request, although I have a couple left to post. Which I'll get down to it straight away to spare some time. My other request for GH songs (Stricken by Disturbed for Donut and Anarchy in the UK by Sex Pistols for Sam, if I forgot anybody just tell me lol) will be up and about in a future blog. You will see why, and sorry to those of you who waits for them.

My OS crazyness comes and flips my wig once again. Why is that? Turns out that Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron is being released tomorrow. Now, when I say Ubuntu, know that there is a Hardy Heron version for each of the Ubuntu derived products such as Edubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu and of course, Ubuntu Studio.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because, as much as I could simply upgrade my Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy, I feel like formating my partition and re-installing the new Ubuntu from scratch, entirely. Why? Because I've made alot of weird things on my Ubuntu while trying out stuff, trying to install codecs and software to do things, etc. therefore I want a fresh, new install for the new version. I might also retry Ubuntu Studio since the last build didn't work on my laptop. Why would it work now if the previous version didn't work? I actually don't think it will work, but hell, it's worth a try lol.

On top of that, in now um..aprox. 20 days there will also be a new version of Fedora. I never liked Fedora when I tried it, but if I never give it a chance, I'll never know. So I might eventually try out Fedora as well.

Anyway, the more it goes and the more I feel like the time of getting rid of Windows is near. I really love Ubuntu and intend to keep it instead of any other Linux distribution. The only thing holding me back from getting rid of Windows is my music, since I want to use the same software to finish up my album. I have an actual vocalised album which never got finished, but that's not the one that worries me in getting rid of Windows. It is more my instrumental album. I could just stop it there and have it done, but I'm not sure if it is done yet.. I just don't feel like it is done. it misses something.. but what? I don't know. Only time will tell.

Anyway, all of this to say that for the next couple days I'll still come, but might be less active through the morning, since that's mostly when I'm active on GS.

That's why the requests won't be posted now, especially because the videos aren't on my laptop right now and that I've already done my backup CD to keep all that I want, such as my videos, therefore if I put 'em on my laptop, I'll probably lose them when reinstalling a fresh Ubuntu.

That's all!