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FullMetalWWant Blog

The End is only The Beginning

Hello peeps, been a while again I know but I must say that time sure flies by when your in college. Hopefully, it's my last year and then off to the big college to do what I must do in order to pay for food (because, you know, pizza just can't pay itself you know)

But really, I'm here on behalf of the unions that might just disappear down the road. As some of my remaining friends know, when I joined Gamespot in 2007, I joined many unions in order to be active here. One by one, the unions fell and I'm only in the WOTU everyday now since I joined here and now that could be gone at the end of who knows what. But regardless of what happens, I will forever be here at Gamespot and update when I can. I do miss some of my good friends that I've made here but I know that the end is just the beginning.

Well peeps, I must disappear again and play games (Dream Team is a great game so go get it)

Stay Frosty :cool:


Been A While Peeps + Sim City + Bioshock Infinite

Hello everyone, FMW here and I must say, it's been almost a year or so after my last blog. I'm just here to update on everyone that I'm still here on Gamespot over at the WOTU Union as an Officer still so I never left Gamespot, just haven't posted a blog for ages because I was running out of things to say. I will update every once in a blue moon (maybe week depending). Anyways, I'm still here and will continue to be here until the end of time and space.

Everyone by now has seen what happened with the release of Sim City and how bad it was. I bought the game (preordered it via Best Buy, got a 20 dollar gift card for free if I bought the physical copy) and since then, I didn't have many problems with the game. In fact, I locked in 5 hours in one sitting on the game and never had any problems. Maybe I was one of the lucky ones. But Sim City is a really good game and this is coming from a guy who never played the series until recently. I got into the game just days before release because I was looking at videos.

Anyways, I almost paid off my preorder for Bioshock Premium Edition so I'm pretty excited for the game to be released in just a few weeks. I just wish it was released on my spring break next week so that I can enjoy it. Ah well, I have Dante's Inferno to play until then so it might just make me not go bat s*** crazy over the game :P

Anyways, that's it for now my peeps, I promise to post more blogs and keep you up to date with my life, remember you can always PM me if you want to talk to me outside of GS.

Stay Frosty :cool:


I'm 21 Today

Hello everyone, I know it's been awhile since I blogged and I have been busy with games and school so I'm here to say that I am now 21 years old today and playing the new Max Payne 3. I want to thank all of you guys for being my friends for almost 5 years here on Gamespot and I hope that I see another 5 years


The New iPad

Well ladies and peeps, I decided that I wanted an iPad 2 and my mom said that why get a old iPad when you can get a new one. So, this past Sunday, we went to Best Buy and the adventure started.

So I was talking to the lady there and wanted the 16 Gig iPad 3 (or The New iPad, whatever you like to call it) and she said that the white one was sold out. But I said I just wanted the other one anyways due to the fact that it can get dirty (again, what I think) so here we are, my iPad in my hands and it's pretty cool. I even have a cool little app that cost me 99 cents that I can type up some of my stories right there and the touch screen is pretty dang cool too (face it peeps, I am a geek at heart)

I certainly enjoy it very much and I think we are going to be happy for a long time now :P


Reappeared Again!

Hello peeps, I am still around these parts, just posting in unions and everything that is cool, been a few months since the last time I posted anything related to a blog and why not start again and make sure I am caught up to speed on everything that is going on.

So just yesterday I decided to preorder ACIII at my Gamestop near where I live (they missed me, I haven't been there since college started and saving my money to get something) and I got my tin case to put my game in it. Man, fall can not come any faster.

Speaking of saving money, the reason I'm saving money is to finally buy myself an iPad! That however, raises another question as to if I should go for the iPad2 or the new one that will release in a few days. As my mom told me, if I'm going to put 400 dollars on an old iPad, might as well throw in the extra money to get the new one. Still, I have some weeks before I can buy it so we will see what happens.

And now, more games I wish I can get right now but can't because of me getting an iPad: Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City, Twisted Metal and any other great games too :P

Well, other then me getting allergies at the moment, I will blog more for real this time, to make sure I have some people on my friend's list (spring cleaning long overdue huh?)

Ta ta, for now peeps :cool:


Well Look At That, 2012

Hello chicos and chicas, I realized it's been a long time since I last posted anything here and I must say, I do miss being able to talk to people on my friend's list that are collecting dust, does my heart proud about that in someway you know? Anyways, let's get down to it then.

So, 2012 is here and let's talk music! What? A blog can't talk about music for a few minutes before we head into video games? No? Well, too bad because I am excited for Rush's new album to be released sometime this year, called Clockwork Angels and man, just listening to the songs from the album itself is awesome and I wonder what Rush will do once the album is released. A tour? I sure hope so, this might be my chance to finally see a band I love live.

Speaking of Rush, 2112, their 20 minute epic, was released as DLC for Rock Band and it's one heck of a song to play since you really don't know how you would perform. It's something that most people should download and give it a run and I promise it will be great.

Now then, a lot of great games will be coming out later this year and I will post my thoughts about just a few games in the next blog, at least you know I'm still alive peeps :P


11/11/11 is the Start of Great Things

Hello peeps, it's that time again where even more great games going to be released in the next few days and then it all explodes. Skyrim for those who like a few games with that RPG element.

Then Super Mario 3D Land is going to be one of the best games to ever hit the 3DS in recent memory since Ocarina of Time 3DS.

And then we have Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 hits and every fighting person is going to play it.

And then Legend of Zelda is getting another game.

And then Mario Kart 7 is going to be great

The list is endless.

Also, for those are reading fans, I am writing a novel so it's still in the paper stages and I will let you know how far along I am.


Batman is Finally Here!

Hello there peeps and chicas, I'm blogging from college at the moment waiting for my next class to start and I told myself, "Batman is out today." So, having a blonde moment (I have black hair) I remembered preordering Batman at Gamestop so I will be picking up the game in the next few hours before I die from wanting the game too much. But my question for you guys (that actually read my blogs and not the ones sitting the corners) is what do you think of the new Batman being released today? Does it live up to the name and is that much more epic?


DIB Day 2, 3, 4, 5, Etc

Being on this island for a couple of days now, it's gone crazy. And I thought just going on one part of an island was bad, now I must travel inside the city to figure out what is going on and things are getting even more crazy as I introduced some new zombies, some explode on me and others charge at me, just your normal day for me. As I progressed, I now must travel inside the sewers and met another zombie that spits acid on me as I make my way inside the sewers. Man, I now miss the outside, at least you get to see everything around you but no, they just had to throw in a sewer part of the story.

So that's pretty much what I've been doing lately but until then, I must now run away :P



Red Dead Redemption GotY Means Yay?

Hello chicos, this is a break from the DIB (Dead Island Blog) to talk about one of my top games ever: Red Dead Redemption. A great game coming out with a Game of the Year Edition later this year. I don't know what to think of it really but this will make my Christimas list since I have long since traded in my copy of it on the 360 and PS3 as well. But to what system to get it on?

I will have to think about it as you guys discuss about a great game like this. Now then, I must wait for a game of the year Fallout New Vegas.