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Don't get me wrong, I Play For More Then Achievements.

Just so you guys know, that even though I might be going back to some old games to get achievements, It's not really my point for playing games, I play them to play them. If my goal was to play them for just points, Well, then what would be the point for playing really?

Anyway, little rant, much truth. Happy Thanksgiving/Black Friday weekend all.

Also, I got Rock Band Special Edition(360) for Xmas. On Sale at my store for 170 bucks. Can't believe we still had so many there. :) Worked Black Friday in electronics since 5 am, and Wed I worked 13 hours. I'm a bit tired.


Gamecamiller's Weekly Recap - 11/19/2007

"My eye! It burns! A weekly recap is all that can save me! Here goes: If your Xbox is depressed, try playing seven days in a row like Gamecamiller did last week. It has a way of making you a bit giddy... I feel like i'm bragging when I say our score climbed 890 points last week... insanity! I guess that is what completing 48 achievements can do!

I feel a little spoiled getting 3 new games to play in the same week. With titles like TotemBall, WAR TECH:SenkoNoRonde, and Sneak King, who can go wrong with that right? Also, by my expert calculations, Gamecamiller's favorite game last week was WAR TECH:SenkoNoRonde. He played it on 5 of the days."

I feel acompolished. xD

Blog Fixed

My 360's voice blog has recently been calling me a "her" xD It's been fixed so now all new enteries will refer me as a "he" again xD I dunno why it goofed up.

"When you get right down to it, when Gamecamiller decides to play - it's a good day all around. Our score is 7,540 and always improving! That is a gain of 95 points over last time! She opened up PGR 3 finishing 1 achievement, Pocketbike Racer finishing 1 achievement, WAR TECH:SenkoNoRonde, Prey, Big Bumpin, Worms picking up 2 achievements, and I thought Gamecamiller injured (him)self in the process... but I was wrong... (HE) lives to fight another day!"

Oh, and I just recently fully completed my second Xbox game, College Hoops 2k6 for 360 Gs. I'm still going through and trying to earn every acheivement I can (with games I've already played) before moving on to any new games.

Gamecamiller's Xbox - 11/18/2007 The Aftermath of Achievemnt Blitz Yesterday

Gamecamiller's Xbox - 11/18/2007

"We played games yesterday... No really... I have proof! Gamecamiller might have told you otherwise, but we really did. 7,445 points of total gamerscore means we are teh awes0me! That is a boost of 320 points over last time! He opened up Yaris winning 3 achievements, Small Arms gaining 4 achievements, WAR TECH:SenkoNoRonde finishing 3 achievements, Worms gaining 3 achievements, Sneak King winning an amazing1 achievement, Pocketbike Racer acquiring 3 achievements, Joust winning 1 achievement, MotoGP 06, Kameo, Hardwood Backgammon, Hexic HD, Wik: Fable of Souls, LUMINES LIVE!, PGR 3 winning 1 achievement, and did it while drooling over my awesome graphics and sound."

My brain hurts. xD

I'm Gonna Do it

My Goal today si try to go through a bunch of games that have played overt he year on Xbox 360 and try to earn some achievements that I should have gotten a while back.

Wish me and my 360 some luck. :P

PS:I really need to find a good, original gamertag sig.

Edit: found one:

Live is Five!

Xbox Live is Five years old today! Make sure you et your free themes, game (Carcassonne), and play something on Xbox Live!

Holiday Game Deals

I just came back from the store, and i got 4 Xbox 360 games for ten bucks each! And all new. How you might ask? Well keep reading :p

The first title is Wartech: Senko no Ronde, that was originally priced at$59.99. The numbers got cut off on the sticker ( the lavel said $9.99 xD. So, I got a 60 dollar game for ten bucks. xD

Next,is the ESA Holiday pack that benefits the Entertainment Software Charity. For $29.99, you get Cars, Open Season, and Fusion Frenzy 2 (all for the 360). Not bad, for ten bcuks a game new. Even if it does include FF, it's still a great value and the majority of the money goes to the ESA. Nothing beats getting games, and helping people!

I also got an Xbox Live Gold Card. Oh, and add me people on XBL if you haven't already!

Oh and update, On the website they are sellingWartech for $9.99, In store it seems to vary oO.

GH III and some Burnout

I got Guitar Hero III for my 360 today, and Burnout Dominator for my PSP. :P While I was away I got Super Mario Bros 2 (Japan) for my Wi and Sin and Punishment too :). I might pick up some points cards for both systems this Monday. :)


Maybe My Collecting Days Are Over?

Hey guys and gals. Haven't seen you all in a while. I got to thinking - maybe it's time. I haven't had the time much to play anymore, and I figured it's time to prolly end my game collecting days (not my gaming playing days though xD). I just gave/sold Some 52/53 games In my collection thatI didn't want to hang on to anymore. I won't prolly sell anymore or so, and I still got a collection of around 700 games. :P But yeah, it's prolly the end of the road for me.Which I'm okay with. :)

Anyway, things are going pretty good in my life, and I'll keep you updated on other things.