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GFreeman1998 Blog

Black has been conquered... and Firefly is awesome

Seriously, watch Firefly. Go buy the box set of DVDs, I mean. Whatever, I don't really care. The important thing was... I beat Black! Okay, so it was a four hour long game, but that's still impressive, considering that it wasn't at all easy. But man, that was a cool ending. The last line of dialogue literally tells you that there will be a sequel. I mean, come on, it's (SPOILERWARNINGSPOILERWARNINGSPOILERWARNING) "Then let us begin." That says that the real game hasn't even begun yet, that all of the first game was simply a prologue to the real story. (ENDOFSPOILERSBUTYOUPROBABLYSAWTHEMBYLOOKINGDOWNHERE) Ah, parentheses. Anyways, go buy those Firefly DVDs. I've been a fan for quite some time, and I want my series back. As usual, "Damn you, Fox!" They also canceled Fastlane! I still think that was a funny show. I'm rambling, aren't I? Sorry. I hate Bill o'Reily . 'Nuff said. -Jimmy John Jokesavich out

(insert entry title here)

I got Black, and it's so cool. The gunfights are pretty much everything that Criterion promised, and the game is pretty challenging. I made it through the first two levels and took a break, because the game is so intense that playing it for too long in one sitting is just exhausting. Kind of like Resident Evil 4, but RE4 took more out of me, seeing as it was also the first horror game I had ever played. All of you people who thought the game was intense? Multiply that by two, and you have just how wild that game was for me. By the time I got to playing F.E.A.R., I felt that I was old hat at the whole "horror games" thing. And then, you know, Alma showed up, and suddenly I was all scared again. But that's a different blog post entirely. A scratchy feeling on my face tells me that I have to shave again. Now, I'm not very old, mind you- my age will remain a secret, but know that I'm a teenager. For quite some time now, I have been shaving, and for you teenagers who look forward to shaving, I tell you this: stop that. Stop that right now. It hurts, and it's boring, and pretty much the only good thing about it is that I'm occasionally allowed into bars (I'm never allowed to drink, though...) and the feeling you get once it's all over with. I have a strange urge to go and play Black again. Nazran Town, here I come... Oh, wait, my brother's playing. So, I guess I have to entertain you people on the message boards. Or not. By the way, you know that "-Agent Black out" thing I used to do? That's just my Counter-Strike:Source name, I don't honestly believe I'm an agent or something like that. Just so you know. I guess I'll put something more appropriate for me, actually... -Teenage Shaving Guitarist Pianist Rocker Who Likes The Word Dancing And Wants To Play Black... out

Now playing...

You may have noticed that I've added Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 3 and Mercenaries to my Collection. I've had Mercenaries for some time, but I added it to my Now Playing because, well, I'm playing it. It's so freaking destructive! Man, now that's a fun game. As my review stated. Dance Dance Revolution I got because eventually I'm gonna go to Japan, and if I'm not well-versed in the ways of strange rhythm games I'll be doomed. Also, I hear it's one hell of a workout game. And it has Ray Charles. Hmm. I hope to become an officer of the Black Shooter Union, and it looks like I have a fair chance of becoming one. Only the election will decide... ...and if I win, look out, world! MUHUHAHAHAHAHAhahaha.a....ha... I was doing the evil laugh again, huh? Damn. See you later. Oh, and to clarify, I'm Caucasian, so the "Adios" I threw in on my last post or whatever doesn't mean I'm Hispanic. On that note... -Agent Black out

Another one!

Alright, my review of FInal Fantasy X is up. I won't tell you to recommend it this time, since last time I said that and someone gave me a negative recommendation. Who was that? ... Ah, well. If you have the time, check out my review of FFX.

My friends are cool

Congratulations! I declare you all cool. Not that my opinion's worth anything, just thought I'd say it. ... I'm trying to get around to writing more reviews, I just lack the time these days. On another note, Tiffani Thiessen is attractive. What happened to Fastlane? ... Adios. -Agent Black out


I beat FFX, which was a decidedly emotional experience. Squaresoft (sorry, I mean "Squenix") has some terrific writers. Also, I picked up SWAT 4 because the thought struck me and it's only twenty bucks. It's kind of like F.E.A.R., without cool gunfights (or any gunfights at all), little girls, or a story. ... Uh, that didn't exactly sound like a glowing review, did it? I do like the game. God of War is... interesting. I can see, mainly in the boss fights and storytelling, why so many people love the game. I just find it way too much like Jak and Daxter with heavy Greek influences and every innapropriate thing you've ever heard of (aside from drugs- come on, Sony, you got the sex and violence, why not go for all three?). Keep on rockin' in the free world, guys (I would say "and gals", but I know I'm not yet lucky enough to have any female readership). -Agent Black out

Today rocks

I got God of War in the mail from GameFly today, AND I also was entered into the Hall of Fame of the BLACK Shooter Union. I'm winning a lot today.

Level 11

Oh yeah, victory for me. While I'm here, I should mention that everyone appears to be taking me too seriously when I say that I want to pirate Black. I don't. It's coming out in two weeks and I've already put money down on it. So, seriously, chill out. I'll remember to put "/sarcasm" at the end of my posts.

Going home

Okay, this is gonna be a remarkably sentimental post. If you don't care for that kind of stuff, stop reading now. Be aware that this does actually tie to gaming at some point, but that's not the focus of the story. Now that everyone who would ever read this has left, I'll begin this tale... I've spent most of my life in... a rough neighborhood. It wasn't a particularly nice place, and certainly not the most fancy area in the world, but it was home. A year ago, I left that town, and never looked back. I left behind quite a few friends, and haven't heard from them again. Last night, at around 7:00, I was lugging my guitar over to the computer. I was about to learn the Rolling Stones' "Rough Justice" when I got a call from my ex-girlfriend, who lives in that old town. She wanted me to come over to her house for a party. Well, when I showed up it was an interesting experience, hanging out with my old friends again. They filled me in on what I'd missed, and a few humorous anecdotes that I wished I had been around to hear. As the party was winding down, my friend and I were listening to the radio. We're both musicians, you see, and were playing a game in which we would guess the key that a song was in from the first few notes. What? I love music. Stop laughing. Anyways, we muted the music for a moment as my friend went to tell me about something that had happened in my absence- and I realized that there was music playing, and I heard a few notes that sounded very familiar. "That's Final Fantasy IX." I said. My friend looked at me. "Uh...what?" he said. I raced over to the area from which the music was coming and found two or three people standing around the computer. One of them was singing "Melodies of Life". It was arguably one of the most beautiful things I'd ever heard. Her voice was amazing, and it certainly helped that there was Nobuo Uematsu's music coming from the computer. Nonetheless, once the song was over I proclaimed that she was my new religion and that she should do "One Winged Angel" next. So, uh... is it morally wrong to have a crush on a girl at my ex-girlfriend's party? Hmm... For those of you who have stuck around, thanks a lot. In cool news, I bought Doom, because it was arguably the best video game movie yet and for that reason it's legendary, and the PlayStation magazine with the review of Black. They gave it a 4/5, citing that it's superb in terms of the shooting, but not useful if you're expecting something more. Uh, well, I'm not. From the word go I've been looking forward to the game for its remarkable action, and now it actually looks like it'll have a good story, as well. So, I guess it's a 5/5 for me. Damn. Does anyone know where I can find a copy of FFIX? I think I lost mine.