GameFreakJason's forum posts
thing is, Im not too comfortable with EA taking over. I can only hope TS4 is going to be on PS2 as well as next gen consoles. No way am I going to buy a next genc onsole anytime soon. So yeah, Im not comfortable with EA, but what about you? Whats your favorite Timesplitters?
And to the OP, thanks agian for that site. When I get TSFP I'll take a look at it
I disagree with GamefreakJason. They didnt create/expand/ or revolutionize platformer games. There were many and far better platformers before it even when they were 2d._AbBaNdOn
I never said they created or revolutionized platformers. They (Spyro, Crash, etc.) did however expand on it, or as I said, open up the 3Dera of platformers. THe result is Jak and Ratchet games on Ps2. Of course this is just an idea/opinion of mine.
As this generation of gaming winds down, we have all come across some revolutionary titles. Practically overshadowing the lesser known game companies and their amazing games, the top video game series have went above and beyond in giving you the best video game possible. However, with great games can come great hype, so which one of these massively popular game series deserves to die because they are milking the cow well after the cow is drained, which one of these games is riding on blind hype alone, which one of these game series is the "Home Alone" Movies to videogames?
NOTE: These are ALL good games, but one of them has to be at the bottom of the list. I KNOW There are gamers who don't buy into the hype of some of these games, and I KNOW there are gamers that can see some faults in these games. So, pick one.
Shame on you gamers! Manhunt of course!
This should be the ONLY answer to your question. In fact, I'm not going to post a thousand more words like I usually do when I post comments. ManHunt is THE ONLY 100% STEALTH GAME AVAILABLE!
Ok, both games are two of the biggest platformer adventures on the PS2. Lets not forget the legacy of the platforming 3D games- Crash Bandicoot anyone? If you remember Bandicoot, Spryo, and games alike were the GoldenEye to videogames, basically it opened up alot in terms of the future of videogames. That being said, alot of people today are influenced by the gmaers of Spyro and Crash, which in turn makes gamers who don't know about Spyro/Crash interested in the hype around Jak and Ratchet games.
Another point, what if I ask you, what's the big deal with Grand Theft Auto? If your a fan, you'll say, "Are you crazy?" And the truth is, no, I would justtell you that Ihaven't played the game. This is what your doing now with your question, and the answer is simple- its a big deal for a reason- both games are cinematic, entertaining masterpieces.
Bottom Line? Check out Ratchet UYA/Deadlocked/Going Commando or Jak 2/3, I guarantee you won't be dissapointed by the cinematic, dramatic storyline, and the amazing gameplay.
I have a ps3 and all the games I have been playing have been those "lost treasures" on the ps2 that everyone is talking about. So honestly i would wait and enjoy your ps2 to the max then get a ps3 when more of their sick games come out or maybe a bundle that works for you.dhalsim311
Hey I made the term Lost treasure, copyright infrigement!
To the Original Poster, dhalism proves my point. PS3 hasnt established a good game base yet. By the time it has a good library, it will, or should, have a good price reduction.
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