Mine has to be First Person Shooters....Just kidding, its most likely fighting games because their too short and too damn repetitive. I have Tekken 5, which is actually not a bad game, but it just sits their collecting dust until a party to keep the guests entertained. This does not include wrestling games which is ironically addictive at times.
GameFreakJason's forum posts
Ok, after many complaints, and after I realized I forgot some great time games, I decided to redo this poll. I apologize for forgetting Ocarina of time, and I totally didnt know Chrono Cross dealt with time.
So lets give this one more go, please vote on which game incorporates the use of time best in their game.
Get Burnout 3, it is sorely underrated compared to the (somewhat) overrated NFS games. Second choice wud be GT
Neither, try Resident Evil. But if you have a budget or something, I hear the Silent Hill games arent bad.
Have never tried KH games, but if your looking for an RPG, try Dark Cloud 2, another sorely unappreciated game.
As for Half-Life, skip it and look for TimeSplitters 2 (try on ebay). Actually, this depends. If your looking for a great story, with the usual FPS stuff included, then go for Half Life. HOWEVER, if your looking for a game thats highly entertaining with friends, but a loose storyline (story mode still has great gameplay), go for TimeSplitters 2. I suggest you do research on these two games. I researched for one whole week until I found out that Timesplitters was the better game in terms of replay value and gameplay. If your serious about what games you buy like me, then you'll watch videos, and tons and tons of reviews. I doubt you can rent these games (most likely Timesplitters) because its an old game.
Thanks for reading,
Lol, Abondon is funny.
Honestly, I think you need to know how to manage yourself. If your going to buy all these games only to want to sell them, doesn't that mean your little binge was out of the hysteria of just wanting to own a ps2? I think you should hold on to those games, and completly forget about the ps3 for now. Let it establish its own ground, let them build up a good collection of games and let Sony drop their price a lot. That's just my opinion, I can live without a PS3, there are many games from the PS2 that get buried just because it isn't "new". Check out games like Dark Cloud 2, timesplitters 2, and all that. Games like those should keep you occupied until the ps3 is worthy enough to buy
But thats just my opinion
[QUOTE="XxTRIFORCExX"]Why aren't Ocarina of Time and Chrono Trigger there?Bgrngod
This is a serious question that needs to be addressed. To put ANY of the Timesplitters games up there and not even mention Ocarina is just a travesty.
Read my first comment please- because I failed to collect other time games, I'm now using this forum as a collection box. Later, I'll make a new forum addressing the issues, and ultiamtely, trying to please everyone possible (though that wont be all possible)
Wow, I really could not believe Chrono Cross was not on the poll, let alone in any of the previous comments. The game got a 10.0 Really now, the poll question was: "What is the best game that uses the best story for time travel?" Do those games above really have the best STORY? Not really, the only other contender imho is Chrono Trigger, (how appropriate). Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy 8, from a story perspective, are still to this day under my list of "most emotionally connective stories". They both made me cried - anyone who disagrees was mashing the "X" button during the cutscenes.shrgnatlas
To answer your question, yes, these games DO have good sotries involving time. Just because you think Chrono Cross is the best time game doesnt mean everyone else does. Also, chances are, you havent played every game on my list.
And, I apologize for not putting Chrono Cross, like I said earlier when the forum dies, I'll collect all suggested games that were not on the list, research them to see if their good contenders,and decide what goes into the next forum of mine, which will be an edited forum of this post.
Hey guys, answer the following. But remember, its not which GAME is the best, but its which game incorporates the use of time travel best, or which game uses time to make the game so fun.
ALSO, for games that are series, that fall under any of the options can be voted for too. So, if you choose Jak 3, vote under Jak 2.
When the forum dies, I'll collect all suggested games that were not on the list and I'll decide what goes into the next forum of mine, which will be an edited forum of this post.
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