IMO golf games are stupid. Its like taking a ventriloquist dummy and using it in a puppet show- it sets up well, but it can only hold your attention for such a limited amount of time. Again, thats just my opinion. I suggest getting a Tennis game, make sure you check their ratings and reviews.
GameFreakJason's forum posts
Ok, heres what you do:
1) Make sure your on the PS2 homepage of Gamespot
2) Click Top Games (or All Games) in the field ofthe Gamespot "G" Logo. (The button is under "forums" which is under "search"
3) After you get a list of gams, click, "All Time". This is a list of all the PS2 games of ALL time. This will give you the top ten. DOnt be afraid to go for old Ps2 games- Old can be Gold.
To get a second opinon, go to IGN, but I would stick to Gamespot, they know how to review games, and won't throw away points like IGN does.
Honestly, just wait. Whats the rush? There are too many gamers that are "hardcore" and its these "hardcore" gamers that spend hundreds on E3, new systems, new games, new accessories, without actually stopping to think. Please dont get caught up in the hype. I KNOW that E3 is fun, and I KNOW that next gen consoles are amazing, but the truth is the current gen consoles, like your ps2 has LOTS of life in it. Why spend 700 dollars or 400 for a Ps3 or X360 PLUS $60 per game when you can still enjoy your ps2? There are TONS of games on current gen consoles that are overlooked because of games like God of War, GTA, MGS, etc etc. Not that GTA, GOW, or MGS is bad, but theres tons of games that are beautiful, perhaps even better than three of the most popular games I mentioned. Games like Timesplitters, Dark Cloud, Katamari, games like those. I dont have Katamari, but its lived up to the hype, or lack there of.
Bottom Line?
There are tons of current gen games that are cheap and that are amazing. Try to find these games, RESEARCH for the buried treasures of current gen games. I guarantee that you'll find games that will supress the bittersweet joy of next gen games. There are still many games that will keep you active on your PS2 until a well deserved price drop for the PS3. On top of that, when the price drops atleast $200 more (for the PS3), I'm pretty sure Sony will have established great games. Same with X360 and the Wii if your into it.
So in short: WAIT!
THe porblem I have with the Russian dude is that he's too middle aged. I want the good old classic, young gangster rising to fame, not some old washed up Russian guy who has an accent.
What about that cat game I played on the Xbox?wmc540
No offence to you, but I really dont give a cr*p about Blinx the cat or whatever else cat game is out there. I tried to please as many people as possible, so there. (again, no offence to you).
What songs do you feel are the best to put into Guitar Hero THAT ARE NOT ALREADY THERE?
Also, did you include the song because it was:
a) super hard
b) Super hard, and you feel confident enough that you'll totally own it against your friends
c) Sounds super awesome
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