Currently Listening To: Backstreet Boys - "The One"
Since this is my first journal entry, it is only natural to introduce myself. My name is Maria, but none of my usernames ever reflect that (AKA Call Me GhostlyMaiden!!!). Anyway, I'm 18 in my 19th year (sucks to have your birthday late in the year). I've been gaming since I was first introduced to NES when I was six. First became "serious" at gaming via SNES Donkey Kong 3 and further involved with Harvest Moon 64. My bro's the action, shooter, fighter. I'm the role-playing and strategy simulation type. Our interests interchange at times (Bloody Roar 4 and Super Mario RPG hehe). I'm pretty well-rounded, which is why I can still kick at WindWaker and Devil May Cry as well. My bro is my main gaming partner and he almost always kicks my arse. Heaven forbid I win a match! It's funny when he comes up to me and says "You. Play." As mentioned earlier, I'm the roleplayer, so he doesn't find GCN Paper Mario to be too entertaining and always makes me play his file for him. Okay, now onto the games. This is going to be a daily archive and I'm a college kid which means little game-time.
The Sims (Unleashed)
St. Clair Family:
Maria - Single, middle-aged woman. Low neatness. Low sociability. Highly active. Highly playful. Moderately good-natured. Following Animal Care career track. Currently an Aquarium Trainer.
KitKat and Boo - Family housecats.
Cody and Claudia - Family dogs.
Yes, I have loads of flies in my house and enough pee puddles to drive away the neighbors.
Quickie Synopsis of History Up to Date: Before the inclusion of Unleashed, Maria moved into a house with enough accomodating needs for a rather healthy lifestyle. On the first day she went into the science career track and quickly promoted to cage cleaner (forgot what it's actually called). She was soon promoted to Field Researcher and had made Mortimer Goth a romantic interest within one sim day. When Unleashed was installed, she immediately went out and adopted KitKat. She changed her career track to slacker, since it seemed more "fitting" of her personality style. She soon realized that she was growing quite bored within the slacker career track and was trying to find a better career track. She accidentally signed up for the x-treme career path and though it was more amusing than slacker, it wasn't what she sought for. Finally, an ad for a dog walker popped on her computer screen and decided that may be the job for her. Then she noticed that KitKat may be lonely, so here came Boo. She was quickly promoted from dog walker to aquarium trainer quite quickly with the only thing hindering her next promotion being her lack of friends. She decided to call up Bella Goth, who had brought along her husband and daughter as well. At first the three adults watched tv while Cassandra played with the cats. Then Mortimer went to the restroom, so Maria decided to strike up a conversation with Bella. Mortimer came out as Maria was "admiring" Bella and became quite jealous. Eventually everyone left in bad spirits. Later on, Mortimer grew even more furious when Bella and Maria met up near an Old Town Cafe and Bella proceeded to compliment Maria. KitKat and Boo's relationship had grown and now have a kitten basket. Now for today's main events.
Maria decided to expand her pet collection by adopting two dogs: Cody and Claudia and soon learned the pleasures of housebreaking. She hoped to smooth over things with Mortimer, so they could be friends again, but he refused to answer the phone. So, she called up Bella who agreed to visit. After watching tv, gossiping and hugging the two managed to become friends just as night set in. Now, Maria needs one more friend to get her next promotion. Will Mortimer give her another chance? Or should she try to strike up a friendship with another stranger? Only game-time will tell... On another note, the kitten grew up and was sold for about 260 simoleons and El Bandito raided the family's trashcan.
Game-Related Tidbit: One time when coming back from work (while still in the science career) a pop-up stated that a crashed ufo was found and Maria was offered 1 MILLION SIMOLEONS for the story. Another pop-up soon followed afterwards stating that the ufo was a clever hoax and the check was cancelled.
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