Ladies, gentlemen, friends, and johnsteed (:evil: ) I have a problem. After a long haul through crazyville (an upside down world made of cotton candy that evil bunnys rule) I have discovered the source of my insanity. Games. We all play them, and love them unless you are me. See I am hopelessly addicted to playing bad videogames, and by bad I dont just mean bad... I mean so horrible the thought of eating glass and passing it through your instestinal tract seems appealing. I mean games so cursed by the gods that they infect all that play them with a mind rot so twisted, so foul, all that is left of a person is a withering insane shell, unable to know the warmth of sunlight or the love of another. Alas Godmode, I knew thee well. Do not mourn for me my fellows, for it is too late. I am now the slave of the mad bunny king Hiphoptimus Prime his disciple on earth to lure all the people into playing the bad games and succumbing to his evil mindrot. You cannot resist his evil for he is deceptively cute.... but make no mistake he is the devils bunny.
Hiphoptimus says: grf nrff zipp tabo groit nyut!!! :shock: that means "I am coming for you next" in the language of the bunny! But we must resist!!!! I must warn my fellows of the bad games I have traversed these past days and I do so at great risk of my own life. Take heed my friends and be warned of these horrible abominations of mankind lest ye too end up a thrall of the mad bunny king. So below I place my warnings in hopes that its not already too late, and maybe I can find salvation from the madness they have wrought. I will use a rating system unlike those ever seen by the likes of man. I will rate the games out of ten in devil bunnys. The more devil bunnys the game has the more cursed it is in the eyes of man, a servant of pure evil meant only to corrupt the innocent and create a world of impure mad slaves!!! kl;asjdlkfsj1!! Are you ready? Take a deep breath, steel yourselves, for we are venturing into the very heart of darkness....
Hiphoptimus says: lol this girl just called me cute and tried to feed me a carrot so I stuck it in her eye and urinated on her while she was screaming herself to death, now I will add her skin to my pancake crown of evil. Wait, games? I LOVE games! :evil: Game Of Evil: Facebreaker
Devil Bunny Rating: 8 devil bunnys out of 10 Woe is me, truly cursed am I! Abandon all hope once you stick this wretched pile of steaming pig vomit into your system and press power. You might as well just smash your head against the wall repeatedly and pray for brain damage or death, whichever comes first. The first thing I noticed about this game is that its an arcade boxer with horrible graphics and an even worse artstyle, its all "twisted" supposed to be hip and urban I guess, but really dont be fooled thats the bunyns twisted evilness corrupting the game from the inside out so foul in its hideousness. You can choose from several stereotype characters like a black guy called spin (who makes DJ record spinning sounds when he does certain punches..... GEEEENIUS!!) an asian chick, a witch doctor.... and oh christ who cares lets go with DJspinny Mcawesome and his crazy DJ antics! So you jump into a match and everything is lighting fast, over the top and screaming of game designers who probably got their degree out of a cereal box (they're magically delicious!) punch high, punch low, Dj spin attack supreme (chika chika woowr) and thats about it... Hold right bumper and press the corresponding buttons to block those same attacks, seems simple enough. Well on normal difficulty a round usually last between 7-15 seconds before you are eating the dirt and cursing the gods for ever allowing such a hideous button mashing mess to be made. My DJ powers haf fails me! So you try again, and again, and again. Until you reach about the 3rd person (out of like 15 annoying people) you have to fight and get trounced completly to the point where resistance is futile. This game is so incredibly maddening and cheap that you will wonder what sin you commited in a past life to have been exposed to this wretched taint of gaming. Your opponents dont just hit you once and back off, they do stupid things like burp out a poison gas cloud that stuns you, and then hit you 17 times in a row so fast you have no chance to block, and they win instantly. Its so maddening that the foul juices of hatred and rage shall flow free from your pantaloons as you loose your steaming hot justice all over this unplayable mess.
Hiphoptimus says: I got attacked sexually by a bear once. I wanted to make a game that replicated that exact feeling of shame and helplessness. Success! *hops in circles*
Game Of Evil: Rock Revolution
Devil Bunny Rating: 9 Devil Bunnys Out Of 10 Truly we have breached the point of no return. This game is so bad it is with no exaggeration one of the worst games to ever have desecrated the industry by its mere prescence. Imagine taking a beloved series like Guitar Hero and attempting to clone it and its success but instead of a good clone you get a decaying zombie reeking of putrefaction and stolen innocence. This is bunny kings finest work to be sure, and merely speaking about it is giving me flashbacks to my palytime with it, curled up on the floor weeping like a baby and punching myself in the groin for falling for its allure. Groin punching aside, (ok ONE more then) *whimpers* first thing I want to note is that the game features about the half the songs of a regular ....y'know GOOD music game only about 40 to any other games 80-90 or so, so right off you know you are getting into something so half assed that king half assey of halfassia would rule it awesome. Next up is that every song is by a cover band. Every one. And they arent just bad, they're horrible. Its never a good sign when you fail at playing The Ramones "Blitzkrieg Bop" because you are too busy wiping tears of laughter out of your eyes to play song due to the singers horrible mockery of the song. Then you have the interface. Oh god the interface. Instead of the guitar track (where the notes come down) being tilted back like in every other game this one is completly vertical meaning you cant see !@#$ AND the guitar track takes up only a tiny corner of the screen instead of the whole screen like any other game so you have to constantly squint to stay in focus and prepare for the notes. This causes headaches. Seriously. Everytime I play this game I get a nasty headache, now thats awesome game design! Did they even test this thing out? Could they afford any QA at all? If they did they decided to ignore what was probably 100% negative feedback or hired brain dead camels with two heads. Those ****ers work cheap I hear. Now to top all this off, and this is really the kicker. They got the notation wrong in most songs. How is that you ask? THE NOTES ARE OUT OF TIME WITH THE FREAKIN MUSIC. This is surely the biggest cardinal sin a music game can commit. I don't know how many of you are avid guitar hero players like myself, but for those of us that are and that play on expert all the time you know what I mean when I say the rythem of a song being done right is the most important thing. I can play on expert on a song and glance at what notes are being played for that rythem section, easily memorize them, and then quickly figure out how fast/slow I have to strum to be in time to the song. Thats one of the biggest tricks of playing these games on expert, mastering the rythem... its is beyond important... its crucial. But Rock Revolution says !@#$ that Rythem is for suckers! !@#$ this game.
Hiphoptimus says: I was the QA. heehee! to be continued...
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