Why even compare it to the GTX 1070 which costs $400 more? Your conclusion is baffling. Anyone looking to buy an RX 480 is clearly not looking at cards priced in the $600 range. For the price, this is by far the best graphics card you can buy. Period.
That teleport system for navigation sounds awful. Why not let you use a controller? I wish VR, at least until we come up with a more immersive control system, just the headset with the use of the Xbox/PS4 controllers we are used to. I would love to play Fallout 4 with a VR headset but traditional controllers, instead of this awful teleportation/on-rails gimmick we keep seeing over and over in VR games.
This is probably the most overrated game of all time. It's $60, it has no single-player component, it has no progression system, it's riddled with cosmetic micro-transactions, matchmaking is poor, extremely limited game modes, and most importantly, it's just a better version of a free half-life mod... and yet, other games would have been eviscerated in the review if it had this many flaws, but this gets a 9. Blizzard and Nintendo always seem to get a pass for their obvious shortcomings.
I don't understand why Microsoft keeps trying to push the RT tablets, when the Atom powered Windows 8 tablets from third parties are infinitely better and cheaper (I know I have owned an RT and a Lenovo Lynx). I just don't get it. The RT tablets are utterly useless.
@Blackwand @mkeezay22 And that more than anything exposes the sheer hypocrisy and idiocy behind that Gamespot review. If they really cared about people's sensitivities, they would've lowered the score because of the excessive violence and drug use, but this is just a case of another feminist attention whoring.
@mike9876543210 As someone else already mentioned, if this game were to be judged based on how offensive it is, it would score a -9 out of 10. There is something in this game that offends everyone on the planet, I guarantee it, but that's exactly the point of the game. It's like "Ren and Stimpy", designed to be offensive. You wouldn't review Ren and Stimpy on the same scale you would review The Smurfs would you? Again, in my opinion, entertainment must be reviewed according to the context it is presented in. There's murdering, drugs, sex, etc. in this game, and none of those things warranted a lower score, but the misogamy, well that was too much? Give me a break. Gamespot is just being a bunch of politically correct idiots.
Granpa0's comments