The utter arrogance by Microsoft is absolutely staggering. I'm shocked that such a multi-billion dollar company could possibly be so out of touch with its potential customers. Amazing.
@MooncalfReviews Yeah this pretty much seals the deal for me officially. I will not be getting and Xbox One. I'm not paying $60 for a game that is never going to be mine to sell, trade, lend, whatever. I honestly wonder if what they are even doing is legal. Doesn't this constitute as collusion? I don't know, I'm no legal expert, but it strikes me as something morally reprehensible at best.
@MicK765 @Granpa0 Well for one, I don't spend $60 on PC games, I buy them when they go on sale on Steam. Reselling something that cost me $10-$15 hardly seems worth it to me. Spending $60-$70 on something and knowing I can sell it later if I don't like it, or I'm done with it is a big deal. Gamestop was already bad at giving you value for your trade-in, now they will be even worst. I remember buying a game new at Gamestop for $60 and returning it the same day and they would only give me back $25, now it's going to be far less, and we won't have Craigslist or Ebay to fall back on. This doesn't benefit consumers at all, this is just pure greed on the part of Microsoft, and the publishers. All this crying about used game is nothing more than insatiable greed.
So I won't be able to resell the game I bought on Craigslist or Ebay, or hand it to my neighbor, or a garage sale. F all that noise. If PS4 implements similar restrictions, I'm bowing out of console gaming altogether. As it stands, the Xbox One is dead to me.
The guy must be a politician. He completely danced around the question of being able to play offline by telling us how cool it is to be online. Do not want.
Microsoft continues to give me reasons to completely avoid their console:
@northArrow Publishers will flock to whatever console has the user base to support it. Just ask the Nintendo what happens when you don't sell units of a console. Developers abandon ship like the Titanic. The Xbox One sales will make the Wii U look like a resounding success unless Microsoft does a 180 on this. We, the gamers speak with our wallets, not the publishers, not the console manufacturers. Keep that in mind.
Granpa0's comments