You know I was having a nice day. No birds pooped on my on my way to work, no one cut me off, I didn't get a static shock all day, then you had to go and remind me about the Last Guardian. Damn you Gamespot!
Anyone that complains about PS Plus pricing needs to get their heads our of their nether regions. PS Plus is the best bargain in gaming. Hundreds of dollars worth of free games a year for $50 is an absolute STEAL
Well well well. Microsoft almost pulled a fast one on all the gamers. Never trust Microsoft to do anything that seems beneficial to anyone without their being a catch involved.
"However, the engineer reveals that Family Sharing would only let family members access a "demo mode" of the game for between 15 mins and 45 mins, and in some cases an hour. After that time, the shared game would cease and a user would be forwarded to a marketplace to purchase the full game"
Sorry Microsoft, I don't want an NSA camera in my living room. Lose the camera, drop the price and maybe someone will buy your Xbone (I won't but maybe someone else will).
They haven't mentioned the advantages of always being online because the advantages, whatever they may be, don't out weight the disadvantages. Oh so I can get updates in the background, okay, so I can save my games to the cloud.. okay I guess, but what's that? I can't share my games with my friends, I can sell my games on craiglist or ebay if I want to? I can't play the thing at all if my internet goes down? F- that! That's why they don't mention the "advantages"
@EddieDominguez @Granpa0 Even Forbes agrees with me. Paragraph 5 .. hardcore gamers are the only ones that could want an XB1 at that price point, and since we don't, it appeals to no one.
@EddieDominguez @Granpa0 Like who? Name me someone who is not a hardcore gamer that's going to pay $500 and an additional $60 a year to use the Xbox One to watch their cable shows that they already pay for? Who is this extremely weird person with disposable income you describe? Please tell me.
@EddieDominguez I disagree with your first statement. I don't see the XB1 appealing to anyone. So what that it can be hooked up to your cable box? I don't know of a single non-gamer that would spend $500 for a glorified voice controlled remote. We have Apple TV, Google TV, Roku, smart Tv's all for a fraction of the XB1, with no monthly fee requirement (lets not forget how utterly useless the XB1 is without an XBox Live subscription). Seriously, when you break it down, this console appeals to no one.
Granpa0's comments