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H-A-V-O-K Blog

My Birthday

Quick blog here, but yes today is my 19th birthday, Havin dinner with my family tonight. And a few of my friends are coming home from college for spring break so I'll be hangin with them this weekend.

Hope to finish my character blog at the beginning of next week.

Characters I Relate to 2 (pt 1)

I've written one of these blogs in the past and it got some pretty good comments, and alot of people seemed to like it. So I thought I'd do a second one and break it into 2-3 parts doing atleast 2 characters per post. And if you didnt see my last one, what I try to do with blogs like these is not choose characters to say things like "I'm most like solid snake just because I'm that bad ass". I actually try to choose some that actually remind me of myself at times and that I can see myself in.
So without further ado my first two.


Name: Phil Bagzton.
Game: Freedom Fighters.

Summary: "Talk is cheap" Says Phil Bagzton "Thats why I do it constantly dude". Phil, to hear him tell it has been kicking soviet ass for ten years, even though the invasion just began. He's a man of many,many words, whose fighting efforts, despite thier ineptitude are appreciated by the resistance.
Phil began boxing at the age of thirteen, not as a form of athletics but as self-defense from his abusive father. His fists never served him well and he eventually learned to talk his way out of most situations. The rest of Phil's family fled to California at the start of the invasion.

How I Relate: I think it's alittle obvious why I chose Phil. He's one of those rare characters that seem to match my personality perfectly. Everything from his cynasism, to his learning to box only to learn he's not that great a fighter, straight down to his snarky and always plentiful one-liners. I firmly beileve Phil and I were seperated at birth. :lol:


Name: Jansen Friedh.
Game: Lost Odyssey

Summary:A lover of women and wine (and easily influenced by both) Jansen has fallen in and out of love with more women than he can remember. A man of instinct rather than thought, his recent wandring led to him to Uhra where he was hired by counselman Gongora.

How I Relate: Much like Phil, Jansen is very much a talker first and a fighter second. That reason alone is what led me to choose the two of them. Although Phil's personality in general suits me alittle more, Jansen's work ethic and approach to problem solving, such as, using guile rather than brute force, was very much "me". Granted Jansen has been givin alot of bad rep due to his drunkeness and womanzing (which isnt me at all :P ). He was even nominated in the top ten "biggest dorks of 2008" in an issue of Gameinformer.
But I still find Jansen to be one of the most endearing and original characters to grace a true Japanese RPG in a long time, and I think he's one of those characters we can all relate to in one way or another.

I'll see about getting pt 2 posted in a few days, I have two more planned out and I'm working on it now, but beyond that I'd like to have atleast two more to finish it out, Kinda just makin this up as I go.

GDC and Some Random Thoughts.

Well its like 11pm, too early for bed and I cant remember the lastimeI was this bored.
I havent been blogging much lately mostly just because theres been nothing interesting to post.

I did try to watch most of the GDC coverage, not too much really that I saw to get me that excited. although the X-Play coverage had some interesting stories, for example the team behind the unreal engine demonstrating some of their new lighting technology was pretty impressive. They also had a pretty good interveiw with Hideo Kojima, but for some reason I just cant seem to bring myself to beileve anything he says. :lol:

I did pick up a copy of Bladestorm:The Hundred Years War at gamestop the other day.(sorry Sparda they were all out of RE5) But I was shocked just to have found it, it was released sometime in late '07 I think and then it was cancelled shortly thereafter, I had never been able to find one till now.
Its not too bad all in all considering Koei isnt known for their tactical chops, graphics are alittle last-gen, voice acting is god-awful, gameplay is somewhat repeating but the long list of units keep different options open and can keep theaction fresh. And the story is cookie-cutter Koei writing from a crackerjack box but still good enough to keep me interested, I'll see about getting a reveiw posted once i beat it.

Lastly, As for my next blog I'm thinking about doing a sequel to my blog of videogame characters that I relate to, I'd also like to do a blog possibly on movie characters or somthing like that who can be related to. I'am not exactly sure if I want to do it on movies though, Any suggestions?

1 Year on GS...(If you remember me that is)

Hey everybody how's it goin, Its been alittle while since I've been on, tho I've kept in contact with a few people via MSN. I'd say its been about 3 months since my last login back well before thanksgiving, alot of stuff went down then once everything settled the motherboard in my PC fried, I did however recently replace it (obviously) took me so long because I really couldnt afford it and as much of my life is spent online it was way down on my budget list.

Anyway, I'm down in Vero Beach Florida at the moment posting this blog on a public library computer (scary thing i know) But I should be heading out tomorrow morning to make it back home. I've been here about 10 days now originally came down with some friends and my old boss thinking maybe we had some work to do, turned out it was just my boss getting paid but oh well it was a vacation and I'm not complaining.

And lastly, as above mentioned this will mark one entire year on Gamespot for me, I know I spent alot of time away but I expect atleast a few of you remember me (atleast Graeme and Sparda from MSN) and a few more should remember my short career as the worlds most dangerous pastry chef :lol:

P.S sorry if this blog was alittle short and sloppy I say again, public computer :P

My Brush With Death. (The complete story)

Ok I realize I wasnt too clear in my last blog about exactly how everything went down. I was riding with a friend of mine (the dude with the fractured arm) he was driving and it was his '87 Dodge pick-up that we were in. We were clipped on the rear driver's side by a woman in a mini-van who was goin pretty fast apparently, we never saw her but thats what the witnesses were saying. Anyway, we got slammed pretty hard and ended up rolling over into a ditch, I climbed out and brushed myself off completely fine, couldnt even tell I was in an accident. The driver though was bleeding from his cheek,had a fractured arm as afore mentioned, and a mild concussion.

Then after all that we got picked up by the ambulance who made us go to the hospital to get checked out, once they cleared me I had to talk to the cops sign the police,sign the report, blah blah blah. Turns out the woman who hit us was driving on a suspended license so they had to make a big ado about it. All said and done we were in the hospital for around 5 hours until they cleared my friend who then had to deal with the cops himself.

While all this is going on somhow my Mom was contacted and she frantically began calling EVERYBODY. And if you were to know my friends and family you would know that they can pass the simplest story among themselves without completely butchering it and exaggerating it hundreds of times over. And somehow one of genius relative decides to call my 78 year old aunt who suffers from dementia and tells her that I was in an accident without having all the details, the poor woman sat there for 2 hours thinking I was paralyzed.

So I've spent the last few days calling around and dealing with my insurance company who was trying to make me pay the bill from when I was checked out at the ER. And I spent about an hour on the phone with my aunt trying to convince her that I was still alive and walking, and that I'd still come visit her next month for Christmas.

And after all that I still need to vent somthing else...

When we rolled I somehow landed on my side and crushed my Ipod. :cry:
And its completely dead no repair could breathe life into it again, But alas the good die young. It went but my $30 Tracfone survived without a scratch, I'm dead convinced this thing could stop a bullet. But that means with my next pay-check I'll have to skip the games I wanted to buy and replace my Ipod. My morning jogs are far too quiet without it.


OK, Obviously the blog-gods are against me tonight, I've tried three times to write this and everytime somthing interrupts me. So while I have the chance I'm gonna type out this short quick one and give you the details later on.

As a few of you mighta noticed I havent been around for a few days, I was in a car accident I'm fine though, not even a scratch I'm happy to report. Unfortunately my buddy who was driving wasnt so lucky he came out with a fractured arm and a mild concussion. But its been a hassle the last few days dealing with a police report, the insurance company and their crap,and the long list of mis-informed Family/Friends who all think I'm dead.

Anway I've cleared up most of it and I should back to normal activity around here soon.

Why Me?

I really hate blogging this often but I feel the need to rant this evening.

After getting up today and an ungodly hour to go cast my vote for the next president, I thought if I got there early enough I'd beat the crowds and not have to wait, turns out I was wrong.2 hours I stood in line,even though I'd guess it was far worse for those of you living in big cities. It really wasnt so bad though, I got there the same time my neighbor did so I was able to chat with him while in line and pass the time.

But then the day just got better from there.
As is my custom on any of my sibling's birthdays, I take them out for dinner and whatever else they may wanna do, today happened to be my little sister's 9th birthday. Thankfully 9 year olds still have cheap tastes for dinner, after a quick chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-a she decided she wanted to see a movie.
And what else does she pick?
Highschool Musical 3.....

Well, its her birthday so like the good brother I try to be I take her to the movie.
Thankfully we ran into one of her school friends and her family going in so they invited us to sit with them, this freed me up to take a smoke break 30 mins into the movie, that is until I got outside, remembered that I dont smoke, then I just cried myself insane and returned to the bloody torture.

So after all this I've come out thinking I desperatly need some Fallout 3 time to clear my head, that, and some serious therapy perhaps.

Fallout3, And Some Other Stuff

Havent been on all weekend, I feel the need to blog. Lets see...I'll be going to vote tomorrow (Boo-Yah) should be a load of fun and suck a few hours from my life which I will never ever get back.

Anyway over the weekend I bought Fallout 3 and rented Saints Row 2, Finished Saints Row it was one of those simple and fun games that doesnt take itself too seriously, although a blatant knock off of GTA. Fallout was impressive from what I saw. I havent had much time over the last weekend so I was only able to play the prologue vault quest and my hopes werent crushed and the game thus far is rather impressive.

So after I get back from the polls tomorrow I plan to spend some quality me-and-PS3 time. Probably wont be around GS too much for a few days other than to check out my updates and such.

Amusing Story (No Really)

It's been alittle while since I've written one of those amusing "whats going on these days" type of blogs, mostly because my life lately has just been montonous reptition and tedium.
But somthing interesting and mildly amusing did happen to me yesterday, most of you know that I've been looking for a job lately and with this joke of economy we have thats not an easy task. But I was out walking around town yesterday applying at a few places I had seen in the paper, and I decided to go to the gym that I've been going to for 5 or so years now, its just an old boxing gym with some speedbags punchingbags and a few weight benches. But like I said I've been friends with the owner for alittle over 5 years, been going there regularly along with a few other guys who have all been members there since coach opened the place. After I had been there for awhile coach calls me over and introduces me to this new guy who I'd never met, which was alittle different being a small town I know mostly everyone, anyway he asks me if I'll spar with the new guy some since I'm one of the few with any kickboxing training (keep in my my "training" is very...very limited). So we're in the ring just kinda throwin a few jabs back and forth, please forgive the lack of details as my memory is just alittle bit foggy, but I do remember throwing a jab that he side-stepped. Then the next thing I know I'm looking at the ceiling and coach is standing over me with an ice pack. Supposedly the way it went down was, I had thrown some kind of follow up to my jab (which I dont remember doing) which was then answered with a high-kick that caught me on my left temple knocking me out cold for about 4 minutes, :lol: first time in my life I've ever been knocked out. Then after being revived am I told finally who this guy really is, turns out he's a new cop who's been added to our precinct came out of Atlanta GA. Which explains his skills (None of our small-town cops can fight like that). So I was wondering if I could get the name of Faller's lawyer, I'm thinking I have brutality case in there somwhere and I could use the cash. ;)

But I also need some help too, I was hired for a small decking job that probably wont last more that two or three days which leaves me only a small bit of cash. Since at the moment I'll only be buying one game it was a toss up for me.
I'am either getting Fallout3,Fable2,or The Last Remanent. I'm ready to start a coin toss to decide.
help me out here WHICH ONE!?!?!?!?!?!

10 of my Favorite Move Lines.

After reading so many political blogs, and even writing one of my own, I needed to blog about somthin alittle less serious. Now I have alot of lines from movies that I've fallen in love with over my lifetime, so you can probably expect a few more posts similar to this one from me.

10 : If his unpleasant wounding has in some way enlightened the rest of you as to the grim finish beneath the glossy veneer of criminal life and inspired you to change your ways, then his injuries carry with it an inherent nobility, and a supreme glory. We should all be so fortunate. You say poor Toby? I say poor us. "The Sphinx" *Gone in 60 Seconds*

9 : (Speaking to President Truman) Well, our object collison budget's a million dollars. That allows us to track about three percent of the sky, and beg'n your pardon sir, but it's a big-ass sky. "Dan Truman" *Armageddon*

8 : You know, I've tried all sorts of moisturizers. I even went fragrance free for a whole year. Now my sister, she uses some kind of uh... uh... uh... uh... aloe vera with a little sunscreen in it, and ideally, we should all wear gloves when going to bed, but I found out that that creates a kind of an interference with my... social agenda, you know what I mean. "Frank Catton" *Oceans Eleven*

7 : You traveled the world... Now you must journey inwards... to what you really fear... it's inside you... there is no turning back. Your parents' death was not your fault. Your training is nothing. The will is everything. If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely. Are you ready to begin? "Henri Ducard" *Batman Begins*

6 : To trudge: the slow, weary, depressing yet determined walk of a man who has nothing left in life except the impulse to simply soldier on. "Chaucer" *A Knights Tale"

5 : I just realized, I've been remiss. Forgive me, I forgot to thank you for protecting me yesterday. That is your job right? Protecting me. Well done 'Bob.' You don't mind if I call you Bob, do you? I knew a Bob once; God, he was ugly as a mule. Are you a ladies man, Bob? "Nathan Algren" *The Last Samurai*

4 : I know. I know you can fight. But it's our wits that make us men. "Malcolm Wallace" *Braveheart*

3 : My tremendous intuitive sense of the female creature informs me that you are troubled. "Captain Jack Sparrow" *The Pirates of the Carribean : Dead Man's Chest*

2 : It's either bad traffic, peak traffic, slit-your-wrist traffic... you know, five people died from smoking in between traffic lights. "Handsome Rob" *The Italian Job*

1 : Basic Principles - no matter what, no matter when, no matter who... any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet; he just needs the right broom. "Alex Hitchins" *Hitch*

These are just a few, I'll probably be back soon with more.