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Great quotes

Couldnt sleep much lastnight so i started cleaning out my closet and found an old box of test papers from a few years ago, I started flippin through them and reminicing of highschool and the classes i hated so much. I ran across one paper i wrote that brought up some memories, since it was the only one i ever really enjoyed writing (I was a bit of a slacker ;) ). anyway with all the political campaigns going on in my country right now (I'am American) and everyone arguing for somthing they probably know little about,I thought I'd post some of my favorite quotes from people I consider to be great americans that i had used in my paper.

I'am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this declaration and support and defend these states yet through all the gloom i can see rays of ravishing light and glory, I can see that the end is worth more than all the means - John Adams

I have now learned that to bring about change you must not be afraid to take the first step, we will fail when we fail to try each and every one of us can make a difference - Rosa Parks

Those who sacrifice essential liberty for temporary safety are not deserving of either liberty or safety - Benjamin Franklin

America will never be destroyed from the outside if we falter and lose our freedoms it will be because we destroyed ourselves. - Abraham Lincoln

Your fathers, the fathers of this republic did most deliberately under the inspiration of a glorious patrioism and with a sublime faith in the great principles of justice and freedom lay a deep cornerstone of the national superstructure which has risen and still rises in granduer around you - Fredrick Douglass

Chapter 1

I just got promoted to officer in the Blackrosegamer union and our leader specified he'd like to see some poetry in the union. I thought of one particular piece i really like and thought I'd post it in a blog before I put it in the union to see what people think of it. so give me some feed-back if you will. It should be noted I'm not sure if you could technically call this a poem as he presents it as more of a "rap" for lack of a better term. it seems kinda dark in the beginning but I think when you read the whole thing it makes you think.

Chapter 1.

I'll embrace dreams again when i can breath again, and at that point I wont be needing them. it became clear to me I was fighting a war iIcouldnt win, you dont make it on your own merit only royalty inherits the kingdom, and thats a system good intentions cant help. your courage is not good here so dont try to excel, what a sad day when you realize nothing can change, the revoloution didnt leave you it never came. there will be no parades, no royal balls, just long days topped off with last calls for alchohol. go to sleep wake up and repeat the same routine smooth skin dressed with wrinkles and brown eyes with dark rings. and entertainers sing of extremes that dont exist for you or me, when real life is reality TV no wonder our youth dont beileve in anything its all a joke there are no heroes just those of us with high hopes. its just not that simple, I dont wanna save it all I just wanna create a ripple. and even if one individual is affected its monumental with an unusual perspective thats beautiful in essence, traditonal thinking wont suggest. this is life really that precious? well yes it is. but there will be no celebrations, or congratulations, no pat on the back, just your mind intact and the freedom to feel your heart beat at the speed of life, go to sleep tonight knowing you did it right. and rest easy outside of a system that resents you for not doin what they expect you to do, psychologically wear you down and then make the suggestion that you get on a perscription to deal with your depression. anxious, lazy, tempermental, obese, thats what money makers like to call a disease. and they'll be looking for or creating new problems with profitable solutions to solve them. but you wont get any better, you'll just come back for more till your medcine drawer is filled with unreliable cures. and thats the way of the beast i cant do nothin about it i could shout it in a room thats crowded but i doubt it'd make a difference. so ignorance will be my disguise cause 21st century america likes its witchcraft civilized.

Downed for two weeks.

So we had another softball game lastnight. our regular catcher (who myself and half my team dont like very much:evil: ) was late so I had to stand in as catcher. Our team is in F league since we're still a fairly new team this only being our 2nd season. we played a team we never should've been matched against as they were A league (the best you can get in our city:?). We held up admirably in the first 3 innings holding them to a 7-7 tie. At the top of the 4th our catcher shows up and I get benched and pushed down to extra hitter....again.. At this point our catcher begins making more errors than I've ever seen and gives up 3 runs in the 4th inning alone. Needless to say they began to run away with it, I didnt get another turn at bat till the 5th inning at which things began to get ugly with the other team leading us 15-7, anyway I step up, bases are loaded, first 3 pitches are balls way over my head, then he throws an absolutely beautiful pitch right over the plate I swing and catch it on the handle popping it straight up:roll:, somehow the first basman misses it and catches it off a bounce so i run as hard as i can at first plate knowing I probably wont make it but for some reason when all he could have done was stick out his glove and tag me when I passed he found it nessicary to bull rush me from my right side all my momentum smashing into my right knee. we both go down and i dont get up for awhile, when I do get up I walk to my dugout on my own with no help at all thank you very much. However we end up losing the game a pathetic 28-9 making our record: 5 Losses - 1 Win. So I limped home that night and assumed my knee was just bruised and I'd be fine, not so. Went to the doctor this morning and he said I had a sevier sprain and I cant play for atleast two weeks. I still plan to show my support by showin up at the games but thats all I'll be doin unfortunately, and with my luck this will be the week I get called for a job. And as we all know a limp and a winning smile is an awesome first impression on a job :D

Why i'm a gamer.

So this week i find out why when i was 6 years old my father handed me a sega genesis controller instead of a baseball bat, It made more sense. I live in a very small community so some friends of mine thought it'd be fun to throw together a softball team and play on the local city league seeing as how we havent got much else to do. we are the youngest team in the league myself being 18, a good buddy of mine 17, And the rest of our team being 20-somthings. so we get a look at the first team we are to play against their YOUNGEST player was around 45 easily, so we get all cocky thinkin we're all young these guys can barely make it around the bases, easy win right? wrong. we get the slaughter rule enfoced on us and lose 18-2. I was on the bench most that game because i was there late and was put on the roster as an extra batter. Then our second game was a few days later, we win easily 17-5 these guys were alittle younger but their best player was injured in the 3rd inning and we walked away with new found confidence. 3rd game, a girl I've liked for a long time decides to come watch us play, I get sent to my new positon, Right-Field. I play that same positon for 5 innings nothing gets hit out of in-field the whole game. finally they're left handed batter gets up to the plate (lefties have a higher tendincy to hit right-field mind you) knocks the slowest pop-up I've ever seen right to me. I get excited and thought "here's my chance" I run up to it as fast as i can since i was playing deep near the fence i see it its right there!! and then I overrun it and it goes over my head and falls behind me. right-center had to pick it up and throw it in, and we lose that game 12-7. We have another game tonight and supposed to be playing out-field again and the girl I like will also be there again. I shoulda just stuck to gaming.

Happy birthday to me!

Well seeing as this is a UK site I guess i get 2 birthdays. Its now 9pm eastern pacific time april 8th,according to Gamespot its 2am april 9th whatever time they use. on april 9th i turn 18 so happy B-Day to me.