Alright folks here's my answers seperate from the questions faller barraged me with. And since Sheena Posted her questions in the last blog I'll re-write them here.
Sheena's questions: Do you have any pets?
What's the worst game you ever played?
If you had three wishes what would they be and why?
Do you have any bad habits?
What made you join GS?
Sheena321 : Yes I have 2 dogs, a blue tick hound, and a german shepard.-- The Hulk. It made me physically ill.--heh, I'd wish for more wishes.--I smoke occasionally.--Boredom.
Roman_Irishman : My country maybe? I dont know thats a good question.-- Beating Assassin Creed, I dont know why there was just somthin satisfying about it.
Sparda_13 : If I can figure out how without using photo bucket.
Hell-Fire21 : Gatorade is better!! -- sure -- um..4am? -- not till just now, thank you i wont be getting any sleep tonight.-- this morning.-- it uh..not sure.-- Old-school thats what i grew up on.
Faller88 : Dont talk about my mamma!!
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