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a Few Thoughts on Politics

*Edit* I Realize this was kind of a lengthy blog which isnt somthing I do too often.But if your following US politics even slightly. I thought you'd appreicate this.*

Lastnight Hell-Fire21 posted a blog thats inspired my own blogging. Lately I've been watching the presidential debates, still trying to sort through the mounds of crap the media has been feeding us steadily over the last few months. I'd rather 86 both canidates and start this whole damn thing over from the beginning. But this morning my cousin had sent one of those e-mails that you just forward, and usually I'm not one for that forwarding junk and I delete them. But in the background of this one there were played two songs. I recgonized both of them and googled the lyrics for them "would have posted the songs themselves or atleast a link but sorry im runnin dial up here". But the lyrics to these two numbers really fit in to all thats happeneing with this election.

So with no more ado.Here is "Sales Pitch" and "Follow Your Leader" - By John Reuben.

Sales Pitch:
Everyone's got a hidden agenda watch them push it on you, everyones got a hidden agenda dont pretend not to.Its a battle for your mind and a battle for your pocket book,they'll even play on your emotions until your heart is hooked,reel them in.Tell me whats your intent no mister salesman you dont have my confidence,see I'm not sure I can trust your heart so dont feed me your lies disguised in sheep garb.Everyone's got an agenda can you tell me what for? Everyone's got an agenda can you tell me whats yours?From the liberal media to the conservative core,from politics to the dude tryin to play it cool on the dance floor.It's human nature it runs deep and reeks of secrets,no matter how hard you try no man can keep it,for a time maybe but one day your gonna have to face it and when that time comes you wont be able to fake it.--Left yourself lying in the dark waiting to be exposed,catch yourself hiding from your heart and what God only knows.Smile put on your game face your deathbed awaits and sure there's grace but its going to sting a bit. Try to sell it to God and see if he buys your sales pitch. Watch them tell you they're more than they're worth,watch them take advantage of the church,But then again stepping stones were meant to be walked on.they'll even come back once the floorboards are gone, and they're sitting in the basment pondering energy wasted trying to figure out how to make it.take it to the innocent and manipulate it, Job well done religion look what you've created.Easily slipping easily fading away easily forgetting why it was that I was made easily saying all the right things I need to say in order to make it easier for myself to get paid. I Dont like it like this these moments of trite bliss this propoganda is lifeless move at the speed of which light is fast forward through time as I write this,now I might not have been the wisest but I put my soul into each line if money aint the motive its priceless, I follow a trend called timeless.--These folks dont walk it but they go about it and they talk it, now-a-days they'll turn anything into product. Merchandise name your price try and turn a profit, Even the sacreds been turned dishonest.

Follow Your Leader:
They've got me pinned against a wall,it's political and predictable anything you say will be exaggerated and completely blown out of proportion.Ignore them if you can but I doubt you will,they're out to control how people feel,by pushing their agenda on your sub-concience,while your unaware they start the brainwashing process. Time to call out the unwilling,the ones who need to be cut deep in order to have feeling,you're not used to facing opposition you've done all the talking now its time to listen.I understand you want to make a difference,well you can start by sticking to your own buisness,you're entertaining man trying to be a politician, stop abusing your position. Follow him, follow them, follow me, follow who,Follow your leader. Know the truth before you try to turn me into a beilever and make me follow your leader. Conservative uptight right-wing republican. The last I checked I was none of them, but thats the brush you wanna paint me with, taint me with, some aim to please you aim and miss. A.D.D maybe? but I cant tune you out I'd change the station but the signals too loud,And your too proud to realize your a moron.Defend what you want whether its right or wrong, and this applies to both sides of the equation. Arrogant men in power sure are frustrating,on a pedastal you hear them ranting and raving proudly proclaiming what they know nothing about.I hear you talkin loud but I will not allow tinsel town to show me how to run my life,sure you can sing and dance but that dont mean you're qualified to give America advice.

(Sorry I said I'd have this done by morning but I was trying to find some links that would play the songs in their entirety)

The Next Generation

I'm kinda bored at the moment, and I think after being gone for so long I have some catch-up blogging to take care of.

I've mentioned my brother a few times in my older blogs, but I decided tonight I'd do a blog in tribute to my little protege.

This started just because he impressed me heavily today. Let me start out by saying there is 12 years between us. (making him 6 years old) Last week I had rented Starwars: The Force Unleashed. I then let him start playing it since he's a huge SW fan, we started playing around with it alittle bit then I made a game profile for him. The next day I get back from work to find that he had beaten the game in a single day! And on top of that unlocked a total of 10 acheivements. So after that accomplisment under his belt I had him dip into some of my older games that I never thought he would enjoy because of difficulty or whatever. So anyway I let him start a game in "Knights of the Old Republic" four days later, he's watching the end credits.

I mean, I knew he was into games. But I had never seen him play anything more than alittle bit of Pikmin or SuperSmash Bro's.
Right now I have him digging into "Secret Weapons Over Normandy" and he loves it.

I'm beginning to think I have a prodigy on my hands here. And that I was put on this earth to train and harness this power...

Starwars: The Force Unleashed Impressions.

Ok..Heres my disclaimer, If you havent played this game but will begin to have massive cornary attacks if the plot is spoiled for you.Please by all means stop reading.

Now I'll assume you all knew that the game's plotline was being accepted as official Starwars canon. With that said I was only alittle dissapointed with the hugely over-hyped story,Unless of course you've seen all 6 movies and then you can fill in the plot holes on your own. The story in a nutshell goes alittle somthin like this: Darth Vader finds a boy who he can sense is very powerful in the force,and makes him his secret apprentice. Said apprentice begins undertaking missions to kill the fugitive Jedi who survived order-66. After killing said Jedi the apprentice (codenamed "Starkiller") begins to have doubts about Vader and his missions, He falls in love with his pilot (who is female thank God),Ultimately turns to the Light side and thus starts the rebellion.

Now..With that outta the way I can get down to the mechanics of the game which impressed me the most.I'll cover things like controls, sound, framerate, stuff like that in my reveiw. But now I wanna talk about the Euphoria engine, which absolutley shines in this game. Evertime you grip,push,slice,jump, Somthing in the enviorment will react to you. Wood splinters, metal bends,glass shatters,bodies flop,the physics of this game are nothing short of amazing. There's almost nothing in the world you cant destroy, and if you cant destroy it you can bang it up pretty badly.

All in all it was a decent game, I would definately recommend it as a rental,as it can be beaten pretty easily within around 4-5 hours. But its fun and accessable (my 6 year old brother beat it before I did and unlocked most of my acheviements for it).But if you're a Starwars fan you'll appreciate the canon ending, and maybe the alternate ending, which personally I thought was kinda lame. But hey, to each his own right?

P.S was I the only one to notice Juno Eclipse had buck teeth?

An Eternity Later

ahh and so I'm back, After a month long absence I'm finally home. Awhile ago I had said I would only be headed to Ohio for about two weeks, turns out I was gone for about a month.Originally I was only supposed to go for an old friends wedding then I was gonna stick around for a few realtives birthdays then head home. Unfortunately a few things forced me into staying longer than expected. First of all a 2nd Aunt died while I was there so I decided to stay for a few more days for the funeral. then the day before I was supposed to leave I was hit with some God-awful stomach virus from which I will spare you the details, Needless to say you could set your watch to my visits to call Ralph on the big white telephone.

Other than that my trip went fairly well. I managed to get completely through the month without killing a single relative. :lol: but I gotta say I'm glad to be back, I started having DT's when I couldnt get online for the first week but in my opinon I handled it well. :D Then I think I had my very first panic attack when I got home and thought I had left my Xbox power brick 500miles away..Turns out I had just packed it in the wrong bag. Then after that I had to pour through the 600+ junkmails that piled up in my absence.

But anyway, somthing that concerns videogames thats been bugging me since I got back. I just read in my GameInformer issue that in response to the complaints of the stiff and unresponsive D-pad on the controller of the Xbox360, A "limited editon green controller" with a redesigned D-pad is being released in Europe, Asia, and Latin America..
Now is it just me? Or are we U.S citezens being proverbally screwed by a U.S based company?
Personally I never had that big an issue with the D-pad I mean yeah it was alittle stiff but I dealt with it. The only time it was ever really noticeable in my mind was when I was playing Assassins Creed, Trying to change weapons mid-fight was alittle frustrating on occasion. But I'm saying, If they would release a controller with a better pad I would most definatly buy it, And I know alot of people who would agree. So that just confuses me alittle.

And just for a closing thought, I'm thinking about doing a part 2 to my blog on which game characters I relate to best seeing as how the first one got some praise. Maybe I'll change it up some and throw in some Movie characters or somthing, who knows.

T-Minus 9 hours

I seem to be gone constantly anymore its really gettin annoying, But sadly I am leaving again.

I'm headed up north again to Ohio to visit some family,I'll be there for about two weeks (long time i know). But I'll still check in when I can while I'm there, I'll also try and get xboxlive since the cousin I'm stayin with has highspeed.If I do get it I'll blog again so you guys can add me or whatever.

But yeah I'm leavingin two days, I'll see you guys later!


Well I posted this blog...Tueday...I think...Anway yeah,I'll be leaving and around 8AM hopefully.It's gonna be a long trip,not really looking forward to the ride but the vacation will be fun.I'm just kinda killin time..Tryin to stay awake as long as possible,I wanna sleep away as much of the ride as possible (Awful motion sickness).

I've meticulously packed away both my Xbox360 and my PS3,both carfully placed in their own individual dufflebags carefully padded with clothes and pillows.I'm pretty hyped that I'll get to be playing online too..so yeah..I'll definatley blog again when I get there.

And by the way. Roman : I didnt know you were from Ohio dude....what part? I was born in and will be visiting Cleveland.

And Sparda: I'm not sure if any of my loser relatives will have MSN,(I'll either E-mail you or I'll pm you on here let me know which would be better).once I get my PSN set up,Since my family that I'm staying with has DSL I'll get on there and Xbox live.

The 5 Character I Relate to the Most

There was an article in my Game Informer Magazine that I just came across lastnight, It was about how far the gaming industry has come as a story-telling medium, with such great story driven games like Mass-Effect, Bio Shock, and Call of Duty 4.
And with better written stories come better developed characters.And it seems a friend of mine had the same thought, This morning on a different site he posted a blog just like this one.So without further ado, Here's the 5 Characters I most relate to.

5 - Jackie Estacado (The Darkness)
Ole Jackie....The poor guy goes through hell and still doesnt get the girl...Story of my life

4 - Luigi (Super Mario Bro's Series)
Luigi..I've heard some people place Luigi under "the most annoying" list. personally I think he's way underrated, How would you feel playing second fiddle to your shorter brother constantly?
As Eddie Griffin said in The New Guy "Behind every great hero..there's some pissed off little guy who dont get no credit!!"

3 - Ling Tong (Dynasty Warriors 5)
This is the guy I'm expecting a few people not to know. Granted Koei isn't known for its incredible story-telling or deep gameplay. You have to give them a kudos for taking potentially the most likeable character ever...and turning him into a total and complete @ss-wad The best thing about Ling Tong is it that he shows that somtimes cynasism is the best way to get out alive. And that somtimes you may just wind-up bestfriends with your fathers killer.

2 - Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia)
One of my favorite characters from one of my favorite games. Lloyd is one of the guys I think everyone can relate to in one way or another.

1 - Altair (Assassins Creed)
Altair stands as one of my favorite protagonists in games so far. And for once in a game I finally found a character that reflected my personality pretty well. Altair can be brash,impatient,and a smart-ass when the time allows. But what really stood out to me was how he could be convincingly cunning and intelligent, But at the same time a total nimrod.Time after time his victims keep giving clues that all is not as it seems. Yet junior here doesn't seem to figure anything out until its all too late.

I tried to upload some pictures with each character but either my internet is being finnicky or its Glitchspot.

Well...guess I'am not leaving

Yeah me again....

I said in my last blog that I would'nt be around as much..well scratch that. The reason I thought I'd be leaving was I thought I had found a full-time job. But no dice, A friend of my family tried to get me a job at some auto-part forging plant that he works for. All looked good until their department downsized, They were supposed to be hiring like 3 people or somthing like that, now I think this guy said they ended up laying off a few people. And I suppose finding a job is only gonna get harder as my country's economy continiues in the tailspin its in at the moment.

But on a cheery note. With all thats been goin on with me lately,I had completely forgotten about the release of Too Human, Which is now only 5 days away!! I went to Gamespot Friday and got my reserve on it (they only had 2 left).So by this time next Tuesday I'll be locked in my room unshaven, probably unchanged, and with a 12-pack of mountain dew in my lap. :P

And I know I've talked about posting some of the songs I've written before, But I never have for some reason. But now I have this one that I'm really happy with, Its not even finished yet but I may post what I have of it tomorrow.

That is if you guys are at all interested in reading it. :lol:

It's been one of those weeks.

Hey guys,Sorry for the inactivity. I've been gone for a few days again.

I was modded a few days ago for "disruptive modding" or some sh--,I deleted my own post from a board. but whatever, I lost almost 60% for it (harsh? maybe just a tad), So now I'll be in level 14 even longer....

And sadly, This will be somthing of a farewell blog for the time being. No I'm not leaving Gamespot or anything that drastic (so put away the party-hats Saren).I've just had alot of crap come up all at once, some stuff that really needs to be dealt with.So I wont have as much time to be as active as I like to be, I'll still do my best to pop in on all your blogs every few days or so.

Oh and while I'm thinking about it,Jono's Avatar he's made me has caused alittle bit of "Racial Identity Crisis" for me.I've had more than one person ask me my..(how to say this politically correct?)..Ah hell I've never been correct anyway..Some people asked me what color I was...Let me give you my heritage back-ground. I'am 1/2 Polish,1/4 German,1/8 French,and 1/8 Irish.Therefore If you do the math properly. You will come to the conclusion that I am so white I would'nt be able to tan if you dropped me on the face of the sun. (no its not somthing im proud of)

Anway thats all I've got to say for now. I'll see ya guys around.

Got my new avatar. and some other stuff.

Okay my Avatar issue has finally been resolved thanks to xXJ0N0K3RXx. I should have it on here whenever he decides to give me the link.

And since I really have nothing else to talk about in tonights blog, I thought I'd share an amusing story about my day today.

Today started like any other normal day. I woke up, I think it was around 8am or so. rolled out of bed, started my usual routine, got a cup of coffee, shaved, showered. Got online for alittle while checked my local newspaper for a job. Looked up a few friends I had lost contact with on Facebook.com. All in all it was a normal start to a normal day...Then it happened. I went to my room for a fresh shirt. Opened my dresser drawer only to find this nasty brown wolf spider sitting there on my stack of shirts. Now for those of you who dont know me all that well. I'm not much of a wuss I'm usually willing to try anything atleast once. However, for as long as I can remember I've been terrified of spiders, And this thing was a biiig S.O.B. So reacting on pure instinct and adreniline, I grabbed the closest weapon within my reach and began defending myself. I proceeded to beat the living crap out of my dresser using my belt...

Hope you got a chuckle outta that...I sure as hell didnt.

And while I'm thinking about it. I know I'll probably be crucified for saying this..but I've started playing runescape again. If anyone else does leave me a message or just add me to you friends list. My screenname is Mars Tear.

This thing called Giantbomb.

okay so I've read like 7 or 8 blogs today about this Giantbomb.com. because I am a follower and apparently cant make my own decisons I joined too.

My name is Havok, same as it is here only without the hyphens ( - ) So add me or leave your name in your comment.

Well yeah. anyway I'm finally back for good. The whole bus trip was it's own hell on earth but I think I covered that already. I finally helped my cuz unpack all his crap and he's moved in so now I get to go back home.

And lastly. I want a new Avatar..I know we've been though this in the past and it was a painful process, But I'm gettin bored with Raziel and I want somthin that reflects me alittle better. Mostly somthin to show my Sarcastic/Cynical attitude. If you have some suggestions or even better an Image let me know.