Well I meant "online" functionality, meaning you can talk to your opponents while playing a game, such as in pokemon pearl/diamond. I forgot that voice chat is enabled in metriod prime hunters though. Are there any future games that have been named that will have voice chat enabled?
HappyProzak's forum posts
They only play on the console they were downloaded toJaysonguy
So if my Wii breaks I lose all the games I paid for? That doesn't sound too fair. Is there anyway to get those games transferred or anything?
[QUOTE="sonic_rusher"]I don't than almost everytime you play someone and they don't want there record to go down they'll end the game before they lose.http://wii.ign.com/articles/809/809868p1.html
Like i said it does a little more with online options than Super Mario Strikers but unfortunately its not much.
Who here wants to vote lets show Nintendo we want leaderboards, we want headsets, and we want a real online play where we are playing real competitive matches.
It's quite simple, you disconnect, you automatically lose. This will suck if you get disconnected because of a bad internet connection but it would be necessay.
[QUOTE="sonic_rusher"]I am not the first Nitnendo fan to want a third party killer app on Wii. Well MoH 2 is almost there. The only problem is the game is kinda short, it does not have LAN connection, and it has no splitscreen multiplayer. Also its another entry to a whole bunch of bad MoH games, but this one looks great.
My point is when is Ubisoft or Capcom or someone good like that gonna really try to make a Killer App on Wii. Every wii fan will recognze it and it will be an instant seller. What is holding them back?
You really shouldn't be so closed-minded. Just because games in the same series lacked inherent quality, there's no reason to critisize a game that's not even out yet just because of it.
A famous scientist once said this, I believe it was Kevin Bacon but I'm not sure, but the quote goes something like this, "You should be open minded, but now so opened minded that your brain falls out". My point is, if there last game sucked, and the next one sucked, chances are the one coming after that is going to suck. Now I said, "chances". You can call "analyzing" information, not being close minded
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