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My First HG Music Video!

These seem to be all the rage these days...And I always wanted to do one...And our dear Dragonazul provided the source material...And after much, much cursing at my computer and WMM, I finally finished it. The theme is-yup, you guessed it. Riccardo/Fiona. Aren't I predictable?

My first video...Ever. Be gentle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA2KhwvD8WM 


Hopefully it doesn't suck...Too badly.

F*ck Delaware!

The Lady has returned! Ah, it's a celebration, b!tches!

Okay...Let me see if I can really relay my whole 'cation. I'll tell as much as I can recall. But I have this to say: it made me hate Delaware, and cops (oink!) even more then I already did. I didn't think it was possible with that last one!

Let me just say that I started out optimistic, and that in the end my parents actually "behaved" most of the time. They were trying to make the best of the situation, not fight, not complain too much. In the end, it was the whole state itself and it's narks that made things suckitude one-o-one. Oh, that and the weather.

LOL! What I tell you? I predicted it would suck; and there you go! I try to keep my head up, be like "maybe this time will be different" but naahhhh...Something's always has to go wrong. My dad has the worst luck, and when I'm there it spreads to me as well. We both agree, to this day, that we are more surprised when something goes right then wrong. "Oh my God, you mean something didn't go horrible awry? Well I'll be goddamned!"

Things started out not too horrible. I took Hewie up to the boarding place Monday morning. I felt so bad, like I betraying my little boy's trust or something. I couldn't help but feel I was abandoning him...I could only imagine what he thought when he was there, like he was back at the shelter. In the end, it was really for the best. Two dogs would have been too much to deal with where we were going and doing, especially since the situation turned into such sh!te. He would have been hot, crammed into everything, worried about, it wasn't worth it.

At least that was no hassle, though I did get lost on the way. I knew where it was, but since I've never driven there before it was a bit sketchy. I found it easily enough, though. Then I just showed them his shelter vaccine records, gave them his stuff, his food, favorite toys, and gave my baby-boy a kiss goodbye. He didn't want to go! He was being dragged into the kennel, it broke my heart... (He's sitting at my feet right now, what a relief!)

After which I then drove down and dropped off his crate, some more of his food, and some more toys at my sister's. Then got home at around eight in the morning. It was then a mad rush to pack everything else I needed, more of the dog's things, more of my things, my DS, some magazines, CDs, ect, ect...Gone by around nine. I somehow fit breakfast in there.

My niece wasn't so bad on the trip down, thank you Jesus. What got more on my nerves was how cramped it was in the car with her there, the car seat digging into my arm. And the fact that I couldn't even pet, touch, or talk to my own dog whom was sitting on the other side. That pissed me off. I wanted to be with her. I feel so naked without at least one of my dogs.

Finally we met my sis at a Burger King, where we got rid of the brat. (LOL! What? I don't like kids, sorry...) And I got a shake...Mmmm, BK shakes are the best. It was hot at the time, and I sat outside with Spooky while they ate inside. I didn't feel right letting her outside alone when it was so hot out, so I just sat in the shade that was the car. (Hey, I enjoy her company most of all, so no loss there!)

Rest of the way there was my girl and I, and we found the place easily enough. We were surprised to find it was (gasp!) half decent! We were the only few there, and we had most of the whole locale to ourselves. Just how we like it, the fewer the better, and that's a vacation to me in itself! Basically it was a campground, but we stayed in one of the tiny cottages. Spooky made herself at home right away, because she just loved the fact there were some motherhumping huge squirrels there. Good Jesus were there ever a lot of big damn squirrels...

Then we had a nice big fire, and we had dinner, and I got totally wasted on Bacardi Big Apple. I mean, I was screwed up. Wooot! I had only three, so I guess it messes me up faster then the wine coolers. LOL, but that's what I wanted. Freaking falling over and sh!t. XD

I ate junk, chips and cookies, then went to sleep. Hey, during vacation, I eat just whatever. I'm not destroying my enjoyment for anything. Eating like a horse is part of the fun, am I right dawgs?

The next day (Tuesday) was when things started to be Sucksville: population, us. The day started off nice enough, though Spooky wouldn't eat and there's this thing on her toe that she won't leave alone. I think she got stung by a bee. Though her not eating is no surprise, anything happens that's out of the ordinarily, she won't touch it. She didn't touch it the whole trip, she ate some raw hamburger but that was all. God knows how much weight she lost. Aw well, sucks to be her. Damn little b!tch shouldn't be so freaking picky... >_>

So we made a plan to try and take Spook to the beach with us. I printed out a paper that had a list of places you could take a dog in the summer. I know in the off-season (starts in September, ends in May) it can be when and wherever. But I guess I couldn't find it, or didn't know where it was. We ended up doing more driving about then intended. To top it off, the weather was horrible. It was cloudy and chilly, going swimming was out of the question. It came more about just getting her out there.

Weeeeelll, guess what? While passing through some rinky-dink, hick-town, he got stopped by a pig-whoops! I mean cop, scuse me...And proceeded to tell him he was going forty-one in a twenty-five, and being a typical pig by explaining it in a smart-ass, pr!ck-ish manner. He gave him a seventy-five dollar fine! Oh, was he ever pissed. He hadn't gotten a ticket in twenty-five years, and he had to go down there to Delaware in some hick town to get one. He started verbally attacking the pig, and Spooky was barking at him, and I was praising her. XD

Then the pig let us go. And that ruined our vacation, and I'll tell you why. I it does not take much to piss off and irritate my dad. This is all we talked about, why it happened, how, and about paying for it. We also would have to go back a day early (I actually came back Wednesday night, but didn't really go on the net) because we now couldn't afford to stay another night.

Now I know what you're thinking. "Oh, it's just a speeding ticket." or "He was just doing his job." or "He shouldn't have been going that fast." But listen here: that's a lot of money for us. He's going to have a hard time paying that off, and he shouldn't have to. Actually, he's debating whether he should. He's thinking of just blowing them off. What are they gonna do? Come get him? I hardly think so. Second, he wasn't going that fast for what it was, just off of a highway, and he was too busy being confused to know what was going on, which direction to take, ect. All the cars speeding past us were going far faster! And they lived there!

That's another thing, we weren't from around there. Um, dur? Mister piggy? Oink, oink, mind taking your face out of the donut box for like, a minute, and seeing that? I can understand stopping us and giving a warning, but a ticket? A ticket for an old guy who hadn't gotten one in so long and wasn't even going that fast? WTF? It didn't help that he was being such a wise-ass little pr!ck, son of a b!tch...! Why'd he have to go and do that? Why did he have to f*ck everything up? One thing I can't stand is when you make/have plans and somebody has to be retarded or inconsiderate and screw them up, f*ck everything that you worked so hard for-GRRRRR! I HATE THAT PIG-F*CKER! :evil:

As you can tell, I, and my family, have never been good with authority figures. All they've ever done is be rude, smart-asses that are always busting the wrong people, sneaky, underhanded people who are on a power-trip because they have authority and you don't. It doesn't help that we tend to do things that we uh...Probably shouldn't. F*ck cops, f*ck 'em all, kill 'em all, kill all the cops...! :twisted:

...Yea, Hazzy is not a fan of them. :D

After officer a-hole got down f*cking everything up, we dicked around for a little bit at some museum (with doggy in car) then tried to find out more about a beach. There was one that allowed dogs to be there after 5:30, but you needed to by a license from there, first....Uhhh, okay. Kind of stupid, but I'll do it. It was only five bucks. So I got her that, but the problem was it was still early. What could we do until then? We walked around for a little bit, got something to eat, I ate outside with her.

This is when things start getting more hectic. My dad doesn't know what to do, he's just driving around. He starts yelling about everything. This is what kills me. Delaware is full of narks, I hate narks. We were in this small beach town called Dewey, and there were signs everywhere regulating everything. No parking everywhere, no this, no that...At this point, we were terrified to do anything in fear of another ticket. We kept driving, and tried to go to this one park...Freaking eight dollars just to get in! What!? Eight dollars just to go to a state park!? I got news for you buddy: in PA, you just park and walk in. No toll booths or bullsh!t, it's a park. Not some freaking concert for God's sake. Couldn't afford that, either. Welp, had to turn around! Since when do you have to pay for everything you do? That was utterly and totally ridiculous...and it was the last straw. Another thing we couldn't do.

He starts yelling again, and at that point I just had to get away lest somebody die, so I told him and my mom to go do something while I walked around this pretentious little town that charged for you to practically breathe. They finally found some meters and I got out with my dog, and was very glad to get away.

As I walked about town...I actually started to feel depressed. There were all these kids who looked like they just got out from high school, girls and boys my age...And they all looked like they were having such a fun time. Drinking, partying, being with their girl or boyfriends. All the while I'm stuck there with my parents, whom I wanted to shed and be rid of, but I can't...These kids are out spending God's knows how much money, probably f*cking like rabbits, being at the beach. Hazzy can't even have the latter without it turning to crap. Oh, and all the girls are so much more attractive and skinnier then I am, of course, and I don't think a single guy looked at me. Needless to say, the whole walk just made me feel like a piece of trash.

Eventually, five-thirty rolled around and I took Spooky towards the beach. They went off and got some coffee, or at least she said they did. All I know is that my mom was drunk as hell when they got back. I don't blame her, I was going to be when I got back, that was for damn sure. I had to keep Spooky on a leash, which was a pain in the ass even with the big, long leash I had for her. But she enjoyed it, and that makes me happy. She jumped around, ran around, went into the surf and jumped back when a wave came along. She then procedded to try and destroy the frisbee I just bought her. LOL! She made me laugh so hard and smile so much, it was the high point of my whole vacation, still.

Despite the crappy, windy, cloudy weather, I was willing to stay as long as she was. Problem was, two dogs that were also walking the beach (a Great Dane and a Golden Retriever) disappeared behind the dunes to leave. She loves to meet other dogs, so all she did for a half hour after we got there was sit there and whine to go out there. Finally I caved and walked back, and she had this confused "where'd they go?" look on her face. Heh, gave me a good laugh.

After which they came back, and we left back to the place. Officially pissed off with the whole situation and state. We had another fire, got wasted again, and ate like neighs-neighs...again. Good fun! I slept good that night, that's for sure. Hazzy sleeps like a rock, baby!

I was actually kind of glad we were leaving the next day. The whole place had angered and enraged me...Everytime you tried to have at least a little bit of fun, get something accomplished, there was some regulation against it or the weather wasn't in our favor. Wouldn't you know it, the day we were leaving it got sunnier out! LOL, how's that for irony!? What did I tell you? It's like No Leaf Clover, baby. Just like the 'tallica song says.

Okay, well, we tried to make the best out of the next day. We got up early, packed and left, and drove down to the Ocean City, MD boardwalk. Again, teens everywhere. One guy even cat-called the woman walking behind me...Heh, behind me...Thanks alot, you bastard...We made it quick, though, as I didn't want to leave her in the car long. The weather was starting to get hot. So we beat it back, went out to eat at an Outback (Hazzy loves Outback!) and took the hell off. We got back at about nine.

Not too long after arriving, I went back to go get Hewie at my sister's. Poor little thing never looked so excited. We relayed stories, then I took off again back home. It's actually nice to be back in this dump, at least it's familiar. :P

That vacation made me realize I really need a man. I mean...I really need one. So I could go on vacation with him and have fun for once. They tend to have the worst luck, maybe somebody else's for once might work better for me. That and...you know, financial help...and nookie...

Lots and lots of nookie. Ohhh, yes...God, where can I get one? (Sad sigh) Maybe I should "pull a Riccardo" and run somebody's car off the road, kill it's inhabitants and steal away with the hot guy with a big **** in the back seat...?

Another thing is that I now know that Delaware is full of narks. And that's why I'm not a big fan of going back. Though I probably will one day. Hell, Spooky now has a dog license for the place, it might be nice to go back to the beach on a much nicer, hoter day in the future...And I might as well get one of those parking permits while I'm at it...And a boyfriend.

(Cries) What I tell 'ya? My vacations always suck... :P

...It's good to be back with me homies. XD

Vacation Time Brotha, Vacation!

^LOL, Aqua Teen reference...In case you didn't get it...and you probably didn't...so...Yeah, moving on... (In high toned voice) Awwwwkwarrrrd...

I just wanted to post and say to all my bestest buds, that I will be leaving tomorrow morning. (Monday, June 5) I will be gone until late Thursday (June 8). You may or may not see me then, it depends how tired I am...I'm always so tired after a trip. Anyway, you won't see me at all during that time, where I'm going I have no access to the 'net. I just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't be all "Where's Hazzy!? What happened to Hazzy!? OMG, I can't live without her!" I know you're all thinking that. Because I'm awesome...In every conceivable way.

I'm going down to Delaware with my parents. Yes, I am sending myself straight to hell. I don't know why I do this every year, intentionally go along with those people and allow them to drive me crazy. My dad is very temperamental, a clean freak, a tight-wad, and likes to tell me what to do. My mom is dumber then a box of rocks, acts and talks like a child, and likes to spend money we don't have...I can't stand being told what to do or stupid people. Needless to say, we don't tend to get along very well. Daddy bought be some Bacardi Apple. Oh, that beer is going to be flowing for HazzyRap...Yes, that beer will be needed.

Let me explain something; our vacations always suck. It's like you can place a bet on it. And it's for the reasons's above. I remember a few years ago when we went to Virgina Beach, and we were at each other's throats so bad I am surprised to this day nobody was killed. I'm not kidding. It was bad. The weather always turns to crap, my dad drinks like a fish (that makes things more fun!) we never have any money to do everything... It's always one hell week rolled into two or three nights.

So, you may ask, why do I do this to myself? Because I would never be able to get out and do anything by myself even close to a vacation without their help. I have no real money laying around to take a trip...I'm willing to semi-put up with the B.S. to get to the beach.

What's even "better" is that my two-year-old niece is riding along with us on the way. I can't stand that kid. She's just as bad as me when I was as a kid...which means she's horrible. Screams, yells, grabs everything, runs away when your not looking. Ack! My sister is at the race down in Dover...I don't know why she likes that crap, don't ask me. She dropped her off early this morning and we are supposed to meet her down there. Basically she wanted to get an early start on things. In turn, she made my life that much more difficult.

Did I mention I now only have about thirty bucks on me? That's it. Pops is going to have to cover my ass on everything else. Still, I can't do any real shopping, just sustain. Even on my vacation I have to budget. I just got a real, real bad pay...And I had a lot to put in the bank...and a lot of pet food to buy. It broke Hazzy very quick.

The good news is I'm taking one of my dogs; Spooky. The older one, the one I proudly take pictures of and display. The main reason I'm not taking Hewie is simply because he's not mature enough, he may be housetrained but a six-month-old-pup is still unreliable, and like to act out. He's also a horrible chewer, and likes to bark at anything that moves. Fine by me; he's going through his puberty and I expect it. But the place we're going won't. They wouldn't be happy with me bringing two dogs. Furthermore, we've never taken a dog on vacation before, so this is more or less an experiment.

This means several things, it'll give me more to do, and something to busy myself with so I won't put a bullet through my own head. Also, I can actually take the car if need be, drive away if they start up. Be all like "Hey, guess what? F*ck you!" (Speeds out in car with 'tallica blazing on radio)

Of course, there's lots of things I intended to do to get Spooky-girl ready, like get her some good flea stuff, get her shaved. Nope, ran out of money. I only succeeded in getting her a fold-away canvas crate and a tick remover. Oh well, do what you can...

I'm getting the last packed; her hyrdrocortisone spray for her feet, she's allergic to grass...Yeah, grass. Shut up. Toys, chews, that tick remover thingie, leashes, food, water containers, her booties. Christ, I'm nowhere near done, yet...I pack more for the dog then for me!

As for the Hewster, he's staying in a kennel that I have to drop him off first thing tomorrow morning...around seven. Yeah, that's too early for Hazzy. Yet she's doing it anyway. What I do for those animals. It's neverending. But he's only staying there for a day, then my sister is picking him up and taking care of him the rest of the time. So you see, we watch her kid, she watches my dog. That's the only reason I'm putting up with that brat. >_>

Aw well, enough pissing and moaning. I need to be moving because I very obviously have a lot to do. Wish me luck and hope I don't you know...Drive off a cliff or something. XD

...And yes, I will keep an eye out out for black, expensive cars trying to knock me off the road...Though I think if I actually saw Riccardo behind the wheel, I wouldn't be so adverse to it. :D

Tootles! Wish me good tidings. I'll miss you guys. ^_^

New Chapter & New Art!

Thanks for all the well-wishes, me homies! I'm feeling much better, I'm not sneezing anymore, and my nose has stopped running. Also, my throat's back to normal. I still have that congested  "head cold" feeling, so I think I still have it, but the effects are gone. I'm still okay, and I can work at full capacity now...

Okay, several have been waiting for this; my latest chapter of Tu Fui, Ego Eris. It's finally done, folks!

Chapter 6: Fiat Lux

CAUTION: This chapter is all about Daniella, and includes graphic sexual situations. Including oral sex,and themes of incest and homosexuality. Be advised.

And for those that haven't seen it, my latest HG fanart.

Tainted Love

Sicker Then A Goddamned Dog...

(In tired, sickly voice) Eghhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrgggg... :(

Picture me typing this with tissues crammed in my nose...and headphones on...Because that's what I'm doing. My nose has been running like a faucet. This is one bastard of a cold. Normally I can work with such inconveniences...But this thing has me kicked square in the ass...I can't do much of anything. My nose drips, my throat is sore and it hurts to swallow or breath...I got no sleep last night, and work was hell...

This sucks.

Well, nothing got done today. The dogs didn't get walked, they got fed and that was it...No small animal care...Just me sitting at this computer. Even then, I wasn't able to get much done even on here thanks to small problems here and there. I'm miserable...Gah, where's my gun?

*Grumbles, then sneezes*

I Wuv My Hewie-Hewie. ^_^

...Is it possible for a woman to be in love with a dog? XD

Well, if not, I'm pretty close. ^_^

You all wanted it, here's another fugly picture of my precious Hewie:

That stain to the left was what was left of his "coming home" vomit he spewed when I first put him in his crate. :P

I don't know whether we're all just sh!tty photographers, have a bad camera, or whatever, but all the pictures we take suck. Everybody looks like crap, and Hewie is no exception, he's such a cute little boy IRL. Oh well...No, his eyes aren't really green, the flash did that...This is the picture of what he looked like when I first brought him home, when he was 31/2 months old. He's now five months, and weighs 30lbs, so he's much bigger right now, more shepherd-y.

On Thursday I took him to be neutered, which is earlier then most people do it, but it's totally safe. Evidence has been shown that neutering before six months of age does not cause later incontinence as previously believed. That, and early neutering like that prevents weight gain and behavior issues. I go to this old-fashioned type vet in the country, it was a lovely drive back and forth.

I got him his first Lyme vaccine, too, that and rabies are the only ones I have done by a vet. Rabies because I have to, Lyme because it's too expensive to buy myself. Everything else (parvo, adenovirus, ect) I do at home. The Lyme vaccine has it's risks, but the way I see it, taking a dog into the woods like I try to do weekly, has it's risks with ticks. I'd rather play it safe then sorry. In the end it all cost me only fifty-five bucks! Old-fashioned, old-guy vets rule! XD

I had to carry him around when we got home, he was still out of it. I carried him outside, but he would just sit there. On Friday he was better, still a little off of it, but eating. Today he's his old self. The biggest sweetheart in the world. :)

Big 'ol paws, big 'ol tail, his cute, big brown eyes and little floppy ears, and that big German shepherd snout. The way he plays with Spooky, romps like a little horse, the way that little pink tongue contrasts on his pretty black coat, the way he lets me hug, hold him, and then kiss his little face. The way he looks at me when he begs for food, his gentle personality, loving demeanour... I wuvs my Hewie-Hewie. ^_^

I hereby grant this one of the best decisions of my life.

*Snuggles puppy*

Busy, busy, busy...!

I'm trying to find a delicate balance and method so that I can talk to you guys, write fanfiction, draw fanart, play videogames, and take care of critters every day. I hope I'm succeeding! Please don't think I'm ever ignoring my buddies out there, it's just I got so much stuff to to...And work. Gotta have the money, honey! Sweet dolla dolla bill, y'all.

I've been applying for financial aid so that I can finally get into some sort of school. I'd like to be a vet tech. Then after I get that experience, I could do what I always wanted, be a dog trainer focusing on protection work. I'm also getting a lot more days at work, which means less time for everything else, but a whole lot more cash. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about...I need that. Badly. Credit card bill bad...Very bad.

In case anyone is wondering, with my gerbil issue...It didn't go so hot. I was trying to switch them so that they could get used to one another, but it went very bad very fast. Usually Rick could get away from Doom, but when I went to switch them, he didn't make it downstairs. He got taken to school, and he was injured very badly in the fight. Surprisingly enough, it was Doom that was the aggressor while Rick was just trying to get along. I thought he was okay at first, they seemed to be at a stand off where they were ignoring one another, so I kept checking back every fifteen minutes or so, then I found him fading away in his cage, an inch away from death, and I had to do that again...

Damn it, I'm really sick of being the Grim Reaper, here. That's it, no more, Doom is staying by himself and I'm not going to replace anyone or give him away. I don't trust him with anybody else. Only his dad could deal with his crap and put him in his place, and he had to up and get sick...That just went and ****ed everything up. Now I have one left of four, with two females left in another cage with a litter of babies that will be ready to go soon. That's the last, no more after that. Reasons being finances and concerns with behavior...Because of things like what happened above.

I'm not so much sad as I am just sick and tired of it. They wanted a fight, they got it...I can only do so much. I can set up the situation, but in the end they are not dogs and cats, and I can't correct them nor find a home for a beaten-up gerbil. I couldn't seperate them, I wanted them to get along because in the end it would have been better for both, gerbils need companioship. I feel sorry for Rick, but I feel more irritation towards Doom because he had the chance of having a companion and he threw it away. Well, I hope you enjoy living alone, is all I can tell 'ya...

I got a picture of Hewie, the film was finally developed. It's going to have to wait until I get the scanner set up, which I will do when I finish my current fan art. Everybody just loves him! My mom said she's very glad I got him, he is just such a teddy bear. He's been doing the cutest things, putting his paws on your lap with his mouth open and tongue lolling out! Watching the two play is simply amusing.

I've thrown out the idea of him being half Rottie, I really do now think he's mostly shepherd. His father must have been either a purebred GSD or at least half one, because he now looks near identical to a GSD puppy, the only real difference being the ears which are small and floppy. He might have a little bit of Rottie in there. Though one thing I noticed about him is that he wants nothing to do with fetching. Literally, this dog hasn't fetched once. Nor does he like to play in the traditional sense. He would much rather sit and chew on hoof or rawhide or play with Spooky. I will have to teach him. I love a good challenge!

In terms of fandom with my lovely lady HG, I'm working on it, always! I've joined LiveJournal so I can be a part of that community and hopefully not start trouble. (Heehee!) I'm working on both HG art and fanfiction, the fanart being one of Riccardo and Fiona making out. (Hawt!) And the fanfiction being chapter 5 of "Tu Fui, Ego Eris". I just finished a part where...Well, let's just say Fiona's been very bad...And he decides she needs to be "corrected". You guys are going to love it. :D

Now I'm trying to get "Speed Walker" title in HG, doing a good job! I'm up to Lorenzo's segment, and I'll be getting it soon. I have to lay off for a few days, or else I won't be able to get a thing done. Soon, I will have them all...And get absolutely nothing! Uhhh, hooray?

I hate diets...Counting calories, popping pills, not being a pig...But there's so much chocolate & peanut butter! So much chocolate...So much peanut butter...The world sucks.

Wow, that's my life...I'm lame. :lol:

New Blog Header...

Ooooo, isn't it cool? If there's anything in this world I love, it's sunsets and night in the woods...Both creepy and beautifully eerie at the same time.

I miss living in the sticks in the middle of nowhere...But I'll be back, as soon as I get out of here. *Sighs wistfully* It's my element...