this editor has got to be one of the most unprofessional editors on this site. and people say this site is pro microsoft.
why does the editor even mention that it is $100 cheaper than the xbox 1? does he not think that we won't be able to figure that out? did he say the same thing when the ps3 released? did he say the 360 is $200 cheaper?
why aren't they giving us the news that you will have to pay to play ps4 games online? it isn't optional anymore.
well good for sony on this part.but rofl I told yall they were going to start charging for online play.
LMAO.. b..b..but.. but those sony ponys told me that it was going to look way better than the xbox 1!!!!where they at now??? I bet they slurping up this look.
watching the conference right now. *sony talks about bringing tv to the ps4*sony ponys: YESSSSSSS! THIS IS THE FUTURE BABY!!!*ms does the same thing*sony ponys: LMAO CAN IT PLAY GAMES THO!?!? WHERE ARE THE GAMES!?! ROFL TVBOX
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