not a lot of comments with this exclusive game. oh wait that is because it isn't a ps4 exclusive game. people don't want to give this game praise because they would be giving microsoft praise.
lmao sony said the same thing with the ps3 this gen. sony ponys weren't saying anything about that. now ms says it and they all mad and think ms is ignorant.
"No complaints here, if you don't want to play online, then don't get Playstation Plus. And if you do, well you pay for a year, and get free games and numerous other perks with it, on top of playing online. Sounds like a win-win to me."
lmao if only sony ponys saw it like this before sony annnounced that you will have to pay to play ps4 games online. i remember sony ponys making fun of xbox users for paying to play games online, now they have np with it because sony is doing it.
HenrySix's comments