There appears to be a Digital Threshold when it comes to pricing.
You buy a .99 cent song, a $1.29 song. A $2.99 - $4.99 goes away, gets deleted , stops working, who cares right? Just buy it again. Not even worth the phone call to support.
But when you start hitting the $14.99, $19.99, $29.99, $39.99, $49.99 & $59.99 price points. People want TRUE ownership. They want something in their hand, to give, lend, trade, sell, whatever.
The real problem with Digital is the fact that companies want to SELL you something....yet they still want to retain ownership of it in some way shape or form after you have paid for it. The reality of it is, you don't ACTUALLY own a single piece of digital goods. It's not yours. It was never yours and it will never be yours.
They need to just be clear about it. Digital product is "Leased". It is not sold, it is not purchased. You pay X Amount for X Amount of Access to it. That is how it has always been and always will be. I wish these companies would just be more forth coming and stop hiding the truth in their EULA's.
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