@goggles123456 @PSYCHOV3N0M He could take out twice that amount, but psycho is a classy guy... he buys them a small fry to go with their McBurger. Of course, he fills a water cup with soda, he's not MADE of money now is he?
The single player for this game was nothing short of amazing, but for me once it was over it was over... i can't wait for master difficulty and outpost resets so I can keep playing in that sandbox how I want. The coop and multiplayer though were really lame, I never played either for more than a couple hours wanting it to be better. Bring open world coop, and I'm in for a new far cry, leave it out and I don't care how good the SP is, I'll be renting it at best.
I'm sure he's annoyed they didn't show the console, because he's still in the dark as much as anyone about the final specs of the console. This leaves less time for them to add anything to the xbox to be competetive if they think it's lacking.
@CP2077 Have you even played it or are you just basing your thoughts on someone else's opinion? The game is fun, and MP is addicting. But I'm also someone who's favorite ps3 game was Socom confrontation which got a 6 or so at launch, and favorite xbox game is OFP:DR which got like a 7.5
I've played all the high rated high profile games too minus the mass effect series, which are all glitz and graphics, no substance. So yea, my money, and I'll decide what is fun or not.
@megatronx2 @kronos96 Wut? At gamestop you have 24 hours once released to pick it up or you just get the money refunded to you. I don't understand why people preorder in the first place... like it's the game reviewers or devs fault you paid for a game promising to buy it no matter what without any reviews or solid gameplay to back up your decision. It's so easy to just blame someone else for your stupidity right?
Large company breaks away from established franchise to create a refreshingly new game that they want to make. Some faith in humanity restored.
I was about one more lame reveal of "the next generation of shooter" game that played like a clone of all the others away from writing off buying next gen consoles completely.
I liked the BiA series... it's very odd to see a free flowing tac shooter like that was. I mean, outside of games like red orchestra... how many times have you seen a WW2 game where you control a squad tactically, have suppression, flanking, and get to choose how the level plays? How many ww2 games on console have that at all? How many shooters from any era on console let you control a squad like that? GRFS and OFP are probably the closest but GRFS only lets you select target now while they follow you around and OFP games are no longer in production. I'd like to see what they do with BiA style of game (since the next one will be next gen) with powerful hardware. My only gripe with the recent ones has been they are still fairly linear in a lot of areas.
@Mobzz I didn't think it was a very good game. Anything EA releases is going to be highly rated because of the technology and budget they have... but not many of their games are that spectacular anymore and most tend to anger the fans of the franchise. The last game that came out of them I actually liked was BF3 and that is mixed with a lot of annoyance at the terrible things they put into that game. MOHwf, DS3, Crysis3 and ME3all disappointed me greatly.
@Bamul Yea I loved KOTOR... but the prospect of a open world RPG as someone in the star wars universe is intriguing. But only If I can build and maintain my own ship if I choose to be a scoundrel.
of course it's a necessary evil to broaden the fan base.
To get people who don't like horror games to play them you need to make them action games instead. It doesn't mean that you didn't b******-ize the series as a whole and show everyone exactly how much money your integrity as an artist is worth. Destroying the human race is a necessary evil to bring peace on earth, that doesn't mean it should be done or could ever be forgiven. Stupid pathetic man, one of EA's new puppets.
Hortey's comments