@Ravenlock_2112 Yea I used to love resident evil games until they turned into generic over the top third person shoot em ups. When I found dead space I was overjoyed and played both of them many times, but the gameplay of this game disgusts me. The series is dead to me, don't care if it was on "easy" or whatever... it's not survival horror any more than cod is a tactical war simulator.
I am loving gearbox atm. First all they've done with borderlands 2 and now they are one of the first studios I've seen actually rename a game when it strays too far from the franchise tag so that they, or another company after selling the rights, can make a true game to fit the franchise.
@slonekb05 If someone dies during some kind of stunt, prank, or hilarious manner... I'd hope that it gets replayed during his funeral. Everyone's gotta go, at least this guy died doing what he clearly loved.
The one I don't understand is the one that says a 6 hour stint of videogames played a role in a 26 or 28 year old mans death in korea. Honestly, how can six hours of playing videogames contribute to your death unless you unplugged a respirator or something to power your PC? I've spent more than 6 hours sitting reading a book or studying and most likely spent 6 hours playing games without stopping to drink or eat. I spend more than 6 hours at work without eating or drinking and I survive just fine.
What I don't understand is why, when they HAVE medal of honor with spec ops, smaller maps, faster gameplay, and killstreaks... did they make the close quarters battlefield DLC? Close quarters bf maps are SO unlike the battlefield franchise in so many ways and a lot of the people that wanted it, only play bf3 for the engine... not the game mechanics (they don't like large maps, vehicles, and slower gameplay).
Keep battlefield large maps, more teamwork oriented, medium pace gameplay, and killstreak free while giving the close quarters fanatics MOH imo.
@phatsanta I find that I have to do this too much recently. Where I have to buy future soldier to check out the way the mechanics work in the new game. Where I have to buy conviction to check out if the stealth is still as deep and have the ability to ghost levels. Where I have to buy the new dead space to check if the coop completely breaks the psychological horror and mood of the game.
I'm not going to buy your product anymore if you feel like drastically changing the series. Show me it still plays like the original, and tell me for a fact, in a way that will let me get a refund if you lie to me, that you have the option to not use the lame garbage new mechanics that liken the new games to a generic action game. THEN I will purchase your game on faith.
I'm just done buying games before I know what I'm buying.
I was LOVING this game until I saw "point shooting". That mechanic alone completely destroyed my love for this game in a single second, I got a refund on my preorder an hour later... dunno if this game is goanna be worth it, but I'm hoping it will be, but I'll wait until it's out and people have been able to toy with it a bit.
It's not that I think the mechanic destroys the game as a whole, it's that a shoot em up mechanic in the game might push the game to play more action oriented in many areas. If I'm going to pay for the game up front, I'm going to have to know the devs know what they are doing and I want a hitman game like the old hitman games, not what conviction was to the splinter cell series.
Hortey's comments