@SipahSalar I think you're looking at this the wrong way. Instead of being annoyed that an american holiday is celebrated on an international website, you could wonder why ALL international holidays aren't celebrated on the website. I mean it's not like they shut down the site or anything, just put up a couple of cool vids that only add to your gamespot experience. No need to be so anti american for a gamespot video, there's plenty of reasons for everyone to be mad at us already, might as well pick a better one like the wars, profiteering, imperialism or our economy or something.
@Dudeinator You will sink more money IF you like them all.
Personally I got the game at release so I got B2K free, and close quarters pack was a joke to me. It's COD in frostbite 2.0, with a bunch of gun reskins that aren't even better than the already implemented. I mean, gun game is a COD ripoff mode from BO1, CQ Domination is COD's domination, and they even put in the spaz as part of it... the most popular shotgun from MW2.
Right now I have 3 more dlc packs to look foreward to. IF and I emphasize "IF" I like them all then I will end up spending 5 dollars less for the dlc alone than the premium. And they haven't even told us what endgame or aftermath are going to include. People just blindly throw their money at EA because they believe they won't screw them over. Have you LOOKED at EA's track record for the past year or two? Almost every major franchise has had huge amounts of uproar aside from EA being voted the worst company in America (which is pretty much saying the worst company in the world at this point, sorry fellow Americans)
@DarthLod Gears 3 was just right FOR YOU. There are a lot of people who don't get stressed, upset, or mad at videogame who enjoy difficult games. That's what's so frustrating, the devs see the majority of people completing the game on easy mode and hear lots of people say the game was just fine in terms of difficulty and assume they don't need to make the game hard on it's hardest mode.
This was what I felt with KOA:amalur. Most people who played it did so on the easiest mode, and a lot of people said the difficulty was fine, but I was playing it on the hardest mode 3/4ths of the way through the game... and I could leave my character alone while I left the room knowing that a group of 8 enemies couldn't do enough damage through my armor rating to outdamage my health regen... and I'd get back to them dead from my shields counter damage proc.
I honestly don't know what's more pitiful. That game designers just refuse to even MAKE a high difficulty mode when it would be pretty easy just to toy with a couple numbers and settings, or that people are playing the easiest modes in games and are challenged somehow.
I think the biggest issue is that designers don't hit both sides of the spectrum when making games. It's pretty easy to take a notoriously easy game, and tweak the game mechanics a bit to make it insanely hard.
I don't understand how people are having issues on the easy variants of campaigns (people on the forums asking for help while playing easy/casual difficulty modes) while I'm just walking straight through the hardest mode in the game. And I think that's why multiplayer is such a huge drawing point atm, because it's been a long time since a designer has made a game that was more challenging than multiplayer. I grew up from the age of 11 playing games like UFO series (xcom), OFP series (the guys that now do ARMA), rainbow 6 original, TES Morrowind, and the original ghost recon games. And now decades later, there are almost zero games giving that level of a challenge, not even the new versions of the same franchises. AND I WAS PLAYING ALL OF THOSE ON MY CONSOLES (n64 for R6, ps2 for Xcom, Xbox1 for GR, morrowind, and OFP)
Meh. It's like watching what happens in battlefield when a bunch of people take the same objective in a building.... but as an entire map/gametype. I keep feeling like he's goanna look outside and see a tank rolling through or a helicopter swivel into view but it never comes. This is what happens when you take the BF3 engine and mess with the game design so it plays more like call of duty games.
I think if you want respect for the armed forces and authenticity to be the front running point behind your game, at the very least you should have the "hardcore" type mode be the one you show off first. Where being shot once is a horrible experience, and dying takes you out of the game until at least the next round.
@BloodyHoofz And that makes their argument any less valid? Regenerating hp and respawn mechanics as a baseline don't depict what MOH is saying to everyone that it is. It's just a continued spiral of easy overused mechanics that everyone feels they need in games for them to be played. It also bugs me how the devs are bashing COD (even though I haven't played one since mw2) about how it needs to take a year off when THEY are on the same schedule. 2 COD studios making a game every other year to release in fall while DC and DICE are doing the same thing with battlefield and MOH. Treyarch does up to modern warfare and I guess now the future while the other studio does modern warfare just like how DICE does infantry/vehicle combat and DC does special forces.
EA has adapted COD's business model down to every crossed T and dotted I, then they bash COD for doing it first.
Either way kinda OT. The real issue is MOH calling itself authentic while not being any more authentic than any other arcade shooter on the market atm, hypocrisy seems to be very common with EA controlled dev studios.
Looks a bit like the gameplay from the Xcom remake except everything keeps moving at a normal pace and time slows down when you start to make a decision. Looks pretty cool and I am salivating for that xcom gameplay... but it's PC only. Call me when it releases on XBLA
Imagine if Picasso had listened to critiques saying his art didn't look like real people, and had painted over them. No one would remember his name. That is what companies like bethesda and EA are making the devs do to keep their jobs.
Either videogames are an art form or they are not. They used to be, but atm they are just ways for companies that don't care about them to exploit for money. Whether you wanted a flashlight on your gear or not, the game was the game because of that decision, now it's tainted artwork. A forgery.
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